Self Confidence vs Self Esteem

Self Confidence vs Self Esteem

How you identify and feel about yourself determines your levels of self-worth and self-confidence. Both attributes are used interchangeably, but they are different. You will find out how Self Confidence vs Self Esteem holds up.

While the first one is about self-evaluation, the latter is about the faith you have to accomplish particular tasks.

What is the major difference between self esteem vs self confidence?

While self-esteem encompasses a measure of how you evaluate yourself on who you are, self-confidence is about how much faith you have to succeed in life.

What is Self Esteem?

This is the light in which we perceive ourselves in our interactions with others in the world. It is deeply rooted in how we live and develops based on how we overcome hurdles. It can be healthy or negative. 

The ability to have a good attitude towards yourself in any given situation because you appreciate yourself. A bad attitude towards yourself lowers your self-worth.

 In academic situations, teachers can note that children who are self-assured are confident while children with low self-appreciation are not so confident.

Chess pawn in front of the reflection of the chess queen in the mirror. Self esteem concept.
Self Esteem

These may end up with a learning difficulty in and become a dyslexic student.

Such learners may fail to actively take part in classroom and school activities because they are not confident in their literacy capabilities. As such, they must be taught in a unique learning style.

What is Self Confidence ?

It is a measure of how much faith we have in our abilities. This is exhibited in both our professional and social lives.

A person who is self-confident is not afraid to face challenges and be accountable for their actions. They are positive and always understand their roles.

Despite the above differences, these two traits are interconnected. We confuse the two terms. To find out the difference between the two terms, read on!

Self confidence

What is the Difference Self Confidence vs Self Esteem?

Self Worth is about how you measure your worth, while self-confidence is the faith you have in yourself to accomplish a goal

Self-confidence is fueled by self-appreciation. When you have healthy self-worth, you have a positive attitude towards the things you want to achieve.

With positive Self Worth, you pursue your dreams, while with self-confidence, you believe that you will achieve those dreams.

Self-assurance is generated internally before being validated, while self-confidence encompasses external and internal validation

We decide to give ourselves self-validation. Healthy self-assurance is a way of telling yourself: “I believe I deserve good things, and I can build the life I want for myself”.

Ideally, you can choose to have healthy self-validation even if everything is not great, or you have not achieved any goals.

For you to do anything good in life, self-belief is a condition that must be met. With healthy self-assurance, you treat yourself with respect, honor, love, and care. That is how you are able to set boundaries and abide by them.

Self Esteem is Expressed Through Self Confidence

Self confidence in person

You can be good at carrying out a particular job but still have negative self-worth.

Healthy self-worth is nourished through meditation, spending tending to nature, exercising, and expressing gratitude.

Some of the traits exhibited by people with low self-belief include bullying, arrogance, and blaming others.

One does not need external permission to respect and honor themselves. When you honor yourself, you award yourself the gift of high self-appreciation

When you have low self-assurance, you fail to see your value. As such, you enable bad behavior in people and make poor choices in life because you do not believe that you deserve anything good in life.

One must not have the self-confidence to pursue any dream. However, self-worth is essential for people to pursue their goals.

You cannot be confident in something that you have never done. Having high self-appreciation is not a guarantee that you will be self-confident.

We are not born with self-confidence. It will develop as you grow and that aids in building confidence. Self-confidence comes from growth and development.

Self-confidence emanates from a sense of knowing and believing that you have what it takes to do something. You only become self-confident after overcoming moments of failure, pain, and torment in your life.

Going through life’s experiences teaches you how to handle similar circumstances in the future. By trying, failing, and trying again, you learn your strengths and weaknesses.

In the definition of Self Confidence vs Self Esteem

While self-worth refers to an overall evaluation of yourself, self-confidence is based on your faith to succeed in certain abilities.

In terms of assessing people

Self-validation is all about assessing oneself while believing in yourself helps to build confidence.

Matters Ideology

Your self-validation is related to the ideologies you have about yourself. On the other hand, self-confidence is about having enough faith to face the challenges of life.

Carrying out duties at specific times

Whereas self-confidence evaluates your ability to perform certain duties, self-validation is not dependent on duties accomplished.

Self-worth is the extent to which one deems themselves good enough to fulfill their needs. Self-confidence deals more with how one perceives their ability to complete a job successfully.

According to Korman’s theory, we come up with behaviors and attitudes that work towards maintaining self-esteem.

While self-esteem focuses on the general outlook you have in your life, self-confidence is hinged on your particular abilities in life.

Simply put, you can be confident about one duty, and fail to be confident in another field. But with high self-appreciation, you are confident that you can try both tasks.

Self-confidence is the trust in oneself to take care of themselves. It is possible to have confidence in some areas but not in other areas.

 Self-confidence depends on factors like self-esteem, accomplishments, and skillsets.

Self-esteem is all about how contented you feel as a person while self-confidence is focused on actions

This implies that you are okay with yourself even if there are aspects of your life that you are not so confident in. when you have peace that comes from being loved, fulfilled, and accepted.

One acts with self-confidence and not self-validation. The confidence to believe in your potential, and leave your comfort zone is what self-confidence is all about.

Self-esteem can be transformed into self-confidence, through action.

Portrait of attractive young european businesswoman with drawn muscly arms. Confidence and power concept

Valuing yourself is not enough, be brave enough to go after what you want in life. Build your self-worth and shape it into confidence through action.

More On Self Confidence vs Self Esteem

Both self-appreciation and self-confidence are required to be successful, but confidence is used more in pursuit of our goals.

Self-confidence is more about being sure of your capabilities while self-esteem is about rating one’s actions based on moral standards

A person with good self-validation will be steadfast in their decisions even when faced with criticism. Having low self-esteem translates into indecisiveness.

You change your mind depending on how others perceive you. As a result, you doubt yourself a lot.

While self-confidence is temporary, self-esteem is long-term based on one’s past and ideologies

If you have gone through depression, abuse, or bullying, it is important to heal your trauma so as to replace negative thoughts which cause self-sabotage.

In healing, you gain self-esteem and become sure of your beliefs.

While Self-confidence is about having faith in yourself self-esteem is about avoiding comparisons.

Self-confidence is believing that you have what it takes to achieve anything you want.

Self-esteem is doing things that you believe in without worrying about others. It provides the recipe for winning while self-confidence ensures that we are okay even when we do not win. Both are essential to succeed. Without esteem, we cannot try out anything, and neither can we learn how to navigate challenges.

Improving Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Get into the habit of Self-acceptance

Accept who you are regardless of your circumstances

When you accept yourself :

  • You will not be so harsh on yourself,
  • Learn to endeavor to find solutions
  • You learn to criticize your behavior and not yourself

Know Who You are in Difficulties

What do you do to improve or decrease your esteem and confidence?

Find out your strengths, and your wins and how they can be developed.

3D illustration of a magnifying glass over a paper background with focus on the word me

List all your achievements no matter their size.

Figure out why these achievements mean a lot to you. Reflect on what changes you would like to make, and how to achieve them.

Reprogram How You Think

Take note of how you speak to yourself. How are your literacy skills? Focus your energies on the good aspects of your life, and shun negativity.

Practice speaking to yourself in an encouraging way

Reprogramming how you think

Start to fill your mind with thoughts about How to assert Yourself

Be assertive with your needs. Do not be afraid to ask for what your heart requires.

Always be ready to say no, if you do not want something.

Recognize Challenges and Make Changes in your life

What things can you improve in your life? Do you need to reduce your caffeine consumption because it has affected your melatonin levels? How is your sleep pattern?

change written as  clouds

Check on what occupies your mind before bed.

Assess your personal career goals, are you satisfied?

What about relationships? Are you fulfilled? How do you spend your free hours? What occupies your time before bed? Should you reduce the hours of screen time? As for education, how can you improve your reading and writing for better performance?

Train Your Brain into Thinking About How to Reward Yourself

Take note of all the areas you need to improve, including your literacy skills, note down your achievements and celebrate them.

Surround Yourself with Influences That Uplift Your Life

Are there people who like you for who you are? Then focus to be with them. Shun critical persons. However, be careful so as not to withdraw from society. 

You will be able to assess how much you have develop

Take note of all the areas you need to improve. If you are experiencing challenges, train your brain into thinking about how to improve on them.

Get into the habit of writing down your achievements and celebrate them.

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Inform your family and friends of how you feel about the changes in your life. This includes your parents and friends whose feedback will encourage will push you further.

You may also be a source of inspiration to others who feel like they are struggling.

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