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10 Goals Every Entrepreneur Should Set to Maximize Success

Entrepreneur goals

We all listen to effective goal ideas for personal growth, career, education, and other areas of life. In the same way, if you own a business or going to start a young company you need to set some business goals and entrepreneur goals.

Both entrepreneur goals and business goals go hand in hand with a perfect professional life. Every entrepreneur must follow amazing goal-setting ideas and prefer realistic entrepreneur goals with a long-term vision of business success.

A successful entrepreneur always prefers moving forward and taking actionable steps to achieve the desired results in business. Such entrepreneurs also focus on their personal growth with their business growth to develop a perfect personal and professional life.

As entrepreneurs lack free time so, they should focus on short-term goals while setting goals for their businesses, companies, or for their personal development.

Before discussing the common entrepreneur goals for a successful entrepreneur let us have a thorough understanding of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship goals.

 What is entrepreneurship?

Definition of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the capability to develop ideas and organize all the things required for a business enterprise. The most common example of entrepreneurship is starting a new business for profitable results.

Entrepreneurs are also considered the resources for new business ideas, business strategies, and effective marketing. In short, a person that can take risks and actionable steps for the initiative of a business or gets ready to create a young company is called a successful entrepreneur. 

Types of entrepreneurship

Here are the 4 types of entrepreneurship.

Qualities of entrepreneurship

Not every entrepreneur is a successful entrepreneur but there are some significant characteristics and a healthy balance of professional life that make an entrepreneur distinct from other entrepreneurs. Here are these entrepreneurship characteristics you are looking forward to.

What are entrepreneurship goals?

Here is a list of some common goals shared by entrepreneurs. These goals mainly deal with business growth and a business plan and include both short-term goals and long-term goals.

Why entrepreneurship is important for business ventures?

Employment creation: Entrepreneurship opens up new ways for entry-level employees to get some experience and develop some business understanding.

Supports Innovative concerns: It provides business ventures, and product ventures, and innovates new ideas for the production of quality goods that helps in improving the quality of life.

Activate research: Entrepreneurship facilitates the research area and helps in economic growth. The production of new products requires thorough research with the help of new technology and quality employees.

Positive Impact on Society: Entrepreneurship is one of the great resources to maintain the quality of life by giving job opportunities that help people make a living. Entrepreneurship helps in making positive changes in the community i.e. better education, good sanitation, and homeownership.

10 Entrepreneurship Goals For Every Entrepreneur To Get The Required Results In Business

As discussed above every entrepreneur needs some good entrepreneur goals and ideas to start a new business or a new company. A successful entrepreneur overcomes his/her bad habits and develops personal productivity to achieve his/her long-term vision.

Here are the 10 best entrepreneurship goals that are necessary for every entrepreneur who wants to be a successful entrepreneur. 

  1. Sketching an apt business plan 

This is the foremost goal for an entrepreneur to set as a strong apt business plan is one of the most actionable steps. A business plan includes all the details of the business and company goals. An effective business plan consists of information on potential investors, company objectives, potential buyers, active customers, target audience, and strategies for company growth. 

A strong business plan also includes a backup business plan in case of a company crisis. The details of all the product yields, raw materials, and marketing strategies are also crucial to add to a business plan.

An efficient business plan helps in avoiding unnecessary resources and waste of time on useless ideas. A good apt business plan provides accountability for the objectives of the company and the entrepreneurs who run or own a business.

So, developing an effective business plan is the foremost need of a business and in the same way of an entrepreneur.

  1. Hire the right people 

A quality hiring process for the company is as important as water for life. Trained and expert employees are the building blocks of a successful business and company growth. If entrepreneurs lack good selection ability how can they manage the whole business to grow?

The right selection strategies are very important for business organizations and companies as employees are key ingredients of a business recipe!

The hiring of skilled employees and retraining of existing employees including top-notch employees too are important goals for entrepreneurs. Apart from the hiring process introduction of new technology and the right resources to the employees goes hand in hand with company success.

All these strategies help in flourishing the business and creating valuable standards for the company in the marketing place. Therefore, building a skilled workforce is one of the most important goals for entrepreneurs.

  1. Delegate effectively

With an effective hiring process, entrepreneurs also need to focus on the delegation of the right tasks to the right employees. Entrepreneurs should be aware of their responsibilities and work limits. It is also important to avoid taking too many responsibilities simultaneously rather should pay heed to important things first. 

Delegating the tasks according to the strengths and skills of employees is always beneficial for fulfilling business needs. So, entrepreneurs should acknowledge the expertise of all the existing employees as well as the top-notch employees. For example, if an employee is good at presenting well, delegate him/her a task to prepare the project presentation.

Being an entrepreneur your business grows if there is a gradual increase in product yield and the interest of clients. And this result can be achieved only if your employees are perfect at completing their tasks delegated by entrepreneurs.

Apart from delegating tasks to company employees, entrepreneurs are responsible to delegate tasks to their team members as well. Entrepreneurs can assign the right tasks to team members by observing the expertise and past work history of team members. Doing so is helpful for good marketing and exceptional business growth.

So, entrepreneurs should be capable of selecting and delegating important tasks to team members and employees to achieve timely short-term goals as well as long-term goals of the company.

  1. Work with the ideal client

Every entrepreneur requires some time to find potential clients in the initial stages of a business. But a successful entrepreneur holds good judgmental skills to make a successful contract with clients. It is a valuable goal for entrepreneurs to work with ideal clients that fit best for company growth and values.

Being a new entrepreneur you should make aim to find ideal clients and potential buyers. For example, an entrepreneur should prefer to work with potential clients on projects that can increase business development by concerning the concerns of both clients and the company. 

Troubling clients can be harmful to a company’s development and entrepreneurs’ quality time. So, getting rid of such troubling clients and working with ideal clients is a worthy goal for entrepreneurs.

  1. Create an online presence

In this modern era, new technology has influenced every area of life so as a business. No one bothers to travel a mile to ask for a product rather everyone prefers some click on the internet to check the company’s terms and conditions and the validity of the corresponding business.

Everything is digital now which is why there is a big demand for digital marketing nowadays. So the online availability of any business is a need of the hour to enhance your business popularity in the marketing place. It is one of the best strategies to attract potential buyers and potential investors.

The online presence increases the chances to attract the right audience and customer growth. It is also beneficial to start new projects with potential investors if your company has its own website and online product details. So, setting an online impression is one of the productive goals for every entrepreneur to enhance business progress.

  1. Establish a brand identity

A brand identity is the first impression of your business in the market place and it is the main thing to differentiate the services of your company from other businesses of the same sort. Establishing an attractive brand identity specifies the business and leaves a positive impact on the target audience.

Entrepreneurs identify the objective and important elements of their business and then add them to their brand identity to create a well-visible brand identity.

  1. Learn from past mistakes

A successful entrepreneur always overcomes his/her bad habits and feels excited about moving forward to adopt a new skill. Avoiding past mistakes and learning from those past mistakes is a strength for a business owner and specifically for entrepreneurs. 

Entrepreneurs have low options to repeat past mistakes as they are moving forward as a whole company manager. Entrepreneurs should aim for betterment rather than repeating past mistakes again and again. As far as business growth is concerned there is no space for repeating past mistakes as it will be enough to fail the whole business plan. 

Entrepreneurs should aim for learning a new skill to overcome the repetition of past mistakes and wrong decisions. Giving attention to personal life development will gradually reduce the chances of making mistakes. Eventually, an entrepreneur will be skillful enough to deal with all the challenging situations.

  1. Build Positive Relationships

Entrepreneurs should aim for healthy relations with other entrepreneurs to glorify their skills and business relationships. Having positive relationships with other entrepreneurs increases the chances of spreading your business and dealing with potential investors and potential buyers. 

Moreover, entrepreneurship is incomplete without good relationships with team members, employees, and clients. The broader relationship circle is one of the proven resources for the advertisement of a new business and a young company.

It is a well-known fact that entrepreneurs lack free time but they can still balance their relationships with their business concerns.

  1. Implement a marketing strategy

Setting an effective marketing strategy is an early goal for entrepreneurs as it is necessary to evaluate your comparable progress in the market with other businesses. Strong marketing strategies are helpful in business growth, therefore, every entrepreneur should pay heed to having discussions with marketing experts and hiring digital marketing teams to build a strong communication system for company success.

Implementation of a marketing strategy can be a personal goal for entrepreneurs in the sense, they should keep checking the team’s input. Entrepreneurs should have command of the assessment of marketing teams if they are following the right track to get the attention of the target audience.

A good marketing strategy always gathers the right audience and expands the business progress on digital platforms. Email marketing and social media advertisements are good resources for digital marketing for a business to grow.

  1. Maintain steady business growth

To achieve the long -term goals gradually setting short-term goals is compulsory. Working honestly for short-term goals helps in steady growth.

A successful entrepreneur set a good marketing strategy to maintain the balance of business growth. Listening to the growth prediction always fascinates entrepreneurs but to make a real progress prediction requires a good business plan and active marketing strategy.  

Dividing the business achievements into milestones makes the decision-making process easier for success and business progress. Setting unrealistic goals and expectations never gives results therefore, it is suggested to plan for steady business growth to avoid the stress and anxiety of overflow of work.

12 Real-World Examples of Personal Goals

The balance of both personal and professional life is necessary for successful entrepreneurship. To achieve an attractive personality entrepreneurs need to overcome their bad habits and develop some personal goals for personal growth. 

The goals and objectives are not supposed to be the same throughout life they tend to change with circumstances and business needs. Personal goals are equally important for every entrepreneur as professional goals.

Setting goals for life skills and personal growth is mandatory for a successful entrepreneur as both go hand in hand. A person with good health, a sound mind, a disciplined personality, and great communicational skills is more likely to be a leader. Here are some common personal goals that need to be set for every entrepreneur to achieve a successful personal and professional life. 

  1. Maintain a Positive Attitude

Achieving business goals requires a patience and positive attitude throughout the business spam. Entrepreneurship is incomplete without a positive attitude in all dealings.

Entrepreneurs have to meet several people in a day to deal with projects and check the performance of employees and team members. If the entrepreneur lacks positive behavior everyone in his/her network will avoid making dealings in the future.

Being an entrepreneur you have o face many challenging situations during your business progress. Coping with all problematic situations with calmness and a positive attitude will help to get out of the bad situations within no time.

So, practicing a positive attitude is one of the most important personal goals in entrepreneurship.

  1. Achieve financial stability

A financially stable company and business is a dream for every entrepreneur. To achieve this stability entrepreneurs should set personal goals to get a financially secure business. Every business either new business or running a business involves liabilities like paying employees, being among potential buyers in marketing places, and business loans.

There are many financial responsibilities for entrepreneurs to run a successful business. To meet all the business needs and requirements it is of great importance that your company makes good turnovers and profitable growth.

For good profit, many entrepreneurs use their own savings on their business ventures, but it is more beneficial if you can generate rather than use your savings.

  1. Hiring and retaining a skilled workforce

A skilled staff is the backbone of your business, therefore hiring a skilled work team is a great personal goal for a successful entrepreneur. 

Entrepreneurs always prefer people with great understanding and expertise in their business fields. If in case you have people with traditional expertise you can retrain your existing employees according to current business needs and requirements.

Retaining the to-notch employees is also very crucial as they are the cream of your company. So, hiring an excellent workforce is the fundamental goal for entrepreneurs.

  1. Aligning marketing and sales

Aligning the marketing and sales team is one of the most important personal goals for entrepreneurs because if there is a mismatch in the marketing and sales team your business will flop. So, to make the balance of both marketing and sales tea entrepreneurs should manage their free time to check the activity of the sales team.

For example,

  1. Build Professional Communication Skills

Professional communicational skills are also an important part of effective entrepreneurship. Good communicational skills are a must-have skill for entrepreneurs. Every entrepreneur has to deal with business investors and potential buyers to grow their company and these are good communication skills that are enough to mold the concerns of clients toward company products.

For example,

I hope you get the point and determine how much professional communicational skills are important for entrepreneurs to run a successful business.

  1. Connect with like-minded individuals

A new entrepreneur should build positive relationships with other entrepreneurs of the same business category. Building connections with like-minded entrepreneurs is very helpful in building self-esteem and business confidence. For example,

These are the benefits of being surrounded by like-minded people that’s why many entrepreneurs prefer it as a personal goal.

  1. Learn Time Management 

No one can deny the importance of time management both in personal life and professional life. Managing free time and making busy time productive is good for everyone whether a businessman/woman, entrepreneur, student, job holder, or labors. A healthy balance of time results in utmost productivity and personal growth.

Entrepreneurship demands great time management skills, so, every entrepreneur should value his/her free time and make it more productive and beneficial for personal life and professional life. For example,

  1. Develop Financial Management Skills

Business is all about making money which is why entrepreneurs need to set personal goals for their financial management. The type of your company and business doesn’t matter for financial management rather an effective management of financial credits is necessary for every business owner.

For example, good financial goals involve

  1. Build a Network

As an entrepreneur, it is of great importance to build a network consisting of helpful friends, business investors, potential buyers, links with other companies, and other entrepreneurs. A strong network is a need for every entrepreneur as you never know when you get into trouble and need help from your relationships.

Building a network with your competitors in the market is a very good personal goal idea to create a learning hub. There are many things and ideas you can learn from other entrepreneurs who are experts in your field.

For example, you can create some good links with another company to make collective money investments on similar projects with other companies. Working as a team with help to seek the guidance of experts and share the marketing strategies and business plans for company growth and success.

  1. Develop an Investment Strategy

In this modern era and world of innovation, money has become the most important thing to survive. Everyone loves to make more money for a better living. Many people invest money in profitable side businesses and investment plans.

There exist many investment plans for individuals, groups, and companies i.e.Mutual funds, NFTs, cryptocurrency, etc. Developing an investment strategy can be a very good personal goal for entrepreneurs to achieve financial stability. 

Entrepreneurs should be able to invest in the right assets to get through the low-sales periods of the company. This strategy can help you reduce business debt problems as well. Investments do not grow gradually rather they grow exponentially.

So, what are you waiting for, start your personal investment strategy or start mutual investments to get more money as a side hustle. 

  1. Focus on personal growth 

A successful entrepreneur always tends to focus on personal growth with his/her business growth. Owning a developed personality is a demand of entrepreneurship that’s why some entrepreneurs set personal goals to develop their personalities that go perfectly for work and personal life balance.

For example, entrepreneurs 

  1. Find a Balance Between Work and Personal Life

Maintaining a healthy balance in personal and professional life is a very common but worthy personal goal for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs work 24/7 as compared to other people pursuing ordinary 8 hr jobs. That is why entrepreneurs lack free time and are more likely to ignore their personal life and families.

So, with business responsibilities, entrepreneurs should be well aware of their personal life responsibilities as entrepreneurs having families have an extra burden on their families. Entrepreneurs didn’t want all the day for their business rather they should spend their free time with family and friends. 

To achieve this healthy balance of personal life with professional life entrepreneurs should set some personal goals for each day. In these personal goals, they should set free time for their families and friends to avoid dishearting others. For example,

Potential Problems Faced by Entrepreneurs and Solutions to Overcome These Hurdles

The beginning of a business is always full of challenges and learning new opportunities. Developing an understanding of these problems and challenging situations makes you a successful entrepreneur. Closing eyes in front of challenges is cowardly practice while getting the utmost courage to face these business problems leads to getting new ideas every time.

Entrepreneur issues are not limited they vary according to the business stages and business needs. Therefore before starting a business strategy entrepreneurs should review the common obstacles faced by every entrepreneur to be ready to face the upcoming challenges of professional life. Here are some potential problems that every entrepreneur faces during a business success journey.

Selection of product

Selecting a specific service or product is one of the potential problems faced by entrepreneurs. To start a business or a young company identification of demands of a specific product is not an easy task. 

It is one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs to figure out which services should sell according to the demands of the community. It requires a great amount of time to find the growth level of competitor businesses in concern of that very product. 

It is also important to know the level of the target market and if it is big enough to support the target product and services. Entrepreneurs have to be aware of the interests of the target audience and potential buyers. For example,

After the selection of a fine product, the production of the raw material and quality of the reactants is the next problem for entrepreneurs. So, starting a business is not as easy as it seems to be.

Sales strategy 

Entrepreneurs are skilled in recognizing the best marketing opportunities but there exist some hurdles too. Developing a sales team and hiring professionals to develop a good marketing strategy is a big responsibility. 

Reviewing the productivity of the sales team and other employees is quite effective to improve product sales as a sales strategy works only if the sales team is active throughout the target period. For example,

Maintaining a business budget

If you own a business or running a new business you should be good at maintaining a business budget. Lack of budget management is one of the biggest problems in the business sector. Many entrepreneurs face this problem all over the world just because of a poor business plan and an ineffective marketing strategy.

Entrepreneurs can increase their management ability by seeking advice from marketing experts while buying raw materials for product yield and by advertising the product to the right audience. Moreover, here are some of the good ideas that can help entrepreneurs to maintain their business budget and avoid going out of budget.

Staff management

If entrepreneurs give a free hand to their company employees they may feel free to do anything irrespective of business concerns and company growth. That is why ignoring the management of employees can lead to harmful results and low productivity for the company. 

Entrepreneurs should provide all the necessary guidance to their employees so may they can be active toward their responsibilities. Following are some effective suggestions for entrepreneurs to help their employees to best carry out company goals.

Expanding business 

When an entrepreneur becomes successful in a good startup the business there comes a situation to expand the business in the right terms. Expanding the business is also one of the challenging situations of the business journey.

The expanding time of business is crucial in the sense it requires business considerations, ways to figure out the customer needs and requirements, and making new connections with other business owners. Here are the effective solutions to this solve this problem 

Maintaining a reputation in the market

Getting the trust of the community and marketplace can be a potential problem for business owners if they compromise quality. Maintaining a business reputation is an art that involves many requirements and business conditions. Here are some of the guidelines that can help in the reputation of your company.

The Personal Questions Entrepreneurs Must Answer Themselves 

Before jumping to setting business goals entrepreneurs should set personal life goals to get an exceptional personality. The process of setting goals should be up to the realistic level. Many entrepreneurs face failure just because of setting vague goals for their businesses.

That is the reason market is full of goal-setting software to solve this problem for entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs lack free time. Goal-setting software is one of the best resources to enhance your personal growth by setting effective short-term goals as well as long-term goals.

Having personal know-how is a common need for personal development and self-establishment. To achieve this ability entrepreneurs are supposed to ask some questions and answer them according to the circumstances.

Let us discuss how important are the following questions for entrepreneurs while setting personal goals, business goals, or creating a marketing strategy.

What sort of entrepreneurship is needed for me?

Every entrepreneur needs a long time sustainability in the business but the business needs vary from company to company. Before setting personal goals and business goals entrepreneurs should focus on their business needs and priorities of the company.

There are specific kinds of entrepreneurship owning different needs and requirements i.e. social entrepreneurship, small company entrepreneurship, large business entrepreneurship, lifestyle entrepreneurship, etc. So, what you need to do is to select the specific category and get all the acknowledgment of that very field.

When you get the idea of entrepreneurship ask yourself about which type suits you more and is beneficial for your business needs. Avoid entangling yourself in useless things rather mark your interest and find your strengths to keep going.

This strategy will help entrepreneurs to identify a specific domain they are naturally able to. Selecting a specific category will result in higher activation energy and great motivation for business success.

Did I set clear and realistic goals? 

Both the business and personal goals of every entrepreneur are linked together directly or indirectly. So, both fields require clear and realistic goal setting to allow things for making sense. It is one of the effective questions for entrepreneurs to ask themselves about the clarification of their life goals.

To avoid vague goals SMART goal framework is a very good option to set your personal life goals as well as professional goals. 

S:  stands for specific, entrepreneurs always make sure to set clear and specific goals. For example, I will arrange a meeting tomorrow to discuss the new project.

M: stands for measurable, a measurable goal includes a quantitative approach. For example, reducing the production expenses by 10% this year.

A: stands for achievable, an achievable goal is not unrealistic rather it is achievable with a fine struggle. For example, my company will be among the top-rank companies in the next two years.

R: stands for realistic, a realistic goal can be both short-term or long-term but it should make a realistic sense. For example, increasing the shares of my company in the marketplace by the end of this trimester.

T: stands for time-bounded, a time-bounded business goal consists of a time deadline. For example, my company will complete the project on the 25th of this month.

So, Setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bounded goals simplify the process and provides a limit to every goal. 

Can I accept those risks and sacrifices?

Entrepreneurship is all about taking risks and tough actionable steps. Before getting into entrepreneurship ask the question if you are capable of handling tough situations and strong enough to take risks.

Bill Gates a well-known entrepreneur advises building dreams is a must if you don’t build your dreams someone other will hire you to achieve his/her dreams. So, if you wanted to be a successful entrepreneur you have a dream bid, and achieving big dreams is always risky and tough.

This is the reason you should prepare yourself for risky situations and make tough decisions. Achieving your dreams will insist you against your comfort zone and ease. But it is guaranteed your sacrifices will result big if you use to stick to your goals and objectives.

History is full of such examples in which individuals build a whole company with a great mindset and by setting goals. No one is born as an entrepreneur but born to be a successful entrepreneur. So, find your strengths and aim big to make your life a successful example for others.

Can the strategy generate sufficient profits and growth?

Entrepreneurs do not beat around the bush but create an excellent business strategy that goes perfectly for business success. An unclear and random strategy always results in a great business fall. Entrepreneurs should find the answer to the question of whether their business strategy is capable enough to generate steady business growth. 

Entrepreneurs need to build a long-term strategy including company policies, long-term vision, marketing, employee concerns, and all the business predictions. The strategy must be an excellent framework for future stability and business progress. 

After creating a business strategy review it for answering the following valuable questions.

Is this strategy perfect for the profitable direction of your business?

Will you generate an ideal outcome from your employees?

Are your offerings valuable enough to beat the other companies?

Did you involve the concerns of potential buyers?

Do I have a good network and the right resources?

The hiring of skilled employees is considered to be the power of a company. If a company lacks a skilled workforce it will never gonna win the competition. The beginnings are always tough but an active and skilled team of employees can be the activation energy for business progress.

In addition to great employees, a great network of entrepreneurs works as a backup plan. During a crisis, a supportive network including potential investors and other entrepreneurs can save the day. Entrepreneurs should own beneficial team members that are active toward the company’s concerns rather than their personal benefits.

A new entrepreneur must follow the guidelines of other business holders of the same domain. A young entrepreneur should research trustworthy producers to get quality raw materials and have information on all the related marketing areas.

If the business plan isn’t working go and review your business strategy, check the quality of your services, and find which department is creating the problem for business success.

Are my goals for growth too conservative or too violent?

After developing the business plan and marketing strategies entrepreneurs should recheck their business goals as well as their personal growth goals. Sometimes setting conservative goals leads to hardness and business failure. 

Being updated concerning the current situation is mandatory as life has changed a lot in this modern era. Most of the business strategies have been changed as new technology has a great influence on lives. On the one side market is full of great resources to support new businesses but on the other side, there are more chances of misleading ideas and unnecessary resources that create frustration among entrepreneurs.

So, entrepreneurship involves flexibility in goal setting and business planning to have space for new ideas to fulfill the current business needs. Having a steady variation in business goals is good for business growth as it will help to renew the strategy to make smart changes.


I hope this detailed image of entrepreneurship will be helpful for you to set your business goals and personal life goals to improve your professional life.

To make a steady flow in business growth every entrepreneur needs to set some specific goals that will lead him toward a successive life. A successful entrepreneur never feels fear of taking brave actionable steps but rather always gives priority to company success.

So, before taking the responsibilities of entrepreneurship focus on your personal growth to get an ideal mindset.


Setting business strategy: how will I get there?

Remind the following things while setting a business strategy.

What is a smart goal for an entrepreneur?

To avoid vague goals SMART goal framework is one of the best resources to set your personal life goals as well as professional goals. 

S:  stands for specific, entrepreneurs always make sure to set clear and specific goals. 

M: stands for measurable, a measurable goal includes a quantitative approach. 

A: stands for achievable, an achievable goal is not unrealistic rather it is achievable with a fine struggle. 

R: stands for realistic, a realistic goal can be both short-term or long-term but it should make a realistic sense. 

T: stands for time-bounded, a time-bounded business goal consists of a time deadline. For example, my company will complete the project on the 25th of this month.

What are the 3 fundamental goals for your business growth?

Have a look at the following business goals that play a role in fundamental goals in the business sector.

What are the 5 short-term entrepreneur goals?

What is a long-term goal for an entrepreneur?

Long-term goals are the goals that are going to complete in a long-haul i.e. take three to five years to achieve. Successful entrepreneurs always prefer to set clear long-term goals and assist them with short-term goals to provide the right direction to achieve business goals. 

For example,

Sometimes achieving long-term goals become tough to handle as they require a long span of patience that isn’t a cup of tea for everyone.

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