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A Comprehensive Guide to Creating an Early Learning Goals Grid

Early learning goals grid

Early learning starts from the birth of the child and needs to set new early learning goals for the remaining tenure. These years of learning are the most crucial years of early learning development for children in schools. 

The early learning goals grid can be the best resource for learning for children that includes the set of early learning goals and learning goals in bite-sized chunks for children.

What are the ELGs?

Early learning goals are the expected levels of development of a child that should be attained by the child till the end of EYFS(early years foundation stage). 

The early years foundation stage includes seven areas that combine to make early learning goals of different areas for children. 

How are the early learning goals assessed?

When children complete five years of age and their early years foundation stage is ended the teacher needs to make an early years foundation stage profile in the reception classes to assess their development corresponding to each early learning goal.

This foundation stage profile is then presented to both parents and the reception teacher to take steps according to the development level of the children in reception. Here are the areas of the early years foundation stage that helps in assessing children to complete the foundation stage profile before the reception.

  1. Communication and Language

At this stage of learning development, the children will be able to

  1. Physical Development

During the reception year, the early learning stage of Physical development includes the development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

Gross motor skills

 In early learning goals at the stage of learning gross motor skills, the child will be able to

Fine motor skills

At the level of early learning Fine motor skills, the children will be capable of 

  1. Personal, Social, and Emotional Development

Early learning level of Personal, Social, and emotional development includes the learning of the following areas. The children will


Personal Managing 

Building relationships

  1. Literacy

In this early learning goals level, The children will own knowledge of

  1. Mathematics
  1. Understanding the World

At the stage of understanding the world in early learning, children will be able to

  1. Expressive Arts and Designs

At this level of early learning, the children will

What are the early learning goals targets?

Early learning goals provide resources in every area of learning for good development in the reception year and understanding. Early learning goals target on

What are development grids used for early years?

Child Development

Development grids provide the best framework, used by the teacher in the reception years to access the knowledge and development of the child in schools. It is the best handy resource for assessing children and helping the child with new early learning goals. Development grids are made according to the individual needs of the child during learning goals i.e the EYFS assessment grid.

EYFS ELG Foundation Stage Profile Grid

 The EYFS assessment grid is a framework that explains the assessed learning goals of children in form of a handy resource during the reception. All the areas of learning are explained in the EYFS assessment grid framework. 

EYFS assessment grid framework

The assessed learning goals are recorded in this framework and it provides new early goals for children in all areas of learning. It is a summative assessment framework that includes the outcomes of the child. The EYFS foundation stage profile grid assesses the abilities of the children at the end of the reception to make sure that the child is meeting the national standards. 

What are the Early Learning goals Grid 2023?


What are the 3 main areas of the EYFS?

  1. Communication and language
  2. Physical development
  3. Personal, social, and emotional development

What are three early learning goals?

To be able 

  1. to hold, make, run, climb, draw, cut, etc.
  2. for understanding and communication 
  3. to listening, explain, and writing 

What are the Early Learning goals 2023?

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