Of course, you may be familiar with meditation, crystals, and oils as some techniques for healing your chakras. Are you familiar with chakra healing frequencies? It is an ancient method that uses music and tones to promote health. The 7 main chakras in the human body have their corresponding healing frequencies.
We will be debunking these frequencies and how to use them in your daily life.
The Symbiotic Dance of Frequencies and Chakras

Frequencies and chakras go hand in hand. When frequencies are used, it can unleash great benefits that promote a person’s well-being. Frequencies make use of sound or vibrations to generate response within the energy centers in the full body. They help awaken its subtle energies.
As they travel through one’s senses, they resonate with the chakras and enhance their vitality. Thus, they can heal any blockage and promote energy flow.
Decoding the Language of Frequency
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “disk or spinning wheel”. Chakras are energy centers in the body. It is a common belief that when they are balanced or healed, then we can function at our best. Using frequencies to achieve this healing is a way to go. Each chakra is associated with a particular frequency and each of these frequencies has its vibration.
Frequencies can help unblock chakras, allowing them to spin freely. They can help to restore balance. They can also help to bring harmony to the chakras, making them spin evenly. It can also heal traumas that are held in a chakra.
The frequencies are sound patterns that interact with the brain and generate vibrations through our subtle bodies. They promote healing and a feeling of relaxation. Frequencies can produce healing by the use of instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and even the human voice.
The concept of chakra frequencies may be hard to believe. How can something so intangible have a profound effect on individuals?
Our body consists of atoms that vibrate against each other to form a molecule. These molecules have vibrational waves that can be measured in hertz (hz). Solfeggio frequencies are measured in hertz and are correlated with our modern sound scale. Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support frequencies’ ability to heal.
A biochemist named Dr. Glen Rein tested the impact of different frequencies on the human DNA. He exposed the DNA to four different kinds of music and he was able to assess the effects of each type of music. These and other studies show that when we listen to solfeggio frequencies, our brainwaves harmonize with the rhythm and lead us to a state of balance.
The power of frequency goes beyond science. Everything in the world has a repeated sequence. When we reach a high frequency, we develop positive emotions. A low frequency, on the other hand, makes us negative and anxious.
Harmonizing Chakras with Solfeggio Frequencies
Trauma, wound, injury and negative energy that flows through the chakras can cause them to be misaligned. To explain, imagine a drainage system that has been blocked with dirt and clutter. This same happens when a chakra is blocked – no free flow.
Solfeggio frequencies are powerful enough to dispel negative energy that flows through our chakras. It helps to stimulate optimism and happiness. It can correct disorders and return these energy cycles to their shape, allowing them go back to the norm. It helps align you with the universe and your purpose on earth and facilitates a proper thinking process.
The main solfeggio frequencies and their transformative effect in an individual include:

396 Hz frequency: It helps release you from the feelings of guilt and fear, giving you the power to achieve your goals.
417 Hz frequency: It removes negative energy, thoughts and patterns from our body.
528 Hz frequency: It brings transformation and an increased amount of energy to our body.
639 Hz frequency: It enables us to enjoy warm and meaningful relationships. It encourages us to improve in our communication skills.
741 Hz frequency: It cleans the body from harmful radiation. It purifies the mind and promotes self-expression.
852 Hz frequency: It awakens intuition and inner strength.
963 Hz frequency: It releases us from disconnection and gives us a sense of enlightenment.
Chakra healing frequencies are commonly associated with Gregorian chants. They form a song of the Roman Catholic faith, back in the 9th century. However, in ancient India, chants were documented in Hindu scriptures and in ancient China, sound therapy was used to treat various illnesses. Now, its use is popular in the modern world.
According to major proponents, these sounds can penetrate someone’s mind and heal his poor mental and emotional state.
Navigating the Chakra Spectrum: 7 Chakras Unveiled
The seven different chakras in the human body are associated with a specific color and frequency. By means of a chart, we will be revealing what they mean.
Chakra Frequencies Chart: A Visual Symphony

From the visual representation above, the following can be deducted:
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the frequency of 396Hz. Listening to this frequency will promote feeling of safety and security. It helps to release subconscious negative beliefs. It will help in grounding and stabilizing you. The color associated with it is red.
The Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel and is associated with the frequency of 417 Hz. Listening to this frequency will increase your sexual energy and enable you to experience pleasure and harmony. Its associated color is orange.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the stomach region and is associated with 528Hz frequency. Listening to this will make you more positive and honest to yourself and others. The color associated with it is yellow.
The Heart Chakra is the chakra of compassion and love. It is found in the chest region and is associated with the solfeggio frequency of 639 Hz. It helps us connect with others and to receive love easily. The color associated with it is green.
The Throat Chakra is also known as the communication chakra. It is found at the throat area and is associated with 741Hz frequency. Tuning in to this will help you express yourself clearly and improve your speech. Its associated color is blue.
The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is found at the middle of the forehead and is associated with 852Hz frequency. This one helps you become more intuitive. The color associated with it is indigo.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head and is associated with a frequency of 963 Hz. This last one is the seat of consciousness and enlightenment. It will make you mentally aware of your environment. The color associated with it is violet.
Tuning in: Solfeggio frequencies and Chakras Unveiled
The solfeggio frequencies have a direct impact on the individual chakras in us. It’s connected to a channel called Nadis. Nadis are a series of channels that allow the flow of energy in the body. The solfeggio frequencies helps to balance chakras, promoting seamless energy flow and clearing blockage.
There are 7 chakra solfeggio frequencies that offers healing benefits to these chakras. When they are balanced, we feel healthy and happy. Listening to solfeggio frequencies helps relieve physical and emotional problems.
In ancient times, musical notes have been paired with the chakra system. Basically, there are seven musical notes. These notes are as follows C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. These notes are then paired with the seven main chakras. Thus, C is paired with root. D is paired with sacral. E is paired with solar plexus. F is paired with heart. G is paired with the throat. A is paired with the third eye and B is paired with a crown.
When these sounds are played, it creates a harmonious resonance that enhances an individual’s well-being. It is ascertained that singing these sounds helps to clear and balance the corresponding chakras.
Melodies of Healing: Solfeggio Frequencies in Meditation Music

Solfeggio frequencies can be used as music in meditation. When you play them repetitively, the vibrations will benefit you more by clarifying your body and mind.
Sound Therapy and Chakra Rejuvenation
Sound therapy, or sound healing, is an ancient method of healing chakras through the sound of different frequencies. It is believed that the chakras are sensitive and respond to these sounds. The sounds facilitate changes in our brainwaves, bringing them in harmony with the tune. With this, we can adjust our mind from a normal state to a healing state.
Sound healing employs the use of crystal bowls, gongs, tuning forks, flutes, and human voice (humming) to produce soothing tunes that benefit the body.
Meditation music can also be used to balance and activate chakras when you listen to them. A few examples include “Awakening Kundalini Meditation” by Kelly Starr and “Spiritual Patterns of You” by Rhett Dahi.
Sound therapy is becoming a popular healing method to reduce stress and improve health. For instance, white noise, a well-known aid to make babies sleep, is now a popular category of online content that is consumed by millions each year. There are plenty of videos of recordings of natural sounds like rainfall that people can use to help them achieve peace and calmness.
Meditation and yoga centers now incorporate sound bowls and even their voice during their session.
Finding Harmony: Various Healing Methods
To effectively use sound frequencies in chakra healing, you can do the following:
Listen to specific frequency: Each chakra corresponds to a specific frequency. Play this healing music repetitively to heal and balance your chakras.
Use tuning forks: These are small instruments that vibrate at a specific frequency. You can place them near the chakras to activate them.
Binaural beats: This is done when you simultaneously play two different frequencies in each ear. The difference between the two tunes produces a third tune. These beats can promote relaxation. This is best practiced with a headphone.
Singing bowls: These are large bowls that produce sound waves when they are hit. These sound waves can promote energy flow in the energy centers.
Chanting: Each chakra corresponds to a particular mantra that can be chanted by a human. These words vibrate at the frequency of the chakra and can promote healing.
Sit in a calm and quiet place. Feel the vibration that the sound produces. Practice deep breathing and focus on each chakra one at a time. Use the above collection for a long meditation to rebalance your chakras.
Find below a few success stories that illustrate the effectiveness of sound healing:
Cristina Lee, a mother from New York, relates how her son was aggressive and often deprived them of associating with others. Aside from that, her family experienced a crisis of some sort. A well-meaning friend advised her to use sound therapy as a way to balance the chakras – both hers and her son. Even though she was skeptical about it at first, she did. Now, she has seen positive changes in her family.
Olivia Muenter, a writer, relates that she undergone sound therapy, using singing crystal bowls. After the treatment, she had less anxiety and felt a measure of calmness.
Crafting your Symphony: Balancing your Chakras

Aligning your seven chakras is a skill that requires patience and determination. But at the end, it has immense benefits if you do so. We’ve already looked at how you can use frequencies for this purpose. Let’s see more information on the subject.
Practical Tips for Chakra Balance
To use chakra healing frequencies, prepare your meditation space which should be calm and serene. If you are using a singing bowl, you should get this ready. Start with taking few deep breaths. Focus on a particular chakra. Chant or play the corresponding frequency. Imagine the energy cycle spinning and releasing energy. Repeat the process for the other chakras.
To incorporate chakra healing frequencies into your daily life, try the following:
- Engage in mindful meditation. Combine this practice with a specific chakra frequency to enhance your experience.
- Utilize frequency healing tools and devices as mentioned above (bowls, tuning forks etc)
- You could create an intentional ritual of listening to these frequencies in the morning, in the evening or during the day when you are resting.
- You could listen to a sound healing podcast or contact a sound healer who would guide you through sound healing sessions.
The Future of Chakra Healing
Modern technology is paving the way for the era of chakra healing frequencies. The use of high-tech hearing aids and speakers helps to filter even the tiniest sounds to release calmness in the body.
Researchers are continuously looking for ways to personalize chakra balancing with the help of advanced technology. There is a potential for the evolvement of AI-powered systems to assess chakra imbalance. For instance, the use of wearable sensors and biofeedback devices is on the way. This simply means we could press a button and it will make us know everything we need about chakras.
Indeed, the future of frequency healing is promising. With technological advancement, it is possible that more approaches will be used in sound healing. Truly, there is a great potential for sound healing in promoting well-being.
Benefits of the Solfeggio Chakra Healing Frequencies
The solfeggio chakra healing frequencies offer both physical and spiritual benefits. In the physical sense, it can reduce stress, promote sleep, and make you achieve a sense of peace. It helps you connect with well-meaning people, including friends and families.
In the spiritual sense, it can activate one’s imaginative and creative skills. It can help you be unified with the spiritual world. You should try the tips listed in this article and continue excelling in your world.
- What does 639Hz frequency do?
It attacks any negative emotion you have. It can heal broken hearts and relationships.
- What frequency is the crown chakra?
963Hz is the frequency of the crown chakra.
- What does 528Hz mean spiritually?
528 hz is known as the miracle tone. The 528 hz can help improve cognitive function and sharpen an individual’s mental clarity and focus.
- Is 528Hz good for manifesting?
Yes, it possesses healing properties that promote positive transformation. 528 hz can also remove blockage or beliefs that hold us back from achieving our desires.
- What is the benefit of a 396Hz tuning fork?
It helps to release fear and guilt.
- Why is 963 Hz the God frequency?
The 963hz is also known as a pineal gland activator. It is associated with higher states of consciousness, spirituality, and enlightenment.