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10 Funny Life Goals For Enjoying A Fulfilled Life

Funny Life Goals

The new year always inspires people to form new goals and resolutions. As you read this, chances are you probably already have a list of personal goals and other important dreams you would love to accomplish before the year ends. And although goal setting is a serious part of personal development, the goals themselves do not necessarily need to be boring. In this article, we will discuss funny life goals that are guaranteed to make your life more joyful.

Some of the goals listed here were inspired by kids in middle school who undoubtedly have the most ridiculous aspirations.

But from experience, having a little fun as you work towards achieving your long and short-term goals is the perfect recipe for happiness.

How Can Funny Life Goals Make Your Life Better?

One sure way of strengthening your mind is to write down your goals and continually monitor how close you are to achieving them.

In addition to giving you purpose and inspiration, having a clear goal helps you put things in proper perspective and guides you toward achieving your dreams.

It really does not matter whether you have big goals or small goals, the truth is that the very process of setting goals and working towards achieving goals can work wonders for your mental health.

The hilarious life goals in this article will help you find new ways to experience joy and happiness without any pressure or the fear of failing.

For those of you who are married, asking your wife or husband to join you as you try to tick these items off your bucket list is a good idea for strengthening your love life.

Some of these goals are also fun activities you can engage in to build stronger bonds with your kids.

Want to stay focused and achieve all your goals? Here is our Guide to Stay Deeply Focused and achieve your Goals .

10 Funny Life Goals You Must Have To Make Life More Joyful

Take Your Kid/Kids Out On A Date

Date nights are for you and your lover, but your kids can also join in the fun. It does not have to be anything fancy, nor does it have to be at night.

The goal is simply to spend some alone time with your kids outside your home. Dress up like you would on a real date and treat your little prince or princess to a real royal experience.

Listen To A Music Album In A Foreign Language

Music is a universal language. You will be surprised at how quickly you can relate to what an artist says even when you do not know the words of the song.

There are hundreds of different languages all over the world. Simply choose the one you have always been curious about and download a bunch of albums in your favorite gear.

Life is enjoyed through new experiences, so treat your ears to new music from a strange tongue.

Buy A Cookbook And Try Making Every Meal

This funny life goal works best for people who enjoy cooking but can also turn into a fun and exciting adventure for those new to the kitchen.

Cooking is a calming and relaxing exercise, depending on whom you ask though. All the same, you will love every bit of the process if you have a curious mind.

Cooking by yourself at home has a lot of benefits, One of them is it helps you stay healthy and have a flat tummy .

For bonus points, conscript your partner or children into your new kitchen regiment and have loads of fun as you take your taste buds on a joyous expedition.

Read The Complete Works Of Shakespeare In French

One sure way to relax and engage your mind is to read. All great people attest to the importance of reading on the journey to success.

But self-help and personal development books can be tiresome sometimes. So instead, transport yourself to the Shakespearean era and hear Brutus justify stabbing his best friend in the back.

Lady Macbeth will also be thrilled to have your company as she plots to make her husband king.

Learn To Juggle

This particular funny life goal doesn’t need much explanation. Simply download a YouTube video and have fun learning to juggle.

Sing To Strangers On The Subway

Everyone is a grammy award-winning star when the hot water is running in the shower. But you can make it your goal to sing sweet songs to strangers on the subway.

It does not matter if you sound like Whitney Houston or if your voice could scare the pigeons away. You will certainly make someone smile when you do, and happiness is contagious.

Food Fight at Dinner time

Remember those fun food fights in the cafeteria? Who says you can reenact that same adrenaline-pumping excitement at home?

Surprise your family during dinner and hurl some spaghetti while you pass the salt. The mess can be wiped clean before morning, but the memories will last your kids a lifetime.

Visit Every Restaurant In Your City

Another funny life goal you can have is to try and visit every single restaurant in your city. This particular funny life goal is nearly impossible to accomplish, but the experiences you gather will make it worth your while.

The trick is to never eat at the same place twice. That way, you will cover more ground and taste the cooking of all the chefs in town, both the good and the bad.

If you have a partner, you can use Google maps to create a list of the restaurants in your city and schedule date nights throughout the year.

Like most of the other funny life goals in this article, the point is to try something new as often as possible.

Stay Off The Internet For An Entire Weekend

Social media is slowly becoming the bane of our existence. People are so caught up with their phones that they end up missing out on all the beautiful things happening around them.

We have become so hooked on the quick supply of dopamine from likes and shares on Facebook and Instagram that we hardly have time for anything else.

Do not disturb

If I had to guess, I’d say about two to three new internet notifications have popped into your phone since you started reading this article.

You will not realize how funny this goal is until you try to actually stay disconnected through a day, not to talk of an entire weekend. But then, if it were easy it would not qualify as a goal, so go ahead and give it a shot.

Unplug your phone and recharge your mind to be content with nature.

Wondering what to do while you are off the grid? Learn to set goals , and make your list of goals that you want to achieve for the Week , Month and the Year. Know more on Why The Secret To Success Is Setting The Goals?

Learn Sign Language

Learning a new language is always fun. And learning sign language promises to be even more interesting. Not only is this particular goal a super fun exercise, but it will also equip you with an invaluable life skill.

Discover what it feels like to talk with your hands and listen with your eyes.

Final Thoughts – Live your Dream

Your life will only be as interesting as you make it and what that means is that it is entirely up to you to shake things up and throw in as much color as you please.

Want to encourage goal setting among your loved ones? , Here is our list of The 11 Best Goal Setting Gifts To Encourage Goal Setting .

Most people get so focused on achieving success that they forget to live a little bit.

Regardless of what your aspirations are, it is always a good thing to let your hair down and have fun as often as you can.

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