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Why Dreams Without Goals Will Never Come True – And What to Do About It

Why Dreams Without Goals Will Never Come True - And What to Do About It

Everyone loves to choose to dream big to protect their future but there exist many obstacles that hinder you from achieving your dreams and life goals. Let us discuss the problems and solutions to achieving life’s dreams.

Dreams vs Goals

“Dreams without goals are just dreams” is a well know quote from Denzel Washington that indicates the importance of goal setting to enhance your life progress. So, the first step toward progress is setting realistic goals.

Moreover, encounter the following video to learn additional information about this quote by Denzel Washington.

Take Risks 

If you want to measure your success and make the world feel proud of you then you have to start the process first. You have to take the risk to get something extraordinary as life is worthless without risks. Never prefer your comfort rather go for more options to enhance progress otherwise you will get ultimately fuel disappointment.

Here is one of the best videos of Denzel Washington that provides the ultimate motivation for consistency and hard work.

Think outside the box

Have you heard about an IQ test that is popular all over the world? Let me share it with you. In this test, you are given 9 dots in a box and a pencil to draw 5 lines among these dots without lifting the pencil. But you what? the only way to achieve this task is to come out of the box! 

This is exactly what you need to achieve your dreams and life accomplishment. Never bound yourself to limited sources rather try more options available for your personal growth. This strategy will help you to come out of your comfort zone which is the reason for potential disappointment.

Plan every day

Planning every day is a proven way to enhance your productivity. If you don’t plan you will fail to achieve as said by Denzel Washington. And if you fail you fall prey to ultimately fuel disappointment that is going to ruin your life.

Your dreams without goals are just dreams and this is proper planning that helps in achieving your dreams with consistency. 

The Denzel Washington content works best in this scenario as if you want to achieve a goal you have to pay for it in form of hard work and consistency. 

Start dreaming big, come out of your comfort zone, Choose a goal to achieve, make an action plan, and stick to it with consistency and discipline. If you follow these guidelines, believe me, you will conquer the world one day.

Take the services of a goal-setting app

A goal-setting app can be a good source to enhance your goal-setting ability as a goal-setting app provides many services including goal-setting plans, progress boards to measure your progress and data collection.

With the help of a goal-planning app, you can share your progress data with your friends and distribute your big goals into milestones and short goals as well. It will help you to handle the phrase “ dreams without goals are just dreams”


In end, I would encourage you to accept the importance of consistency, discipline, and goal-setting for a successful future. If you want to change the world with your services you need to start the personal change first. 

Practice discipline and believe in yourself to deal with ultimately fueling disappointment. Wish you all the best!


Who said dreams without goals are just dreams?

Denzel Washington a famous American actor who reconfigured “ The concept of classic movie syndrome” once said this quote implementing the importance of goal setting. 

What do dreams without goals are just dreams mean?

Everyone needs to accept the truth behind “Goals are just dreams” and that is, your success and life achievement depend upon your goal settings and consistency in your goals. Without setting goals you will never protect your dreams for success.

What message do you tend to learn from Denzel Washington’s speech?

Most of the videos of Denzel Washington include content about your life achievement, life discipline, dreams, and how dreams result in ultimately fuel disappointment without goals. The content of Dazel Washington encourages us to work hard and learn the discipline to improve our life progress.

What are the ghosts of unfulfilled potential?

According to Denzel Washington, the ghost of unfulfilled potential are 

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