Setting a fitness objective plays a role, in enhancing both the mental wellbeing of our bodies. Whether it’s as simple as performing squats or as challenging as lifting weights engaging in exercise keeps us active and alert throughout our lives. However starting a fitness routine may be challenging, for those who are unfamiliar, with the process. That’s why establishing fitness goals is vital. In this article, we will provide guidance for individuals looking to embark on their fitness journey and offer tips on how to achieve their goals while maintaining consistency.
10 Realistic Fitness Goals for Beginners’ Level

The setting of fitness goals can be beneficial in terms of productivity and success. If you are a beginner and do not know where to start when it comes to setting fitness goals, then stick around and learn from the suggestions of some personal trainers.
1. Hold a Plank For 60 Seconds

Planks is a kind of exercise that can build muscles. It helps maintain proper posture and reduces backache. They are quite hard, especially for a beginner starting for the first time. If you can’t do a 60-second plank one time, you can start with 20 – 30 seconds and do it three times a week.
2. Do 10 Push-Ups in Good Form

One of the greatest exercises that works well with the upper part of your body is Push-ups. For starters, doing 10 push-ups is beneficial. Push-ups should be done in good form too. Body structures are different so do the one that works for you. You can try with knee push-ups, that is, a normal push-up, but with your knees on the floor at a 450 angle. You can start small and then switch to a more challenging position as you deem fit.
Push-ups should also be done properly. To do it properly, you could invest in a personal trainer or try some methods such as doing planks, negative push-ups, and others.
3. Walk 10,000 Steps Per Day

Make it a goal to walk 10,000 steps per day. This could be hard if you own a vehicle and just want to drive somewhere. Some personal trainers recommend planning ahead of time the day you want to walk and then stick to it. Some apps like MyHealth found in Android phones can help track your walking steps. You can choose to record your tracks however you want it. You can even make your walk enjoyable by listening to podcasts or some other audio files like soft music.
4. Stretch After Every Workout

You don’t have to work throughout a session before you achieve your goal. As a beginner, you should also make time for resting. Stretch your body after each workout in order to relieve pain and reduce stress. Stretching also helps improve circulation.
5. Lift bodyweight 2 Times Per Week

Body weights are vital for building muscles, stamina, and strength. You don’t have to be scared to lift body weights. You can start with light ones. You can start by lifting body weight twice per week and then you’ll do more as time progresses.

6. Increase Daily Activity like Taking the Stairs
Of course, people enjoy using elevators. But for beginners, you can set the goal of taking the stairs instead of using the elevator. It boosts your heart and brain. It also helps increase daily activities especially if you do not walk too much every day.
7. Drink 64 oz of Water Daily

Exercising makes you sweat a lot. Sweating, however, makes you lose plenty of water and it also makes you lose helpful nutrients. Drinking water regularly will help you retain water and those helpful nutrients. It is recommended that you drink about 64 oz of water every day (or about 2 – 3 ltrs). So always have a bottle of water with you or eat fruits that contain fluids.
8. Take one new workout Per Month

Sticking to a fitness routine is easy when you enjoy it. Write out a list of workouts that you’d love to try and try them out every month till you find the one that works for you. When you finally see one, don’t forget to stick to it.
9. Get 7-8 hours of sleep Per Night

Getting adequate sleep is essential to help your body recover from the workout you have done. If you don’t sleep enough, you will have internal injuries and in the long run, it will be detrimental to your health. Endeavor to set the goal of getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night in order to reach your fitness goal.
10. Reduce Stress with Meditation, Yoga

You don’t always have to visit the gym or do tedious workouts before you stay fit. Meditation also helps with keeping your mental health fit. Some people, especially older ones engage in yoga in order to meditate. It helps relieve stress, and tension and improves one’s mood. This can be done in the room, try setting up a space in a corner of your room for meditation. The environment should be quiet and the floor should be comfortable. Using a meditation app will also be helpful as these apps contain suggestions that are tailored to your needs.
Understanding fitness goals for beginners and How to Set Smart Goals
It is important to set smart fitness goals. We discuss how to achieve these goals. But first, let’s talk about what smart goals are.
What are SMART goals?

SMART goals are types of goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. They are methods that help achieve fitness goals.
How to Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound Fitness Goals
To set a SMART fitness goal, you have to make sure that the goal is specific (such as walking 10,000 steps every day), measurable (walking 10,000 steps), achievable (walking is something people do), relevant (improving heart rate and fitness) and time-bound (every day).
Most Common Fitness Goals For Beginners
Below are some of the common fitness goals for beginners:
- Improving Strength and Endurance
You can set the goal of improving your stamina, strength, and endurance by working out.
- Losing Weight and Reducing Body Fat
Engaging in fitness routines can help you lose weight and body fat especially if you are overweight or even obese.
- Increasing Flexibility and Mobility
You can set the goal of working out in order to increase your body’s flexibility and mobility. It can help maximize your body’s way of movement.
- Running a 5K race
A 5K race is a run that covers a distance of 5km. It is a common race that is undertaken by people. You will find it helpful to run this race as it will help you gain energy, strength, and stability. If you cannot cover 5km in one run, then you can run shorter races till you are able to take up the challenge.
- Mastering Basic Fitness Skills
You can set the goal of mastering basic fitness skills. This will help prepare you to take up more challenging routines.
Tips for achieving your fitness and health goals successfully

It is one thing to set goals and it is another thing to achieve them. The following tips are highlighted below to help you successfully reach your fitness and health goals.
Set Smaller Milestone Goals
Setting smaller milestone goals can help you achieve your fitness goals successfully. For instance, if you have the big goal of losing 20kg within a period of time, you should also set smaller goals like shedding fewer pounds before you reach the big goal.
Use a Fitness Tracker to track your progress
A Fitness Tracker is a good tool that will help you track your progress over time. When you see how far you’ve come and how well you are doing, it will help you to achieve your goal. Fitness trackers can be found on smartwatches and mobile phones such as MyHealth on Android Phones that help track walking steps.
Enlist a personal trainer for Motivation
A personal trainer is also needed to successfully attain your fitness goals. A personal trainer is your personal assistant. Personal trainers work with you closely to help create an engaging exercise schedule, help you with form, ensure you are working all your muscle groups safely, and help you attain your fitness goal. The responsibility of meeting your personal trainer for a set appointment can help stay on track and meet your goals. Using a personal trainer is a wise choice for beginners who need help getting started as well as for more seasoned exercisers who want to push themselves further.
Focus on Enjoying the Fitness Journey
Fitness goal is attainable when you focus on enjoying the fitness journey. Don’t just keep your eyes fixed on getting to the finish line but enjoy the process. This boosts your drive to accomplish the goal.
Listen to your body and Avoid Overtraining
Just the right amount of stress can be exactly the motivation your body needs to make changes. Too much stress can cause damage that is irreparable, not only to muscles but also to vital organs. Not only will your body actively give you signals while you are exercising, but it will also let you know when you should rest for a little longer before continuing your regular workout routine. Do not engage in a particular routine because you see someone doing it. Try and understand your body’s response to working out and do not worry, you will still receive the benefit of staying fit.
Remember, staying fit is a personal journey. So whatever fitness goal you set for yourself should also be personalized. Avoid a competitive spirit as this can lead to overtraining and possible injury.
Celebrate Small Fitness Wins and Stay Positive
It is important to celebrate small wins and stay positive as you proceed in your fitness journey. The benefits of working out may not become obvious at first. It takes time. So do not get discouraged. Just be happy and celebrate the small wins you have. Staying consistent on your fitness journey is something to be positive about and as time progresses, the overall benefit will become seen.
Maintaining Consistency and Habits on Your Fitness Journey

It may be a challenge to remain consistent and make staying fit a habit especially if it is something you are not used to. However, maintaining consistency is vital in achieving your fitness goals. The following steps highlight some of the ways you can maintain such consistency:
Schedule Workouts and Stick to Them
It is very important to have a schedule, when you have a schedule, it will imprint in your mind the need to finish what you have started. It will help you prioritize it as something important. You can schedule workouts with your calendar or journal or even with a reminder on your mobile device. Endeavor to stick to your schedule too. That is what makes the whole thing make sense.
Make Active Lifestyle Changes for Everyday Fitness
It is also vital to make lifestyle changes to successfully reach your fitness goals. These lifestyles could include changing your diet (eating more fruits and vegetables and avoiding sugars), improving the quality of your sleep, and spending some time off your devices, especially at night. This will help you attain a healthier lifestyle.
Practice Positive Self-Talk and Visualization
Feeling stuck and feeling inadequate are two discouraging factors that can make you give up trying. Envisage the end result of your hard work. That could boost your level of consistency. Avoid speaking derogatorily about yourself. Try talking positive things to yourself, and compliment yourself every time you finish a workout. To make it easy, you can write these positive talks on a sheet and put them on your wall. You can also listen to motivational quotes to lift up your spirit whenever you feel down.
Even exercise apps always say something good about you when you finish working out to the end. So do the same for yourself too. You can simply tell yourself “thank you”, or “well done” whenever you finish a workout. This will help boost your motivation to keep working toward your goal.
Don’t Get Discouraged by Setbacks and Challenges
Setbacks and challenges are sometimes inevitable. Unforeseen occurrences and unexpected events can make it challenging to reach a set goal. Do not let them discourage you. View them as a means to learn and grow and make adjustments. Make it your aim to maintain consistency, keep this a habit, and reach the finish line.
Reflect on Your fitness goals regularly
Reflecting on your fitness goals can help you maintain consistency. When you regularly think of what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it, it could move you to work towards achieving your fitness goals.
Conclusion: – 10 Realistic fitness goals that are attainable and achievable
This article has discussed the need to set fitness goals, some helpful tips that will make it attainable, and how to maintain consistency. The truth is, staying fit is staying healthy, and as they say ‘health is wealth’. Below are 10 realistic fitness goals that you can set for yourself.
- Walks 10,000 steps each day
- Get adequate sleep
- Drink more water
- Exercise daily
- Adjust your lifestyle (Change your diet by including more fruits and vegetables)
- Do push-ups and planks to build your muscle
- Try a new workout each month
- Increase your daily activities by walking more instead of driving or sitting
- Do some stretches
- Have a workout partner.
The ultimate fitness goal is to lose body fat.
The main goal of physical fitness is to lose body fat and to be in good shape.
You can set fitness goals by finding an ultimate fitness goal, then come up with a way of achieving the goal by setting smaller goals, monitoring your progress, and adjusting your circumstances.
Fitness goals examples include lifting body weights, getting in good shape, maintaining endurance, stamina, and flexibility.