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The 25 Tips for Self-Improvement

Self Improvement Tips

At some point or the other, we all need to recognize and understand ourselves, to identify what is good for us, and how to improve our everyday situation. Our mental and physical health depends on how we deal with regular surroundings and circumstances, and every moment we spend and live it is vital to strive for the best and nourish ourselves in every possible way to become a better person. To get the most out of our life it is important that we engage ourselves in self-improvement programs and techniques. Tips for Self-improvement will not only help us better our present days but will guide us towards a happier and more content life ahead. Nevertheless, the journey of self-improvement is long and not an easy one but rather requires a deep understanding of oneself. Our life is always changing and we are all growing and moving forward in search of a newer brighter future. Yet we have so much to learn and so much to explore and self-improvement is only the beginning of the stairs of lifelong happiness.

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  1. Make each day count: Every single day is precious and every morning is a new beginning. We need to make every day count and never forget that morning is a blessing to start a new day with new thoughts and fresh ideas to be better than the previous day. Make each day count and it to the fullest.
  2. Take it slow: We can never climb a tree on the first go. It takes time and practice to reach the top. Take things one at a time and give time to learn and understand new stuff. We all need to settle down and get used to new things and ideas. Over time we will be an expert on the task and complete it with ease, but till then take it slow and don’t be harsh on yourself.
  3. Follow a routine life: In this case, I can assure you, following a routine life is the best that we can do to improve ourselves. We may start by practicing waking up early in the morning and also doing some exercise to increase our body metabolism. We should eat healthy and engage ourselves in any sort of workout activities like visiting a gym or joining yoga classes to keep us fit and healthy. Once our body starts to maintain a routine our mind will automatically follow and get refreshed through this new lifestyle giving us an overall positive attitude.
  4. Make a to-do list: When our life is under a routine or a schedule it is far easier to deal with everyday tasks and to complete them at a faster pace without any hassle or mistakes. We can make a planner and arrange our everyday work on it at the start of every week so that we know what we have to accomplish all through the weekdays. In this way, we will not only work in an organized way but also keep us from last-moment hypertension of completing the work.
  5. Avoid negativity: Trust me for our self-improvement we need to avoid any negative people or things that radiate negativity around us. Not only do they give us the wrong vibes but they somehow manage to mentally depress us and get in our heads. We should try not to be around jealous or selfish people or stay away from doing dishonest work and cheating people in any sort. Avoiding such people and situations will only benefit us in the long run.
  6. Ask yourself motivating questions: Every morning make it a habit of asking yourself at least three motivating questions that will give you a positive start for the day. You can ask yourself about what you are most satisfied with or what you have achieved so far in life. These questions and answers will give you the early mental boost to survive the rest of the day.
  7. Do not compare yourself: Never in your whole life should you compare yourself with someone else. Your situation might be different from that other person and comparison will only depress you more. Instead look how you can achieve similar goals as that person in your own ways successfully.
  8. Find your happiness: Happiness is where our heart lies and our happiness is all that matters. Once we know that we can make ourselves happy and we should do exactly the same thing that will make us satisfied, the key to a better life will be at our hands. Being happy is the beginning of self-improvement.
  9. Remember your successes: Always remind yourself what you have achieved in life so far and how difficult it was for you to achieve that. Reminisce the praises that you have received or the appreciations that you enjoyed. They will act as the motivation to flourish for the better.
  10. Never fear failure: Failure is a part of our life once in a while and we cannot avoid it at our early age. It is best to accept them and move on by learning from the mistakes. Never be afraid of failures as they will teach us what we have done wrong and what is the right thing to do to be successful.
  11. Overcome own fears:Fear is inevitable. We all have our fears, be it a fear of heights or closed spaces or for issues like failing in an important task or being unable to complete an significant work. Fear is an everyday part of us and in most cases it tends to confine us in doing things that we are only sure of and hence, restricting our capabilities. We need to overcome those fears and recognize them at the root to deal with them at their best. This will in return give us the confidence to explore and do new things without the conscious thought of failing in life.
  12. Let go of the past:In one short phrase “Let it go!” and forget the past. We all have had our fair share of mistakes and troubles and must have learnt our lessons. There is no point in holding back to it but rather to let go of the past and move forward for a better future. Past may hold us back but it will only keep us from living a present and planning a future. So leave the past, accept the reality and move on to the future to have a better time ahead.
  13. Have fun:Once in a while go crazy and have fun, because we all deserve a break from our formal life and we all are entitled to have an amazing fun filled moment. Enjoy a friend’s hangout, join a party, dance to the beats or challenge in a game of poker, just find a time to let yourself have some light hearted cheerful time.
  14. Read a book: Book reading can be the beginning of a healthy habit. Books are a rich source of knowledge and they empower our mind and soul. Not only they provide us with wisdoms and morals but they guide us to a more knowledgeable and intelligent pathway that we all need to embrace in the long run. Books are often said to be our best friends since they will always entertain us and keep us occupied with good thoughts and memories. It is best if we could read one book per week, and preferably the tangible printed ones and not the digital versions.
  15. Travel and travel: Travelling enriches one’s mind and soul and gives us new experiences to make them into beautiful memories. Travel as much as possible and explore new culture and traditions as they will open new horizons to our lives. Travelling will broaden our minds and liberate our souks to have wild imaginations and visualize a brighter life ahead.
  16. Learn a new language: A new language opens the door to a new culture and tradition. Learning a new language and dialect means more brain work and that eventually leads to a faster working brain and increased memory. Other than our mother tongue we all should have at least one other language in which we can fluently converse, read and write. For most of us it is English, a universal language understood by everyone. I am a native Bengali and have recently decided to take up German language courses that will help me pursure my dreams of completing a Masters degree in my respective field. Trying to learn this new language has opened up new horizons for me, teaching me about the authentic German cuisines, or about exotic places I should travel in that country once I am there.
  17. Take up a new hobby: Hobbies are an interesting way of putting our head and ideas in a positive and creative use. We all have different interests, some of us like to cook and explore with new taste buds and ingredients, some of us might want to do gardening and grow rare species of flowers and vegetables and some of us just might enjoy reading a good book in our own solitary time. It is always advised to dedicate some part of our everyday time in nourishing our existing hobbies and take up new ones so that our brain keeps on generating new ideas and gain knowledge. We can start playing a new sport such as badminton or chess or go for wine tasting or enjoy long workout sessions in the gym, it all depends on our mood and situation.
  18. Get some me-time: Nothing works better than giving yourself a me-time in which the time is only dedicated for yourself and by yourself. Take long solitary walks on the beach or on parks, think about your days, enjoy a coffee with your favorite TV show or just sit and stare at the sky. These are important to release all the negative thoughts from our head and relax our mind. From my personal experience, quality me-time is essential for everyone once in a while.
  19. Gear up your skills: We all have a talent, a skill at which we have the chance of excelling and proving our potentials. It can be singing or painting or even it can be something as cooking or writing. All we have to do is polish pour skills and make them better so that we can prove ourselves better in that area. When talents are nurtured and practiced at a regular routine we are bound to improve ourselves in that sector and have a change in our life in a better way.
  20. Start your own business venture: Putting our focus on something as important as starting a new business venture will prove to be life changing and amazing too. This will help us get encouraged to make the business better and to make it established for which we will put on hard work and in return will thrive to be the best in it. We can start an online boutique shop or start our own catering service if we are good at designing clothes or cooking for many people. This will completely depend on the field we are expert in and in which we are most interested.
  21. Reduce social networking time: As much as our modern life is concentrated on social networking sites, taking pictures and posting them online, commenting and sharing different videos or writings, however, researchers say that cutting down time on social networks will help in restoring our brain activities in a positive way. Instead we should interact with people upfront and enjoy the time together rather than living the virtual life of social medias.
  22. Befriend top people in respective fields: Find and befriend people who are top in their fields. We should know how they started to reach their goal, the struggles they had to pass, the problems they encountered and how they dealt with it in order to know about their life. This will inspire us and make us thrive more for becoming a better person in our own way and sector.
  23. Be kind to people: Irrespective of gender, age or social class, we should be generous to anyone and everyone. Kindness is a quality that we can develop and practice every moment, starting from loving a street dog and feeding him to helping an old man cross the roads. Kindness induces compassion love and patience in a human being and these qualities will only make us better in every moment.
  24. Take a break: There are times when we lose all our patience and become tired of our surroundings. In those times, just take a break and go away for a few days. We can take a small holiday or just go for a long weekend drive away. Working too hard and living the same life every day will definitely bring a monotone in life and the only way to refresh our mind and body is to leave everything and go away for a while to relax.
  25. Write a letter to your future self: As much as it sounds crazy to all of us in the beginning, trust me, people, it is the most amazing idea that I have tried over the years which kept me motivated all through the time. We can write a letter for a date that is one year from now. We do not know where we may stand at that point but I am sure we all have hopes and aspirations about how we want to see ourselves in a year. Whether we will be doing the same job or starting our own business venture, we might get married or stay single, we can write them all down in the letter and keep it away just to be opened in a year. This anticipation will keep us going for that whole year.

Read Also: 13 Self-improvement Youtube Channels You Must Visit

As much as I have given so many different techniques to improve ourselves, self-improvement is only possible when we have decided to do it. Nobody else can help us out into this matter but we ourselves can motivate and engage in becoming better as a human being. We need to understand that self-improvement is a long process and we can walk in that way for quite some time to reach the final destination. However, once the mind is made to become an improved person there is no stopping and I am sure with the help of these techniques we will all move forward for becoming a better person.

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