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From Dreams to Reality: The Importance of Hard Goals

From Dreams to Reality The Importance of Hard Goals

All of us have dreams, but the best of dreams are those that you can convert into reality. 

Most people have emotional attachment to their dreams and they struggle a lot to convert it into reality, it derives motivations for setting goals in future.

For converting dreams to reality hard goals play a vital role.

Here are a few important points you must consider before setting goals.

What does HARD goals stand for? 

Almost everyone has the same question in their brain.

The term “hard goal” has been used for some time, it means goals that are very difficult and hard to achieve. Hard goals, the secret to success.

What is a hard goal to achieve?

Hard goals are very specific and can be a challenge to achieve.

Mark Murphy describes hard goals as

Create goals that have heartfelt connections, a clear vision for the end result, required for your future, and difficult but achievable.

What are HARD goals vs soft goals examples?

A few examples of hard goals and soft goals are as follows;

Soft Goals: Goals that are in your control and you can achieve easily.

1)   Enhancing workplace relationships with employees

2)   Maintaining motivation for achieving success.

3)  Communicating with humor to your employees.

4)  Increasing productivity.

5)  Increasing creativity in your business. 

Hard Goals: According to Mark Murphy of leadership iq, hard goals can be described as goals that are heartfelt, animated, required, and difficult in nature.

Hard goals work better in your personal goals life. You can also set goals which are your personal one.

What are hard vs soft goals?

While soft goals help you organize your desires into an overall plan, hard goals help your organization get on the same page and work toward specific accomplishments. 

Although it’s possible to separate your soft goals from your hard goals, both are essential to your progress outcomes for yourself.             

How do you make hard goals?

Hard goals the secret of success are very important for our career, you want to set hard goals, consider Mark Murphy’s theory for your goal setting processes.

Setting hard goals secret is H.A.R.D.

Heartfelt, goals should have a lot of meaning and provide a lot of value. It is essential to care about the goal you are working toward and have a heartfelt connection with your goal.

Animated, goals should be easy to imagine, your imagination can turn into reality. Take your time and try to describe your goal image and the end result in your mind.

Required, creating goals is required to achieve success, a person with no goals has no objectives and motivations to succeed in life. By setting goals we start to push ourselves on the path of success

Difficult, don’t make goals difficult make them a challenge for yourself, too much difficult goals can lead a person to give up and too low goals can also make a person have zero motivation to succeed.

Setting goals are important for your career as they derives motivations, set goals measurable and you don’t face a lot of challenges while achieving them.

HARD Goals Book by Mark Murphy:

Mark Murphy has is great vision for goal setting processes as he is a great author and achieved a lot in his life people follow his path for goal setting processes very much.

The well-known author of Hundred Percenters, Mark Murphy of leadership iq, explains the science behind moving from where you are to where you want to be in your career, business, and life in Hard Goals.

In this fanatic book, Mark Murphy of leadership iq is asking everyone to set hard goals, keep in mind his definition of hard goals is different.

Setting hard goals does not mean setting goals that are impossible to achieve, hard goals mean goals that you set by a HARD rule which is also known as the secret of setting goals.

In this book, Mark Murphy author of hundred percenters describes that our goals should be heartfelt, goals coming from the heart, animated, which you can sense in your vision, required, goals that are the motivation for your career, and difficult but easily measurable.

Most people make New Year’s resolutions to change their behavior and reach big goals, but they don’t stick to them.

However, some people do achieve success because they set challenging goals that challenge, inspire, and motivate them.

If we summarize this great piece of knowledge by Mark Murphy we can easily say if you ever felt like you weren’t getting there as quickly as you wanted to. HARD Goals teach you how to change your perspective and get on the road to great success and accomplish all your goals.

The author’s key ideas have strong research support, and Hard Goals is full of fascinating insights regarding how to get yourself to achieve things you never thought were possible.

This is the book for you if you want to accomplish something significant or significant in your life.

This book’s research showed that people who set hard goals are up to 75% happier than those who set easy goals. Mark Murphy the author of another fantastic book hundred percenters explains in these pages how mastering the art of setting goals can lead to success and happiness.

HARD Goals Examples

Goals that are hard are measurable and have a deadline set.

For me the hard goal was to start freelancing and develop new skills for my personal expenses and not to be dependent on anyone, I used this secret of setting goals H.A.R.D

Heartfelt, I cared too much for this goal, learned new skills, tracked my daily progress, worked on my soft skills, and kept my goal secret until I accomplish it.

Animated, I had a clear vision in my brain to achieve this goal, I had to full fill all my commitments to accomplish this.

Required, it was required for me to start freelancing as nobody else was going to pay my bills and I had to set my personal goals and objectives.

Difficult, it was difficult for me but not impossible, I had to learn new skills in my free time. Staying in my comfort zone it was difficult for me to learn new skills.

But setting goals vary person to person. Teaching and nursing can also be good examples of hard goals, as they are also heartfelt, animated, required, and difficult.

Every person has their own goals, but goals should have a vision that pushes you toward your successful desired future.

Pursue your success till your pursuit succeed.

Taking A HARD Goal Example And Making It SMART: 

Once you understood HARD goals you can now convert them into SMART goals.

You might be thinking how is that possible? 

How can you convert hard goals into smart goals, believe me setting smart goals is not very difficult it is easy to set smart goals

Let me clear up your confusion, teaching is a hard goal example but you can make it a smart goal by just following the SMART goals rule which can turn dreams into reality.

For making smart goals you have to do the following things, after completing these things you can easily make your hard goal into smart goals

Specific: Teaching is a HARD goal you can make it specific just by writing it down.

Measurable: A goal that can be measured is one whose completion date can be easily determined. Additionally, the achievement can be explained in some way. Teaching is a goal that you can easily achieve and is measurable in all senses.

Achievable: Never set goals that can lead you toward failure, goals should be easily achievable. The balancing act of setting goals that challenge us is very similar to this. However, you shouldn’t go so far as to set yourself up for failure by setting a goal that can’t be achieved. Once you achieved your goal it will become motivation for you to set more smart goals.

Relevant:  Your current circumstance makes sense when you set a realistic goal. It is attainable, and you have the capabilities and resources to complete your goal. Realistic goals derives motivations for creating more goals.

Time bound: Your goals should be completed on time, set deadlines for yourself. There should be a time bound attached to every goal. Because putting a deadline in place creates urgency and commitment. A goal without time bound is a goal wasted and very difficult to be achieved. Even in business if you want to have great employee engagement you have to set time bounds to them.

To set achieve smart goals you have to work on your skills.

HARD Goals Vs SMART Goals: Key Takeaways:

First and foremost, these two goal-setting systems offer a structured approach to establishing your goals. Aimed at increasing your chances of success in achieving them even if they are your personal one.

Personal transformative long-term goals work best with HARD goals. For instance, achieving a significant career achievement.

SMART goals, on the other hand, can be just as effective. However, more tactical objectives make the method more effective. And goals for which you are less personally invested in their achievement.

For instance, implementing productivity enhancements for the company of your employees, building a good and healthy relationship with your employees.

Additionally, the two goal-setting procedures can be combined for optimal outcomes. As the end result, they go hand in hand.

Lastly, any process is preferable to none at all when it comes to goal setting methods

First thing to achieve success is to select the approach that you find most appealing the moment you realize it you can work in your comfort zone.

 Likewise makes the most sense in your circumstance.

List of Hard Goals Examples and Goal Categories:

There are many hard goals, goals that can you feel from the heart and have a heartfelt connection and emotional connection with, imagine in your vision, required for your better desired future, and difficult but achievable.

Here are some HARD goals which have your emotional attachments.

  1. Losing weight
  2. Being a doctor
  3. Teaching
  4. Learning new skills
  5. Being a pilot

Goals always derives motivations in your life but your goals that are not realistic, time bound, relevant, and difficult to achieve can be the major reason for your failure or become the biggest hurdle in your path to success.

It is important for everyone in this world to understand goals categorization before starting the goals setting process.


Spiritual goals: this category of goals helps us to maintain a good relationship with God, it is the most important goal category as it keeps you focused on your relevant commitment.

Financial goals: these goals are also very important in your life because your financial situation determines so much of what you can do in life, it’s hard to dream big when you’re broke financially.

Career goals: career goals can be described as 1st step on your success path, setting career goals is the best motivation to push you toward success. Career goals targets Things, positions, and circumstances in your professional life that you have resolved to accomplish. 

Intellectual goals: the development of the mind, with an emphasis on wonder, reasoning, critical thinking, and the pursuit of authentic knowledge, are the foundations of intellectual objectives. If you are owning a business try to improve your employee engagement, ask them about their last week’s performance and give them your thoughts.

Fitness Goals: losing weight, and going on a diet are not only fitness goals there are other many ways to keep your body fit. You must prioritize your physical health because doing so simultaneously prioritizes your mental health. The moment you choose the path to stay healthy you have to get time bound for maintaining other goals also.

Family goals: sometimes we work hard for our family’s better future. Family is so important for every person as we have a whole separate category for family. Family goals can be calling your parents to catch up, spending free time with your family, or fulfilling any of your family’s commitments.

Social goals: these days everyone in this world wants to live alone without any human interactions or gatherings but staying alone can be as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Try to interact with people, your employees, or anyone in your surroundings. Develop a good and healthy relationship with everyone. Your employees might get a lot of motivation from you so try to interact with them


If you want to see your future bright and goals achieved you have to start setting goals, set goals that have heartfelt connections with you and are emotionally connected to you.

Your goal setting method should be very simple and personal to you, no one else should interrupt your goal setting process and your comfort zone, only you can set your comfort zone and track your performance, give your best performance, for example, if your goal is to lose weight you have to develop habits which are essential for your goal.

The moment you are done setting goals start working on them, start your best performance, and pursue it

Secret to getting what you wish for is to create and develop the habit of maintaining your personal life and business.

Set smart goals, they are specific, measurable, attainable, required, and time bound.

These are the main objectives to create a successful environment with your employees.

If you think setting hard goals can be difficult for you then you can set smart goals for yourself.

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