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35 Family Goals That Made Me A Better Person

Family Goals for 2022

What are family goals?

Family Goals are proposed objectives or results that a family desires to achieve for a certain period of time and sets the timeline to attain them.

It is therefore a bucket list of things stated, structure designed and regulatory guidelines put in place to make a family better.

Financial Goals

1) Start a saving account with a goal to cater for emergencies and unforeseen expenditure

In the past years, census has been done and data collected and on average, only a minority percentage set aside funds for such needs.

Considering the current situation and heavy impact of the COVID 19 pandemic and high cost of living, every family should have some funds set aside.

This will help cater for bills such as mortgage purposes when the income level is inadequate.

It will also help the family avoid loan with high rates or selling properties purchased over time.

Capable family members with incomes can contribute to this fund and may help sort out bills that are not covered by insurance companies.

2) Establish a family business

The family may jointly select and be dedicated to a profitable business such as a farm, housing solutions, grocery store, a shop, an industry to manufacture goods with demand in the market.

Establishing a business firm depending on the financial capabilities of the family with a goal of making more income.

Some members should source for market and others be in finance handling.

The incomes will be projected and will improve the living standards. Finance, economic and managerial skills of the members will be promoted as well.

Such may be Passed on to future generations and the business will continue as its not limited to the year’s success alone.

3) Start Saving in Piggy Banks

The family members should be urged to make an effort of putting small amounts of money into the piggy bank for a certain period of time such as monthly or on annual basis or until a specified and achievable goal is reached.

The total money raised may be evenly shared among the members or used by the family as whole for a treat or to purchase something helpful to all or pay for rent in case of rental homes or business places.

4) Motivate one another by rewarding them for completed chores and responsibilities – Family Goals

Successfully completed tasks should be rewarded to motivate everyone. Hard earned money feels great when spending by the adults and the kids could get some pocket money to encourage them.

A board should be erected indicating the rewards for different tasks and the members can choose on which task to work on.

Members can use the received amount in doing something constructive.

Religious Goals

1) Praying together as a family

Different families have different spiritual beliefs and traditions.

Prayer however is common in most if not all. As much as each member may choose a different path, religion is one key aspect that could strengthen the ties of a family.

Establishing and ensuring everyone follows a routine of getting together and making a prayer either every morning, evening, or before and after meals is key.

2) Reading and learning religious books – Family Goals

Learning the beliefs and traditions is important as the family will understand the religious guidelines together and following them will provide a common base for each family member to build their faith on.

3) Attending religious gatherings

The family should attend the gatherings together and give them an opportunity to relate with others of the same faith.

They may also make contributions to their places of worship and this will improve their socializing abilities and be part of a larger community.

Educational Goals

1) Introduce research topics for each individual to be discussed later in a family seating

Each individual may have a different topic or a common topic should be selected for all. The members then will come together and discuss the findings.

This will improve the research abilities of the members and improve their knowledge by bringing together different findings and ideas.

In the current world, things are changing and research will help keep the family on track.

2) Start a family book club

Each member should have the role of choosing a relevant and family friendly book to read.

They may read individually and then share their opinions together once a month.

The themes should be well selected to make sure every member of the family is suited and no one is left out or limited.

3) Set aside time for family quick trivia

Different subjects and topics are to be agreed upon or each member allowed to select what they are good at.

The members will then ask questions related to the selected subject and the answer will be given within a set span of time maybe 60 seconds.

This is really fun and will help everyone sharpen their knowledge and new things will be learnt in the process.

4) Schedule for shows and exhibitions

The family will attend technology, agricultural, cultural and other forms of shows and exhibitions where new vast knowledge will be instilled and make the family conversant with the emerging trends in the global market and changing technologies.

This may also be a form of vacation as recreational activities may be available.

5) Learn new languages – Family Goals

This may be through books, or videos teaching the basics of certain languages. It will help the family appreciate diversity as well as improve their communication with others.

While planning for international trips, this will be a helpful tip on the places and the people to visit.

It will also enhance child development and make it easy to even pursue career choices in other countries.

6) Engage the family in homework and assignments

Helping out kids in their homework will prove fun and interactive.

The kids will feel safer around family and the parents will also evaluate their kids’ strengths and weaknesses and look for a way to help them out.

Promising the kids some play time or movies after the homework is correctly done will motivate them.

7) Learn new recipes together

The kids will learn how to cook and the family will learn how to make new meals and this will diversify their nutrition choices.

It will also enable the members take turns while making meals and even bring them together while enjoying meal time.

8) Start the day with encouraging quotes

Strong sayings from wise people have helped so many family face life rather more positively and encouraged them to move forward with life even during hardships.

Learning these sayings every day will enrich the minds of the family members and will make them strong through different situations.

This will also help them make good use of the internet and books of philosophy.

Relationship Goals

1) Arrange Family gifting days

The Boxing day of this year would be pone good example of these days when the family engages in gifting each other through selecting a name from a bunch and keeping it secret till that day comes.

Everyone will feel appreciated and a sense of togetherness will be promoted.

2) Work on family projects

The family can decide on a project such as repainting the living room or building a tree house. This will promote teamwork among the family members.

3) Start a family channel or social media account for blogging and vlogs

The family can write blogs or record a video together.

This will help keep memories and the family can sit together later as they revisit them and analyze people’s comments and what is recommended by their followers.

4) Introduce simple family activities such as movie nights and walks

It doesn’t always have to be about adventures and long trips.

The family however can plan simple activities including a tag of war, movies, walks around the neighborhood, going to the market together, riding bikes or obstacle runs in the backyard.

A lot of simple activities can be done as a family and it’s so much fun.

5) Choose a family mission statement

This is some sort of a single-paragraph motto that would incorporate the values of the family and give a sense of identity.

It also reminds the family of what it wants to achieve or what its aiming at. Several statements should be suggested and agreed upon.

6) Have meals together more regularly

Having meals together will prove to be a good opportunity of interacting and discussing various issues affecting the members.

Anxiety and stress will be reduced among the members as well as some eating disorders.

Younger members will also be saved from substance abuse and immorality as more family time will be created compared to previous days.

7) Plan for family vacations – Family Goals

This may be done during weekends and holidays. Each family member should be given a chance to choose what activity they would love to involve in and a day should be set aside for this.

The vacations may involve trips to designated places during the holiday or even road trips in a family car.

8) Create a duty routine for household chores

This will help each member have discipline and be responsible in taking roles.

Everyone will know what is expected of them and the family activities will be well coordinated.

9) Regulate screen time to incorporate other interactive activities

The family can sit down and discuss how the day was at work and in school for the kids.

Members will raise concerns at such times. Long screen hours are a concern and are not healthy according to research and its important to make them moderate.

10) Showing moral support in achievements, interests, and downfalls

Every member should be present to appreciate the achievement of one of them may it be after promotion or graduation, during practice, sports and talent shows, and other such events.

They will strengthen the bond between them and make them more supportive of each other at all times. It should not always be during achievements but during low times as well.

An example is when one of the family members falls sick or is going through an emotional time and needs to be supported.

Social Goals

1) Involve in volunteering activities

It is important for the young ones to learn the value of helping others and joining others in doing something for the community without expecting pay.

The family in this case will enjoy helping out in activities including cleaning, planting trees or spending time with the needy.

This can be done monthly and by the end of the year 2022, you will realize how much you have contributed to the public through improving lives and how happy that makes you feel.

2) Have social meetings with family friends

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for most friends to meet and share special moments, some governments have however lifted bans and curfews, and coming together is now possible.

This year, families should invite friends over and share a meal or do some activities together.

This will help them catch up and share their experiences in the past months.

Visiting them would also help carry out a benchmark and help learn new things.

3) Reach out to the extended family – Family Goals

Due to job opportunities as well as other factors, many extended families have moved far apart making it hard to meet.

It is therefore important that a family plans to invite the members of the extended family over or visit them in their respective households.

This will help the younger members of the family meet people with whom they share family ties some of whom are good examples to them as well as elder people who will share knowledge of their original family.

It will also help the family understand the achievements or challenges facing their relatives.

4) Make donations to non-profit making organizations

These may include children home and shelters as well as religious establishments.

The family members will have the opportunity to extend a helping hand in bettering someone else’s life and helping the less fortunate.

Health and Wellness Goals

1) The members should be vigilant in keeping fit and should make it a routine to exercise.

They may set a target of pounds to lose in a span of time maybe monthly and can also evaluate the progress by the end of the year.

This will improve the individual health as well the health of the entire family.

2) Improve family nutrition

Good eating habits such as eating healthy meals with a well-balanced diet and light meals before sleep are recommended for a healthy family.

The members should focus on affordable meals that will help their bodies and keep them illness-free free and it may be a rule.

Meals provided on the table should be carefully selected and professionals consulted or research done from the internet or journals.

The family should change to better meals in case they were not previously adopted. A bad meal increases illness possibilities.

3) Focus on mental wellness – Family Goals

Physical health is not all in a good family. The mental soundness is also very important to consider.

Involving the family in yoga activities and meditation will help relieve mental pressure and stress and improve personal health.

Consulting an expert in a therapy program as a family is also a positive step to take.

4) Have enough sleep

All individuals should adjust their schedule to have enough time to rest and set hours should not be exceeded.

The family should end all activities at an hour to give enough time for sleep during the night and also wake up at favorable hours considering age of the members.

5) Go for regular health checkups

The family should visit specialists according to age and gender in well-established institutions that incorporate all the necessary departments.

This will ensure that all the members are free from diseases and even know on ways to cure and manage already diagnosed ones.

The above goals require discipline and every rule and condition followed and adequate efforts made.

The goal is to improve the family’s total and average level of income, be able to cater for housing and other mortgage bills, live an affordable life, live a happy life, and promote safety.

A qualitative analysis should be carried out at the end of the year

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