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Goals Vs Wishes: What Sets Successful People Apart?

Goals Vs Wishes What Sets Successful People Apart

Did you ever wonder what is the difference between ultra-successful people and others? What sets Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates apart from the rest? It is simple. They have mastered the essence of goals vs wishes. They don’t just wish and hope for a better future, they work for it.

Almost everyone wishes for something, don’t they? You might wish to make more money, be famous or have a nice car. Or you might wish to go on a vacation to Africa. You might wish to start a new business. The secret to turning these wishes into reality lies in setting goals and working towards them. 

If you want to make all your wishes come true this year, read on!

What is the difference between a wish and a goal?

A wish can be anything you dream about, it does not have to be logical. For instance, you might wish to grow wings and fly around the world. And a wish stops at that, it does not really translate into action.

A goal, on the other hand, is a wish with a plan. If you want to turn your wishes into reality, you will need to set measurable and realistic goals. Unlike wishes, goal setting demands action. Let us take our earlier example of growing wings. If you want to turn that into a goal, you will need to set a timeline for it and break it into smaller achievable goals. 

These goals can look like this:

  1. I will do a course on aerodynamics in 2 years.
  2. I will get into an aerodynamic R&D program in 5 years.
  3. I will secure an independent project in 7 years.
  4. I will develop battery-powered wings for humans in 10 years.

Why is it a wish, not a goal?

A wish is not a goal because it does not have any target. Wishing for something is just fantasy unless it is connected to an action plan. A goal will motivate you to work hard for it every single day. However, a wish will not. If not turned into a goal, a wish will keep you dreaming without putting in any effort. 

The difference between a wish and a goal

The main difference between a w and a goal is planning. When you take your wish seriously and want to achieve it, you will need to plan for it. Wishing is a very vague dream whereas a goal is specific and time-bound. 

Here’s an example of the difference between a wish and a goal:

Wish: I want to be better at cooking

Goal: I will roast a turkey in 3 months

The main difference between wishes and goals are: Effort, Time, and Priority

As you have seen, wishes are just dreams. A wish becomes a goal when there is a plan attached to it. The main elements while planning will be effort, time, and priority. You will first need to prioritize the goal. This means allocating time to work towards it every day. 

And then put in the effort. Achieving goals is no easy task, and that is why so few do it! Lastly, your goals should be time-bound. 

Wishes are not goals

Wishes are not goals unless you want them to be. A hundred years ago humans could not have dreamt of going to space! Any wish, however ridiculous it might seem, is achievable. All it takes is a goal, grit and a clear plan of action. 

Realistic goals

When you set goals, it is also important to be realistic. Your goal cannot be “I will become a chef overnight”! It is simply not possible. Consider your current skills and assess realistically how long it will take you to achieve your goals

Break the main goal into smaller short-term goals to keep yourself motivated and on track. And that’s how you make it happen!

Happy New Year’s Eve!!

There’s no time like New Year’s Eve for goal setting! Make your wishes come true by setting measurable and specific goals for the New Year. The best way to do this is to set both short-term goals and long-term goals.

You could even share them with your friends and family. They can help you stay on track and keep making progress throughout the year.


What is the difference between goals and wishful thinking?

One main difference between goals vs wishful thinking is that goals are measurable. A goal will tell you exactly what to achieve within a time frame. For example, “I will make more money” is a wish while “I will make a million dollars in 5 years” is a goal. Happiness is achieved by setting goals and working towards them, not by wishful thinking alone.

What are the three types of goals?

Outcome, performance and process goals are the three types of goals. Outcome goals define the final product or effect you want to accomplish. For example, “I want to run a marathon.”

Performance goals are the standards you set to measure your progress toward achieving the outcome goal. For example, “I will run 5 miles at a stretch.”

Process goals are behavioral changes you need to make to reach your outcome goal. For instance, “I will run for 30 minutes daily”.

What are the three differences between goals and intentions?

Goals are focused on the future whereas intentions are rooted in the present. Goals look like “I will run a marathon”. Intentions look like “Today I will be present.” You can choose your intentions irrespective of attaining your goals or not.

What are the examples of goals?

Here are some examples of goals:

What is a goal in life?

A life goal is a desired state that you want to achieve at different stages of your life. You could have one main goal or multiple life goals. Your life goals depend on what you want and not what others want for you.

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