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Motivation – 22 Tips to Get Motivated

Motivate Yourself with These Tips

The result you get from splashing petroleum on fire is not different from the one you get by motivating people. Human beings work better when they are self-driven with an undying determination to achieve. On some days you may wake up with a lot of energy while on others, you just have no motivation to get out of bed. Motivation is like thirst. You have to quench it every time it runs out. The question of how to motivate yourself is not a new one. Below are some of the methods to get motivated to kick off an effective day.

  1. Get started, motivation will catch up.

The only secret of triggering motivation is starting. Choosing to wait for motivation in order to get started is a serious waste of time. The idea is, once you set off to work, it gets easier and more fun. Without hesitation, motivation will come on board in the form of passion. A great zeal will drive you to work even when you are at your lowest.

  1. Start small.

Procrastination is often a result of fear of huge and daunting tasks. In order to avoid this, it is important to break the task into small achievable portions. It will get simpler and you will motivate yourself to get started and put an end to postponing things to another day. This is an ultimate motivation technique.

  1. Get people involved.

You should consider letting your family and friends into your plans and goals. They will certainly not mind checking up on your progress and giving you words of motivation. This way, you will not succumb to the fear of giving up. Instead, you will do your best just to have a positive answer every time a loved one asks how far you have gotten. They are great resources for extrinsic motivation.

  1. Listen to motivational materials.

Everyone has that motivational song or poem that that strikes their spirits every time they listen to them. They do not disappoint. When you are at your lowest, play these materials. Be keen on motivational speakers as they deliver their life changing motivational speeches. If you have to get up and dance to the rhythm of the motivational music, go for it. The idea is, playing them to excite your soul in order to get you back to your A game.

Read self-improvement books:   Develop the habit of reading at least one self-improvement book a month.

5. Be kind to yourself.

You are missing the point if you think your motivation is always at its peak. You will get stuck more times than you can picture. Beating yourself up, however, is not the best strategy to get you back on the track. Be patient with yourself, accept the situation then slowly rise up and dust off. 

6 .Do not compare yourself to others.

The only person you should place on the comparison scale is yourself. Look at how far you have come. That is the only way to fuel your efforts towards a greater achievement. Comparing yourself to others only makes you lack motivation because however much you try, someone is always one step ahead.

  1. Embrace friendly competition.

A friendly competition is another miraculous motivational factor. It is not about shedding blood over a piece of cake but rather, a little competition with a small award to attain both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The goal is to liven things up so that you do them to the very end.

  1. Remind yourself why you started.

People at their lowest often tend to lose sight of their vision. They, therefore, lose the enthusiasm that they began with. It is important to remember what you hope to achieve by starting. Note down the top 3 reasons why you need to get going and read them to yourself anytime you feel down. Whether it is at school, at work or seeking a diet motivation to lose weight, ensure that the vision for your mission never fades.

  1. Remember what you are moving away from.

Many people will want to avoid going back to the exile they trying to get themselves out of. Remembering the negative conditions of the situation you are in, will act as a motivation booster. This has always worked out well as a driving force to get work started.

Having a roof over your head, something to put in your mouth and clean water is small possession that people overlook. Be grateful for the things that you have. At your lowest, you will tend to focus on all the negative aspects of your life and forget all the positive ones. Putting your attention on all the things you still have and who you are is a great source of intrinsic motivation.

  1. Clean up your living space.

An untidy place will disorient your head as well. Spare some time to clean up everything around you. It will help you to think clearly, focus and be prepared to tackle your next task with ease.

  1. Take breaks.

Working nonstop for long hours does a good job at drying your motivation up. It is crucial that you take breaks in between your job. For instance, you could take up to 15 minutes break in every hour. A lot can happen in 15 minutes that will drive you to the peak of your energy. Grab a bite, go out for fresh air, read motivational words, take a quick look at motivational pictures or even do some stretching. These strategies will keep you focused and motivated for long.

   You could spare 20 to 30 minutes of your time, working out to regain your motivation. Be fond of exercise motivation tips that will empower you to work out. Exercising releases a lot of tension from your body and with it, goes stress too. When you are relaxed, you will automatically be motivated. It gives you more energy and will power to complete your tasks.

  1. Make good use of achievement motivation.

Look back to get a view of how far you have come and you will be motivated to grow to greater heights. However small your progress might appear, trust me, it will make you proud of yourself because you are not where you were at the start. This is a motivational tool that has worked in favor of many.

  1. Research before starting.

Doing a little digging in to get the information you might need in your struggle for success will act as a motivational tool. Get in touch with successful people and listen to their motivational stories. Read motivational quotes and books in order to know what it takes to unstuck yourself. This gives you a drawing board that you could run to, anytime time your willpower is running low.

  1. Get out of your comfort zone.

The comfort zone is an imaginary world that many people are stuck in as they watch their lives wasting away and they choose not to lift a finger. No motivation lies here, unfortunately. You need the motivation to face your fears and part ways with your state of denial. Stepping out your comfort zone might feel scary but it is the only rescue strategy for you. Motivation will develop and make it even easier to embrace your new life.

  1. Optimism

Letting negativity go, can proof to be tough. However, that is simply what you ought to do for motivation since negativity is a zeal killer. Remaining positive gives you the hope of a better tomorrow. With this is mind, nothing will stand between you and the better days. This is an ultimate motivational tool.

  1. Fewer TV hours.

More TV means keeping up with top notch celebrities with tons of achievement to show the world. This will only make you compare yourself with them. Watch less of what they are doing and redirect the time to focusing on what you should be doing. It goes all the way to filling your head with motivational thoughts.

  1. Do the things that make you happy.

If you have to get your friends to tickle you in order to jumpstart your happiness, then do it. Things that make you happy will also motivate you. Engage in these activities as often as you can. Let the people around you see the definition of motivation when they look at you.

  1. Motivational quotes.

These are motivational saying that always have their way of jogging your spirit. Take time to read through all the famous motivational quotes. That one motivational poster or quote that gives you sparks should be pinned on your mirror and read every morning. Motivational theories also have a lot to offer that can help you bring out a motivated definition of yourself.

  1. Enjoy yourself.

Life is much fancier when you take chances and have fun. When you are having the time of your life with everything you put your hands on, you will be motivated to work even harder. In addition, you become more productive, charismatic and optimistic. This has its way of achieving team motivation when you infect your colleagues with your hyper spirit.

  1. Prayer

Religious people with a strong faith seek their motivation from their God. If you are a believer in this, get down on your knees and kick it off. Say it in the way that works for you.

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