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Empower Yourself: 25 Simple Ways to Build Confidence

Building Confidence

Building confidence

Second guessing ourselves will always create a wall between us and what we really want to do. Building your confidence means that you face and set aside your fear.  Fear is the major reason why people lack confidence. The level of performance required for a particular task significantly determines our self-confidence. Building your confidence is easy. Here are 25 great ways to get your confidence up and kicking.

  1. Dress yourself up. This doesn’t have to get you digging deep into your pocket to get the most expensive clothes. Put on nice clothes. See to it that you are feeling great and very presentable. This shows that you have self-respect and gives your building confidence a face-up.
  2. Proper grooming. Take a long refreshing shower, shave your hair as well. Make a date the salon to give your hair a touch-up. When you are physically unorganized, your mental state is also at stake and so is your self-esteem. Being groomed in a presentable manner gives you a happy mood hence, your confidence will grow.
  3. Positive thinking. Armed with this, you can make incredible things happen. It is about time you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. With positivity, everything that you had branded as impossible because of fear, will turn to be easy. This is how to boost your self-esteem and building confidence.
  4. Be good to others. Acts of kindness is a great way to building confidence. It sets your self-image bar very high and thus gives you confidence. It also makes you feel good about yourself since you think you are a good person.
  5. Proper preparation. Not believing in your competence is a great way of killing your confidence. In order to beat this, preparing yourself is key. Life, just like an examination will need you to prepare yourself hard so that you have the confidence to take everything that comes your way.
  6. Have principles and live by them. Living a life with no principles is not different from lacking a direction. In setting principles, you will be ahead of your fears with ways of countering them with life rules you have set.
  7. Take time as when you speak. Converse at a slow pace, it portrays a great level of confidence in you. It does a good job at showing that you know what you are talking about. Hasty communicating tells that what you are passing through isn’t worth taking the time to listen to. It, however, doesn’t mean that you be extremely slow.
  8. Be part of the solution. Most of the reason why we are not confident is because we tend to gear all our attention towards our problems. A fat woman, for instance, will focus on the fact that they cannot fit into their jeans rather than thinking about skipping to drop the weight. Every the minute you engaging in building confidence  activities, it becomes the end of your mystery.
  9. Be grateful. Gratitude for what one gets or has in life is a great way to boost your confidence. It does a good job at boosting your self-image as well. There is no better way to strengthen your confidence.
  10. The internet, people, and other resources are some of the easiest ways to get information. Being in the dark strangles your confidence. With adequate information, confidence will come your way too. Do a lot of research and studying to keep you ahead of your low self-esteem.
  11. Stop procrastinating. One of the reasons behind most people’s procrastination is fear of failure. Go out of your way and do it, then watch it build your confidence. Once you make mistakes you will realize that it doesn’t kill. You will be empowered with psyche to do it the more.
  12. Shape up. When you look good, you will definitely feel good. On the contrary, if you have allowed yourself to get out of shape you feel insecure, unattractive and less energetic. This will make you shy away from communicating confidently. Your fitness and self-confidence level are never apart.
  13. Do not run away from the front seats. Out of fear of getting noticed, most people will scramble for the back seats. This only portrays their low self-confidence. By choosing to take the front row, whether in class or in a meeting, you will start  building confidence and realize that it is not difficult.
  14. Work on your own confidence. Take time to listen to motivational speeches and self-confidence quotes and self-esteem quotes. Take notes and see to it that you put them into action. This is a great way to build yourself esteem and change the behaviors that draw you back. Give yourself a small pep talk in your head whenever you are feeling that your self-confidence level is running low.
  15. Great posture. You should be able to take pride in the way you carry yourself around. A confident man or woman will stand tall, walk head high and make eye contact. Walking lazily and having your head down at all times, is a clear indication of how your confidence is wanting. Having good posture will empower your confidence.
  16. Remind yourself why it is important to you. Bearing in mind why high self-esteem or high self-confidence is key, you will be able to overcome your fear. Chant to yourself the reason why you are doing it and high confidence will be your reward.
  17. Abandon your comparison behavior. Comparing yourself with others is a very destructive behavior. However hard we work, truth is, someone will always be ahead of us. The only person you should compare yourself to is you. Think of how far you have come instead. Focus on how to be better today than you were yesterday. This will motivate you and building confidence.
  18. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. People who are always ready to make you feel bad are the people you should keep out of your system. They will always suppress your confidence and you will never get out of their web. Supportive people, however, will always see the best in you and are a great resource for building confidence.
  19. Throw away things that remind you of negativity. Be it friends, clothes, career, if it gets you down, you better cut it loose. Things that remind us of our fears have all the reasons to go away. Do not let them bring you back to the exile you are trying to escape.
  20. Take pride in yourself. Anything that gets you up and going should as well be your cup of tea. Your talents, sense of humor, great shape or your smart brains should be reason enough to take your confident way up every time you are feeling little about yourself.
  21. Appreciate compliments. When someone passes a great comment about yourself, do not hesitate to show that you are grateful. Instead of shutting them down, smile and say thank you. It will work wonders to your self-esteem. You can as well take this as your strength and use it to build your confidence.
  22. There is no pressure. You are dearly mistaken if you think confidence will build up overnight. Well, it is a roller coaster with its ups and downs. You might think that your confidence is at its best but still try something and fail terribly. It is not a reason to give up but rather a lesson to learn from. Be patient with yourself. When your confidence finally comes, it will be yours for life.
  23. Sleep well. Yes, take a deep long sleep. This will help you feel better and look better as well. Positive attitude and energy will be yours too. It will help you be the coach of your emotions and handle your stress effectively.
  24. Avoid perfectionism. Perfection is great but it is also an amazing way of keeping you from getting to your confidence goals. A perfectionist will keep beating themselves up once what they do fails to match the image in their heads. This will only ensure your confidence remains low.
  25. Attack your insecurities. Acne, plus size, bad breath, being unattractive, are all insecurities that suffocate our confidence. You can take a simple action like writing them down then burn the piece of paper or tear it down. This will tell your mind that you are declaring a war on your insecurities. This is one of the surefire ways to building confidence.
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