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25 Tips to Beat Anxiety While Speaking

25 Tips to Beat Anxiety While Speaking

Anxiety an introduction:

Are you anxious about everything? Is there anything that scares you? I have diagnosed your problem. Bad news, you have anxiety. The good news is that you can overcome anxiety by treating it naturally at home. Anxiety basically involves an overreaction to any problem. Let’s suppose that you have a presentation in half an hour’s time. You will feel fear and nervousness and knots in your stomach. You may come to believe that you should not be doing whatever task is causing the anxiety. Yes, that is precisely the definition of anxiety. Now the question arises: how can one overcome it? Overcoming social anxiety is relatively simple, but first, a person must understand what causes it.

Anxiety causes:

There are several causes of Anxiety. The most common causes of anxiety are fear, rage, torture, loss of property, death of loved ones, end of relationship, detention, beating, harassment, and discrimination. Anxiety might be caused by the medical and mental conditions of a person. Panic disorder is what causes anxiety most frequently. One might feel dizziness or experience palpitations during this disorder. Shortness of breath is another very common cause of panic disorder. It is a fact that many people can suffer from anxiety at some stage of life. Anxiety might be destroying one’s personal as well as professional life.

How to overcome anxiety:

If you are a business person, it is very likely that you have to speak in public. Besides developing speaking skills one should be able to overcome anxiety to speak in public or ask for a promotion. Acing your profession is impossible without deliberate speaking skills. Many people among us fear to speak in public. But overcoming anxiety is not a problem anymore. There are many natural anxiety remedies that will not only help you to get rid of anxiety but will also play their role in overcoming social anxiety.

1. Recognize your signs of anxiety:

Different people are known to possess different signs of anxiety. Some people might feel their heart rate increasing flushing of their face or even confusion. Some people, when anxious talk so much, and none of their speech is understandable. So it is only possible for you to recognize your symptoms of anxiety because no other person is going through the same circumstances as yours. Once you recognize the specific signs which occur to you only when you are anxious then you are able to treat yourself.

2. Put yourself in order:

The best way to initiate an action against it is by getting organized. You have to organize your thoughts so that you become more relaxed. Speaking anxiety of a person is greatly reduced if he/ she is organized. This is because, when a person is well organized, he can easily focus on one thing.

3. Organize your breath:

It has been a common dilemma that most people when anxious show indifferent breathing patterns. Taking deep and calm breaths might help in relaxing an anxious person. Deep breathing will not only calm the body but will also help in the burning of adrenaline. Yes, it is the same adrenaline whose secretion results in anxiety and panic.

4. Emotions:

If you really want to remain calm and get rid of anxiety you need to keep your emotions aside. Overcoming anxiety is not a problem once a person is efficient enough to think with the brain rather than emotions. Anxiety is caused when a person reacts emotionally and abruptly.

5. Preparation:

Prepare yourself for upcoming situations. When a person practices a lot and prepares himself, nothing in the world can reduce his confidence. One can prepare himself by writing out the script and above all the key points. But one should never read word for word from the script to boost his confidence. Speech should always be well prepared so that a person can answer all the possible questions easily.

6. Set fear aside:

Many people are anxious because they have a fear of people. They keep on thinking about whether their audience may like their speech or not. You should keep all your fears aside. You should always remember that audience will never reject you because they are here to listen to you.

7. Patterns:

One thing you should keep in mind to overcome anxiety is that whenever you speak try to keep yourself in a rhythm or a flow. You should speak in short sentences and remain to the point. You should also try to repeat all the key points. Once you start your speech you should pause for a short time during it so that people might get anticipate by what you are going to say next.

8. Remember time passes:

You have an upcoming presentation and you fear it. There is one thing that will boost your confidence. This thing is your brain. As you are sitting anxious and watching the ticking of the clock, remember that the time will pass soon. Soon there will be the time for presentation and like this time, that time will also pass soon. Imagine that after some time you will be sitting like this and thinking about how well the presentation went. This will soothe you and will help you overcome anxiousness.

9. Talk in the mirror:

While you are preparing your speech, practice it in front of the mirror. Imagine as if you are talking directly to someone. This boosts your confidence and will help you overcome anxiety.

10. Take action:

Instead of procrastinating after making the decisions, you must take action. Actions speak for themselves and they help a person overcome anxiety. Do not worry about the consequences of your actions.

11. Recording:

The best way to find out how confident is your voice is by recording it. When you practice the speech at home, record it and then listen to it. You can easily know how confident you seem with your voice.

12. Grab a friend and practice:

Grab a friend and practice with him or her. Do your speech in front of him and ask for his suggestions to improve it. Ask the person to give critical appreciation. What thing should you remove from the presentation and what more to add?

13. Think positive:

Think positive before any event. Imagine that this feeling will pass soon and you can get through this easily. Keep calm and try to slow your heartbeat.

14. Relax your muscles:

While in stress conditions, muscles tighten. You can easily achieve a relaxed state by keeping calm.

15. Diet for Anxiety:

Foods are associated with anxiety and fear. Alcohol and caffeine are the foods that result in an increase in anxious behavior. Try avoiding these foods so that panic attacks and anxiety disorders are not triggered.

16. Speaking classes:

You can grab a mentor and take speaking classes with him. You can join any group where you can learn the art of speaking. There are several groups that provide speech therapy and speaking classes.

17. Exercise:

Exercise is also a good source to get going. It can be overcome by exercising because it enhances blood circulation and provides oxygen to the brain. You can do simple exercises like taking a walk before the speech.

18. Make presentation:

Another simple way to overcome it is by making a PowerPoint presentation. Powerpoint can be your best friend in conditions like these. It not only keeps the audience engaged and the audience can make notes of it easily.

19. Drink water:

Keep yourself hydrated to overcome anxiety. It will also help to lubricate your throat. You should not drink juices or sugary beverages before any such presentation.

20. Increase your vocabulary:

Keep a dictionary or read a fiction book to increase your vocabulary. Once you have command on the language which you are speaking, you are automatically more confident than before. You must know a lot of synonyms and antonyms for the words you speak.

21. Shift from negative energy to positive energy:

You can change your negative and nervous energy into positive energy. It is known that adrenaline is released in response to anxiety. You can use this adrenaline to do well in the presentation.

22. Meditation:

Meditation is a way to keep negative thoughts away from you. Try meditating for five minutes a day. Public speaking anxiety is greatly reduced by meditation.

23. Recognize your success:

Remember that you are your strongest critic. While delivering your presentation, only you know about your positive and negative points. You know that you have overcome your fear and have done it hence feel proud of yourself.

24. Make a plan:

One of the best things to overcome anxiety is making a plan. You can be perfect with practice. You can make a video of your speech and watch it so that you can learn to improve yourself. Try making notes and writing everything down to overcome your anxiety.

25. Write down your feelings:

A person might have different feelings when he or she is anxious. One must write down his condition and those anxiety feelings. In this way, you can understand your thoughts. When you are out of it, you can read what you have written and improve your condition.

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