The Astonishing Effects of Om Chanting: Unveiling the Power

The Astonishing Effects of Om Chanting Unveiling the Power

Om, is the sound on which the whole universe was created. It gave the initial spark that led to a series of events, which created our universe, created the earth and the moon, the rivers and trees and created us. It is a sound that originates from God, and some even believe that it is God.

So, Om is something with a lot of baggage, albeit it is positive baggage. As you chant Om, all the positive influences, the Divine source and its spiritual forces have an effect on you. Om chanting side effects is a common theme among meditators, as they explore ways Om is affecting their health and moods. In this article, we will take you along the journey of chanting Om, we will start with the basics of Om meditation and figure out potential of Om or Aum chanting.

What Is Om Chanting?


Om chanting in simple words is the use of Om as a mantra during yoga sessions. The rhythm of Om chanting during a yoga session is to help you achieve relaxation. You relax the muscles, relax your core, rid your brain regions of all excessive thoughts and Om fills the whole space. Deactivation of thoughts helps you attain an inner peace that has the potential on both physical and mental health. Aum chanting, therefore outlines a way for you to attain nirvana.

The Ancient Tradition of Om Mantra

If you were to ask a yoga practitioner, with good meditation experience, they will tell you that Om is old as the universe. The Om mantra is said to be the sound created by the universe upon its creation. And since then, the heartbeat of the universe is Om

However, in practice, Om chanting can be traced back to 2000 BC in ancient Hindu scriptures. It is a Sanskrit word, which appeared first in the Vedas scripture. Afterwards, we also see mention of Om in Yogasutra, which is a detailed book on yoga. The condition of chanting the Om mantra, ensuring vagus nerve stimulation and reaching a state of relaxation are all mentioned in this book

The Significance of Om: A Cosmic Sound

As I have mentioned, Om is the first sound created by the universe. Like we breathe in a rhythmic manner, the rhythm which the universe follows is Om. For yogis and meditative experts, this is why Om chanting is a highly sacred and spiritual practice, which cannot be taken lightly. Chanting “Om” is believed to have significant effects on wellness, spiritual health and also physical health. So, you have to respect it and send acknowledgment to the universe for healing you.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Om Chanting

Image Credit To: Yogi Approved

We use the word life changing here because of the specific effects Om chanting would have on overall well-being. From blood pressure and heart rate to finding your inner peace, Om chanting side effects can change your life.

You Can Read This Also: 10 Powerful Mantras in the Universe That Unleash Power Within

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

a woman do a meditation for reduce stress and anxiety

The way Om chanting works to reduce anxiety is deeply physiological. Our nervous system and neuro hemodynamics correlates to brain activation, which means that certain stimuli can activate the whole nervous system, including inner parts of the brain, like Amygdala, Cortex, Limbic and even the Parahippocampal gyrus.

All of this may sound complicated, but what it means is that as you chant any mantra, especially the Om mantra in meditation practice, you are sending stimuli to certain parts of your body. The most significant of these parts is the auricular branch of the Vagus nerve and the thalamus. Responses from activation of these parts release the happy hormones that you overcome images

Enhanced Mindfulness and Focus

in this picture a lady do a meditation and the seven chakras rotating around

The processing of negative stimuli helps reduce anxiety and stress, but the space created from the expulsion of negative stimuli increases focus and mindfulness. You are free from negative thoughts and you are free from anxieties, now your brain is empty. This lack of intrusion is what creates mindfulness. In transcendental meditation, meditation experts and teachers will therefore tell you to rid your mind of excess thoughts.

Improved Heart Rate Variability and Cardiovascular Health

A image of showing imiginary heart with a heart beat vibration

Om chanting side effects has been a well-researched topic and one study showed that their participants improved in managing emotions and stimuli and altering early visual and late neural processing. This means that you are not affected by external stimuli as much. Heart rate variability declines, spike in blood pressure and stress induced hypertension all decline. As a result, your cardiovascular health improves.

Om Chanting and Brain Activity

Brain activity by Om is changed every time you chant this mantra. The neurophysiological effects that originate from the brain and then positively affect your body. The changes to brain activity from Om chanting are given as follows:

Neurohemodynamic Correlates: How Om Chanting Affects Brain Function

The brain and cardiovascular system are inter-related. Effects on the brain from Om chanting has benefits of chanting on the heart, arterial system and cardiac output. It is also associated with the experience of relaxation, so your heart health improves every time you feel relaxed after a yoga session with Om chanting.

The Power Of 108 Repetitions: Unlocking Deeper States of Consciousness

In ancient Hindu tradition, 108 holds significance. It is believed that 108 is the number of existence, a whole that connects the universe. There are 108 sacred texts, types of meditations, types of mantras to use in meditations and much more. So, naturally Om chanting side effects are also considered to be most effective when it is repeated 108 times.

Electrophysiological Studies: Measuring the Impact of Om Chanting

In such studies, the electrical systems within our body that makes the heart beat in a rhythmic manner is researched. As per one study, Om chanting has effects on electrical signals that shot through the heart. A study found that Om chanting can stop a fast beating heart, as it helps to manage a negative stimuli. In simple words it means that if an event, an interaction or any other thing has been stressful and you begin to palpitate, then Om chanting will help calm you down.

Processing Negative Stimuli: Om Chanting As a Coping Mechanism

Om chanting has been researched and found to have positive effects on brain and heart. Under normal conditions, if a person receives bad news, they become stressed, anxious and depressed. But, under control condition of Om chanting, benefits of chanting have been noticed to help that person manage negative stimuli in the form of a bad news. This person does not become stressed, anxious or depressed, instead they regulate emotions and focus the mind to respond in a constructive manner.

Overcoming Emotional Turmoil

In neural processing of a stimuli, the orbitofrontal cortex is responsible for reward or punishment feelings. This part of your brain basically determines positive and negative responses of a stimuli. If you are happy on receiving positive review from your boss or sad because your children didn’t like the food you cooked, these emotions come from the orbitofrontal cortex.

With Om chanting, these responses can be measured and managed, especially if they are negative. If you are somebody who gets emotionally explosive, you cry, whine and make a fuss. Then Om chanting can help you regulate, manage and chanting condition can make you better at processing emotions.

Cultivating Positivity and Inner Peace

In an interview with an experienced yoga instructor, they shared that Om chanting not only has individual benefits, but positively impacts the community as well. The effects of Om chanting at community levels are in fostering a happy healthy environment, with positive ethics and increased mental peace. If you become happy with yourself, then you are a better citizen of the world.

The Science Behind Om Chanting

Om resonates through each atom that is part of the universe. This sound came directly from the creator of the universe i.e. God. This is why religious as well as yogic texts put a high significance on this sound. Om is considered to have an innate sacred and spiritual energies that align with it. It resonates with yogis through numerous meditation states and aligns mind and spirit to the ultimate truth of the universe.

Read Also: Om Chanting: The Secret Mantra with Scientifically Proven Benefits 

Statistical Analysis: Quantifying the Effects

  • In one research, the sound Om was calculated at 7.8 hertz, which is lower than the 20 hertz lower limit of humans. This is a high pitch sound that can only be heard at a higher consciousness among experienced yogis and spiritual teachers.
  • In a study conducted in 2016, women were test subjects and they were asked to continue Om chanting for 6 months. After 6 months, most of the participants showed a decline in depression, anxiety and stress. The study however found positive effects to be mostly in elderly women with hypertension only.
  • A research by NIH found Om chanting to cause limbic deactivation. This is a resting brain state, when minimal activity occurs and you are truly relaxed. Om chanting even in stressful situations can help you relax.
  • A pilot study on early and late stage of Alzheimer’s researched the effects of Om chanting. The study found that in patients with late stage Alzheimer’s, no difference was found, neither activation nor deactivation. However, in early stage Alzheimer’s patients, Om chanting reduced stress.

Testimonials and Case Studies: Real-Life Experiences

To highlight the significance of Om chanting, we thought we would gather first hand testimonials from persons who do Om chanting every day

  • Jane: It has transformed my life. So like yeah, when I sit down and chant Om, there is nothing in this world that enters my brain. I cut myself off and in a way charge myself up to go back into the world.
  • Blake: I was not sure at first because mantra yoga is not something I thought would work for me, but when I started doing loud chanting of Om, it has quieted my brain. I do not get anxious thoughts, my emotional responses have dies down and I feel better.

Getting Started With Om Chanting

If you are new to Om chanting, then here are a few tips and tricks to follow

Proper Technique and Posture

Posture is everything. You cannot be slumped or in an uncomfortable position when doing yoga. Be upright, with a straight back and your backbone aligned at a right angle to your hips. Your shoulders must be straight and even, and your legs rolled comfortably, with your hands in your lap.

Also make sure you are prepared to chant Om the correct number of times. For beginners, we recommend listening to Om chanting on an audio file. It will have the correct number of chants.

Creating a Conducive Environment

Your surrounding environment matters a lot when you are doing yoga. Your space should be a safe space, no external sounds, intrusions or disturbances must be present.  It does not matter how big or small the space is, but it should have a calm energy

Consistency: The Key to Unlocking the Full Potential

As a beginner, you have to remember that consistency is key. You begin Om chanting with great passion, but as time passes on you forget to do it once or twice and then you stop doing it completely. So, include Om chanting in your daily routine, and it will become a habit. You can experience positive effects on mental and physical health, only when you are consistent in it.

Conclusion and Further Reading

As a reminder, Om chanting is a transformative action. It can change your mindset towards important life events, how you manage emotions and your response to an external stimuli. It has lasting and impactful positive effects. The only thing of concern is how often you do it and technique of doing it.

Recognizing Pioneering Researchers and Practitioners

If you are on the lookout for great research to read on Om chanting, then here a few research databases:

  • National Institute of Health (NIH)
  • Nature
  • Frontiers

Recommended Resources for Deeper Exploration

For a deeper exploration, we also recommend reading up on some articles, blogs and websites of yoga practitioners. While blog posts delve into personal stories, sources like Nagendra Haraaya and Venkatasubramanian will increase your knowledge


Q. What happens if we chant Om daily?

A. It will reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It will also improve your heart health and help your brain manage negative stimuli

Q. How does chanting affect the body?

A. Chanting causes vibrations throughout the body, which helps to align energies of all of the chakras. With aligned chakras, you reach equilibrium

Q. What does Om do to the heart?

Electrical systems that impact the heart are positively affected by Om chanting. It can decrease palpitations caused by stress

Q. Can ladies say Om?

A. Yes, there are no restrictions in Om chanting for ladies. Om is the sound of the universe and last I checked, ladies are also part of the universe.

Q. Is it safe to chant Om?

A. Of course, there is no harm that stems from Om chanting. You may not feel positive effects from it and that has to do something with your posture and technique

Q. How many times should we chant Om in a day?

A. 108 times is the perfect number of times to chant Om in a day

Q. Why is Om chanting so powerful?

A. It is so powerful because the universe makes this sound. As you chant Om, your inner consciousness realises the universal truth of existence. Therefore, there is great power in chanting Om

Q. What are the negative effects of Om?

A. Neither research nor human experiences have noted any negative experiences of Om chanting. It may be ineffective and that is because of some fault in your technique, but Om chanting does not harm you

Q. What happens to brain during chanting?

A. There are certain regions the brain that become activated through Om chanting and others that are deactivated. Overall it creates peace and relaxes you

Q. Does listening to Om chanting have benefits?

A. Yes, you can also listen to Om chants and feel them reverberating through your body. It has the same positive effects as loud Om chanting.

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