100 Life Goals: Made Me a Better Person?

100 life goals lists

What are life goals? How can they make you a better person?
Life goals are essential for a number of reasons. Everyone should have 100 life goals.
Why 100 life goals? Isn’t that too many?
No. Setting goals are just brainstorming. The purpose is to set a goal. Achieving the goal is a different process. Setting 100 life goals is possible.
We usually fail to meet our goals in life. This is part of the human condition. But if you have 100 life goals, you’ll meet some of them.

Reasons to Set Goals

Setting 100 life goals is also the perfect method for brainstorming what you want in life. By setting the goal, you learn your priorities.
Goals represent some change. Usually, the change is the improvement. Goals for life lead to a better lifestyle. For example, my goal is better fitness. I have to consider steps to the goal of better health. 100 life goals carry possibility for much positive change. 100 life goals also give the chance for learning. With the goal of better fitness, I must learn about diet and exercise.
Coming up with 100 goals for life is a great way to get motivated. Having goals help depression. Having goals gives a sense of purpose. Even a small goal like finding a lovely birthday card gives purpose.
Goals are almost always positive. People don’t set out to harm themselves or others. Having a set of positive goals can make you a better person.
In this article, you are encouraged to begin a journey to developing 100 life goals.

What Counts as a Goal?

Anything is acceptable as a goal. A goal can be as big as earning a billion dollars. It can also be as small as setting dinner reservations. But it has to be something you want. You must be willing to change to pursue your goal.
The following are examples of goals in life. These goals can help you develop your own 100 goals in life.

Top Goals for People
Good goals to have often relate to accomplishments. Winning that award, getting that job, and achieving that promotion are awesome life goals.
But goals people have in life are not always about “endpoints.” Goals can be “start points.” Goals can be about progress or not doing things. Quitting smoking is a common life goal. Working on being more punctual can be one of your 100 life goals. Managing personal behavior like having patience is a good life goal. These goals are not about “prizes” but about process toward becoming a better person.

Top Five Goals in Life

Let’s start with five goals and build from there to the 100 life goals. Remember goals are personal but are also universal. This article may give you some ideas of popular life goals. These goals can then be tailored for you.

Five common life goals:

  1. Get in shape
  2. Earn a degree
  3. Get a high-paying job
  4. Find the love of your life
  5. Travel the world

An impressive list? A small list but huge in the scope of each goal.

Setting goals is just brainstorming. The purpose is to discover what you want out of life. There are no restrictions in the initial stages of goal setting.

Each of these goals can be broken down into two goals This creates the top ten goals in life. For example, the goal “getting in shape” probably involves both “losing weight” and “exercising more.” We can come up with our top 10 personal goals.

Top 15 Goals in Life

Based on the list of five goals above, I can now create my top ten life goals.

  1. *Get in shape
  2. *Lose weight
  3. *Exercise
  4. *Earn a degree
  5. *talk to a school/career counselor
  6. *enroll at the local college
  7. *Get a high-paying job
  8. *Develop expertise in a field
  9. *Network in the field
  10. *Find the love of your life
  11. *join volunteer organizations
  12. *ask friends and family for help meeting someone
  13. *Travel the world
  14. *save money
  15. *explore career options that lead to travel

These goals in life can lead to other goals. If I join a gym to meet the love of my life, going to the gym itself might become a new goal. People with goals have the chance to develop multiple interests. And old goals lead to new goals. Also, goals overlap and feed off of each other. Taking a class to get a degree can also lead to meeting the love of my life.
And this leads to our twenty-five life goals.

25 Life Goals

  1. *Get in shape
  2. *Lose weight
  3. *Exercise
  4. *Join a gym
  5. *take a self-defense class
  6. *Earn a degree
  7. *talk to a school/career counselor
  8. *enroll at the local college
  9. *decide on a major
  10. *join a study group
  11. *Get a high-paying job
  12. *Develop expertise in a field
  13. *Network in the field
  14. *go to conferences
  15. *read articles in the field
  16. *Find the love of your life
  17. *join volunteer organizations
  18. *ask friends and family for help meeting someone
  19. * join a singles group
  20. *take an interesting class
  21. *Travel the world
  22. *Learn to save money
  23. *explore career options in travel
  24. *study a foreign language
  25. *Explore low-cost travel groups through a college

Developing goals is a self-generating process. My five goals led to ten goals to twenty-five goals.
The twenty-five goals will lead to 50 goals in life and finally to my best 100 life goals. Remember the best 100 goals are individual. My best 100 life goals are different from your best 100 life goals. What I’ve offered here is how to set goals and examples. Knowing your personal and professional goals is critical to success.
A good place to start is in a list of good goals. Your personal goals list puts it in tangible form. I have offered here my personal goals examples and setting personal goals examples.
Creating your own list of personal goals and list of personal objectives can set you on the road to
positive change.

Writing my goals in life essay can seem like a high school assignment. But there is a reason young people write essays like this. They are at a critical juncture in their lives. When you are at such a juncture, lists and essays can help in how to set life goals.
There are different types of life goals lists. A list of 10-year life goals list is important for planning. But a list of short term goals is also important. Your top 10 personal development goals may include having a family, buying a house, getting a management job. But equally important are short-term goals like taking a class. Even daily goals like fixing a broken faucet can be critical. You can even keep a separate life goals list of daily, monthly and yearly life goals. This will create 100 life goals.
A personal goal-setting worksheet is another way to manage your 100 life goals. A life goals worksheet is especially helpful for very “linear” thinkers. The setting goals worksheet in the form of a spreadsheet is helpful.

Your 100 life goals may also be broken into categories.

100 Life Goals.

Here is the explanation of how a list of 100 life goals is broken into personal life and work goals.

List of Personal Life Goals.

Our personal life goals relate to those with other people. People’s goal examples are related to family, friends, and neighbors. Examples might include making more friends and developing stronger relationships. You might even develop a separate list of family goals or friendship goals. Methods to achieve these goals might be having parties, helping people, and developing common interests.
List of Goals for Work
There are many goals to have at work. Ideas for work goals and career self-development goals include getting a better job. Examples of employee objectives may include getting that promotion. Examples of goals for work also include having better relationships with coworkers. Examples of professional goals may also include learning more about a company was written and unwritten rules.
Again, my list of professional goals won’t look like your list of career goals. But there are some common work goals listed below. You can then develop your own list of possible employee goals.

Top 10 work goals list of work goals examples

1. Stronger relationships with coworkers
2. Stronger relationships with managers and supervisors
3. Complete understanding of organizational policies, written and unwritten
4. Fluency in organizational terminology and jargon
5. Expertise in use of organizational manuals and reference works
6. Expertise in use of organizational computer programs
7. Understanding of how to relate to customers and clients
8. Ability in helping supervisors and managers meet their goals
9. Ability to mentor new employees
10. Ability to communicate effectively at meetings
Having several categories of goals leads to 100 life goals.
How to Achieve Goals
Continued work and progress toward goals are necessary. Get focused. You may not ever achieve your 100 life goals. The point is often the goal itself. Develop your list of 100 goals! Everyone should have 100 life goals.

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