The hardness or softness of a meditation cushion is determined by the stuffing that the cushion has been filled with , There are a variety of stuffing materials hence different quality of the meditation cushion Lets look into What is the Best Filling For a Meditation Cushion
Some are designed in a way that the stuffing can be easily adjusted whether by reducing or adding the stuffing to the desirable amount. This adjustment is done if the cushion has a zipper or a drawstring.
It makes it even easier to change the stuffing if it gets thinner or old over the years.
It is easy to maintain the stuffing if the cushion comes with an outer cover in that when it is dirty you just remove the outer cover and clean it.
It also makes it easier to change the cover when it wears out other than buying another cushion.
The Best Stuffing Materials are :
Buckwheat Hulls
These are organic shells that are extracted from a plant. This plant requires no pesticide hence bugs are not a bother. They conform to the shape of a person’s body and give a softer and more flexible base when meditating this makes them best for any meditator.

They are firm and springy and hence maintain their shape for years. It is more comfortable for long a long sit and people consider it more when it comes to meditation cushion filling.
It can be used as staffing and then change the top cover to synthetic for a softer feel.
Kapok Fibers
This type of a fill is a naturally occurring fiber that is gotten from a tree called kapok. This type of a tree is found in Thailand and Indonesia.
It has antifungal land anti-microbial properties. It is best when it comes to stability since it is strong. It floats and it is resistant to mildew and mold hence durable.

It has energy insulating properties. It is resilient but when used for long or after a few sittings it compresses a little, users are advised not to reduce it.
It holds the users shape properly after sometime. They can be used in place of silk because it is silky in nature. It can be irritating to a person’s skin, lungs and throat in case of any contamination with an airborne disease.
It is best for people who do not find buckwheat hulls good. Sitting on kapok feels like sitting on a polyester fill but kapok is a little firmer.
This type of fill is lighter, softer and comfortable compared to the kapok fill. It is also a natural fill since it is from a sheep. It is a comfortable, cushioning, breathable and resilient fill.

This type of fill is not loved because it loses its fluffiness quickly and forms a hard solid, it’s not very soft, and it is easily affected by mold and mildew and does not provide the required cushioning and comfort.

However, it is a common type of filling according to research it is known to work better in box shaped, banana shaped or crescent shaped meditation cushion.
Man Made
This are stuffing like foam and synthetic which according to research are least used for meditation cushions because they are known to lose their buoyancy and has to be replaced.

However, they are the softest compared to the other fills and recommended for people with allergies and sensitive bottom or hip joints.
Wrapping It Up – Best Filling For Meditation Cushion
According to research I would highly recommend using wool for a cushion fill, since it serves for many years, has a cushioning effect and are softer, comfortable and breathable.
It allows circulation of air avoiding dampness around bum area.
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