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Clutter Free : 25 Brilliant Ways to Declutter

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Twenty-five Brilliant Ways You Can Make Your House Clutter Free

We all want a clutter free life. A clutter free life saves time in finding items. A clutter free home looks better and feels better than a disorganized home. However, our houses are filled with clutter: old papers, clothes, tools, etc. This happens for a few reasons. Lack of time, lack of money can prevent us from being clutter-free.  In this article are some tips on how to clean clutter fast. You can also develop your own best way to organize clutter. Some cheap organizing ideas follow on how to clear the clutter and how to become clutter free and maintain a clutter free home.

How to Declutter Quickly

Most of us lack time to become clutter free. How to declutter your home quickly is of first importance. How to get clutter free seems too difficult to even attempt. But there are methods in how to get the clutter out. How to be clutter free doesn’t need to take time.

Tips on and how to declutter your home quickly follow.

Cheap Home Organize Ideas for Clutter

Clutter free organizing can also seem expensive. Don’t pay a “pro” to help you get clutter free. Paying a home organizer costs money and time. It brings in more “clutter” in time and money spent. Instead, develop do it yourself or DIY organizing tips for a clutter free life. You can come up with your own best home hacks. These clutter free home organization ideas will be best suited for your own home.

So where to start organizing your home? Following are a list of best tips to declutter and organize your home.

  1. Simple organized living. Don’t allow clutter to build in the first place. Keep a bag next to the table where you open the mail to toss junk mail. This is important for purging your house of clutter. One of the best organizational tips for home is just not let the clutter in.
  2. Use items designed for decluttering. Keep a paper shredder near the mail table as well. Then you won’t be afraid to throw away mail that may have sensitive information on it. Controlling junk mail is one of the most insanely clever organizing hacks for a clutter free home.
  3. Don’t buy clutter. This is one of the best tips for clutter free home. Be honest with yourself. Do you really see yourself using that exercise bike six months from now? Or is it more likely to sit neglected? Learn to enjoy the simplicity living with less. Not buying clutter is one of the major hacks for home decluttering.
  4. Don’t accept clutter “gifts.” Be honest and firm with others. Don’t allow them to give clutter to you. Decline the food processor someone tries to push off on you. Not taking someone else’s clutter is another one of the best tips for organizing clutter.
  5. Analyze your clutter situation. Why do you allow clutter to build? Is it out of laziness, fear, or guilt? Analyzing why you allow clutter to build will help in changing those clutter-building habits. This is one of the best tips for clutter free organizing and tricks to a clutter free house.
  6. What kind of clutter do you have? There are several types of clutter. Clutter can be the unwanted, the broken, the outgrown. Know what kind of clutter you have. This allows you to determine solutions for it. Outgrown clothing in most cases should be donated. Knowing your “clutter situation is one of the best household hacks.
  7. “A place for everything.” Utilize the old saying “A place for everything, and everything in its place.” Many desks are swamped with paperwork because the owner doesn’t know where to put it. Setting up a filing system is one of the best quick declutter tips for paperwork.
  8. Don’t allow “clutter areas” to develop. The “junk drawer” builds and often spills over. Find specific places for diverse items. True junk shouldn’t be in the drawer but in the garbage. Getting rid of “junk space” is one of the best hacks for everyday things and a clutter free home.
  9. Group like items. Group all of your brown-toned shirts in your closet. Put all of your scissors in the same drawer. Arrange all of your books by
    the same author. You may find duplicates you can give away. You will know what to buy when you shop. Don’t buy another pair of gray slacks if you already have three. This is one of the best tips to home organization. It saves money and prevents clutter.
  1. Handle paper once (or twice at the most). Develop the habit of handling each piece of paper only once. Discard it if it is an advertisement. A late bill should be acted upon at once. A bill not due till the end of the month can be delayed. These “delayed” items should be filed. They should not “stored” on your desk until the bill due date. Quick processing of paperwork is one of the best tips for a clutter free home.
  2. Regular decluttering. Set one day a week to gather up recyclable materials such as old magazines. Use curbside recycling or make regular drop-offs at the recycling center. This is a major method on how to declutter a house fast.
  3. Develop declutter habits. One day a week to pay bills cuts clutter. The bills go out on a regular basis and keeps your house clutter free.
  4. Go Green. Taking advantage of online statements and billing cuts down on paperwork It is more secure because it eliminates being a victim of “dumpster diving” (going through garbage to find discarded items with sensitive information). Dumpster diving requires no particular expertise. Hacking through a computer system does.
  5. Declutter as you go. Develop the habit of decluttering as you go. When you search through a drawer for the scissors, declutter the drawer. Throw out unneeded and unwanted items. You will find the scissors more quickly this way. And this is a good method for decluttering and purging your home.
  6. One day declutter fast method. Apply extreme focus on biggest offenders: closets, garages, drawers. This is an important method in how to purge your home of clutter.
  7. Develop a plan. Write down the steps on how to clear the clutter and organize. This will help you stay focused and not get distracted looking through old magazines instead of decluttering them. This plan will help you organize ideas for clutter.
  8. Focus on one area at a time. Declutter from top/down and back/front. Start at the top or back of the house with the bedrooms. Gradually move down or to the front to the kitchen. This is one of the important tips for purging your home of clutter. Look throughout the house for signs of clutter such as piles of paper and clothes.
  9. Take it all out. Take everything out of the closet, drawer, or off the shelf. Only put back what you need and want.
  10. Use storage. Start the declutter session with boxes and bags to put old clothes, books, CDs, etc.
  1. Sell. Hold a garage/yard sale. Your junk might be someone else’s treasure. Somebody might buy your old clothes, books, tools, and CDs.
  2. Give or exchange. Develop a habit of giving. Some workplaces have informal give-away/exchanges of books. Use these arrangements to give away items you no longer use. You may also want to start your own exchange.
  3. Develop a list of organizations to donate to. Some will do pick-ups.
  4. Set an appointment. Arrange with the city for curbside pick-up of junk you can’t put in the garbage, such as old rusted appliances.
  5. Develop a declutter your home checklist. Create your own clutter free home decluttering and organizing checklist before you start. This will be designed for especially for your needs.
  6. Extend. Take decluttering outside the home. A lot of these decluttering tips and tricks transfer to other parts of your life. Take your new understanding of living clutter free to work and beyond. Take your newly learned ways to clean out clutter to the office. These hacks will help you in how to stay organized at work. This tips will help you to in how to get organized and stay organized everywhere.

Using these tips on how to clear clutter from your home will help you create a clutter free lifestyle. You will also develop your own tips on how to get clutter free and stay organized. A clutter free home and clutter free lifestyle is possible.

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