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10 Electrifying Ways to Boost Your Energy & Feel Unstoppable

Unleash Your Inner Power

All of us have definitely experienced times when we don’t feel active. Maybe we’re in the middle of a meeting in the morning and we’re feeling tired. Or it is afternoon and we feel sluggish already. These situations are understandable.  

So, how do you feel powerful and energetic? There are a number of natural ways to do so. These are effective and can get you up and running in no time. How to energize ourselves is the main focus of this blog post.

5 Ways to Embrace Feeling Powerful and Energetic 

Feeling energized and powerful is a vital part of one’s life. It helps to enhance mental well-being. Starting from making small lifestyle changes to big ones, there are ways to promote better health. We will be taking a look at how to feel powerful and energetic.

A Deeper Look at Feeling Powerful and Energetic

What exactly does it mean to feel powerful? Many scholars have defined this feeling as having prestige and influence, like the rich and famous people in the world. However, feeling powerful is mostly concerned with having self-confidence

Imagine this: Your boss asked you to head a particular task or project. You accepted the challenge and gave it your all. You didn’t doubt yourself or your abilities. You knew exactly what you wanted to do and the direction you were going. As you spoke expressively, the members of your team listened and when you really put in the work, you got the results you wanted. That experience must have made you powerful, right?

For others, self-expression makes them powerful. How they speak, dress and groom empowers them so much. Championing a project for the greater good or working to impact a positive change also makes them feel powerful. Regardless of what ticks for you, how does power become physically and mentally evident?

Feeling powerful gives you mental health benefits that you do not want to miss. A few of these benefits are:

It can also reduce social anxiety because you do not care about what others think of you or even say about you. You become more assertive and unafraid of what you want. You develop good communication skills and openly what you’re feeling.

Feeling powerful can also be evident physically. For instance, you have enough energy to get things done. When you’re experiencing power, you make sure you’re caring for yourself. 

These measures make us less prone to conditions like eating disorders, heart problems, stress, and anxiety. We don’t get sick often and we don’t feel body pain. We have a proper posture and feel happiness from the inside out.

The Power of Hydration

There is no reason why you shouldn’t drink enough water. Water is essential to regulate one’s body temperature. It is a good form of transport – moving nutrients to various parts of the body. This helps to prevent infectious diseases. Water is known to improve sleep, cognition, and even mood. 

While there are different estimates as to how much water an adult needs, various health reports say that you should drink at least 8 glasses per day. Experts have also suggested that not all of these have to be plain water. You can also stay hydrated with fruits, veggies, and even tea. But here is a note of caution: limit your consumption of sugary drinks as they can dehydrate you

Dehydration can cause low energy levels. It can also reduce your level of mental sharpness. When you are dehydrated, you experience mood swings like anxiety and depression. It can also make you experience sluggishness.

Studies show that a 1% decrease in hydration is enough to lead to cognitive decline. Additionally, a 2% dehydration can cause short-term memory loss. And when it’s prolonged, it can lead to a lack of mental clarity, commonly referred to as “brain fog”.

A study of a handful of adults in Iran observed the association between hydration and depression. Results obtained showed that those who drank less (less than 2 glasses per day) had a higher chance of being depressed than those who drank more.

Sleep: The Ultimate Energy Booster

Enough sleep is crucial just as it is with exercising and eating well. For adults, it is required that they sleep at least 7-9 hours. Sufficient sleep helps to manage weight. It can improve concentration and productivity. In addition, it can lead to improved athletic performance. 

It can also strengthen your heart and support a good immune system. Let’s not forget the fact that it helps to regulate mood and get you fully ready for the next day. When you feel tired, you cannot function optimally. Getting enough sleep refreshes and energizes you. It also flushes out harmful toxins from the body and brain. A good amount of sleep helps you to feel more alert.

Lack of sleep can cause fatigue and reduced productivity. Poor sleep is closely associated with depression. A study conducted on a good number of participants showed that those who were depressed and anxious reported poorer sleep scores than those who were not depressed.

Poor sleep impairs mental function. As you deprive yourself of sleep, your alertness is lessened and you may have trouble multitasking and making decisions. It also reduces immune function and leads to sudden mood changes. Experts have offered some tips to help you sleep more soundly.

Get Moving for an Instant Energy Surge

Exercise has been termed a natural energy booster. The reason is that exercise pushes oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. Regular exercising for a few minutes a day is enough to boost your energy levels. It is effective in reducing your blood sugar levels. It can also effectively reduce fatigue.

Do you want an emotional lift or reduce your stress? Why not try exercising? Doing so can also cause your brain to release dopamine and endorphins. These chemicals make you feel happy and relaxed.  

It also promotes better sleep. It can help you fall asleep faster and better. It can also boost brain function and protect your memory and cognitive skills. It does so by producing hormones that enhance the growth of brain cells. Research suggests that regular exercise can stimulate the hippocampus, increasing its size for memory and learning. 

Do you also know that it can slow down the aging process of the brain in older adults? Yes, it can reduce the risk of an adult having dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. 

You know the good part? You don’t have to engage in aerobic activities or tough workouts in order to let it give you energy. Even light activities like walking can provide an energy boost. 

You can walk around your room. If that’s a no for you, you can try taking a walk rather than driving and taking the stairs rather than the elevator. You can try calligraphy or painting. What about blog writing? You can even practice an instrument. Just do something you’re passionate about. Give it a start by writing a list of things that bring you joy and get into it.

In a certain study, university students participated in a low-intensity running program 3 times per week for 6 weeks. They experienced significant improvements in fatigue and sleep quality. 

You don’t have to devote hours of your time to doing it. You can start with 5 or 10-minute sessions and progressively increase the time. The main thing is to commit to physical activities no matter how little it is. You don’t even have to sweat or suffer to get the result. Moderate exercises are best for some people to stay awake and alert.

Latest News: The Top 3 Energy-Boosting Superfoods

Energy-boosting SuperfoodsEnergy-boosting Benefits
Fatty fish such as salmon, tunaContains healthy fat and protein for lasting energy and hunger management in fiber, zinc, and calcium and provide natural energy. They are a slow-burning energy source, helping you prevent afternoon slumps. A viable option for enhancing sports performance, offering as much energy as a carbohydrate sports drink. They contain iron which helps to transport oxygen to other parts of the body, reducing fatigue. They are also rich in magnesium, a vital mineral for energy metabolism and muscle function. They boost mood and cognitive function, all of which affect energy levels.
Complex carbohydrates such as quinoa and oatsContains healthy fat and protein for lasting energy and hunger management in fiber, zinc and calcium and provide natural energy. They are a slow-burning energy source, helping you prevent afternoon slumps. Viable option for enhancing sport performance, offering as much energy as a carbohydrate sports drink. They contain iron which helps to transport oxygen to other parts of the body, reducing fatigue. They are also rich in magnesium, a vital mineral for energy metabolism and muscle function. They boost mood and cognitive function, all of which affect energy levels.
Nuts and seeds like almonds, chia seeds, and coconutProvides sustained energy due to its high-fiber content and slow digestion Promotes satiety, making you feel full for a long time and reducing cravings. It boosts brain power by supplying it with glucose for cognitive performance supports heart health by lowering bad cholesterol improves blood pressure regulates mood and provide long-term energy for physical activity. It has a low glycemic index and can help manage diabetes. 

Bonus Tip: Unleash Your Inner Power with Positive Affirmations

How do positive affirmations make you feel powerful and energetic? They can make you have a fresh and different perspective of yourself. This eliminates any trace of self-doubt and increases your self-esteem. That is not all of it.

Positive affirmations create a sense of calm and inner peace. They can also improve motivation and make you visualize success. So start sprinkling a few affirmations into your life now. Let’s dive through a few ways to craft a powerful affirmation.

Try saying these powerful affirmations:

How Feeling Powerful Shows Up Mentally

Many people think that feeling powerful is reserved for the wealthy. The fact is, it lies in the personal belief of how powerful you are within. You don’t have to attain a particular status or position of power to feel powerful. How you feel powerful and energetic is inner work. It is about connecting with your strengths and trusting that they will help you in a particular situation.

When you feel powerful, you have a heightened sense of consciousness and mental clarity. You have a direction and purpose. You are not used like a pawn. You have a sudden rise of energy to accomplish what you set your heart to. 

A sense of power have effects on one’s thoughts and behavior. The social roles people take up each day can change their cognitive thinking and make them more likely to act decisively. Merely remembering a moment in the past when we did well can make us act powerfully in the present.

How Feeling Energetic Shows Up Physically

When you’re feeling energetic, it transforms you physically in an amazing way. It makes your body react positively to an energetic mind. An energetic feeling reduces your levels of cortisol. It causes your blood pressure to go low. Providing you with better sleep is also a plus. In addition, it improves digestion and lengthens lifespan. Isn’t that wonderful to know?

It is not hard to know someone who is energetic. It shows all over them from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet. They radiate a smile and positive energy wherever they go and whoever they spend their time with. 

Being energetic leaves you feeling active during the right time of the day. It makes you perform better at work and enjoy good relationship with your friends and family.

Wrap Up

No one wants to experience tiredness especially when they have not accomplished anything. It’s safe to say that what we have discussed above can help you feel powerful and energetic. These 10 ways are effective and not so difficult. However, if for any reason they do not work for you, consult your doctor. Your condition may be chronic. Keep in mind that a powerful and energetic life is always fulfilling. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Why do I feel super energetic?

Adrenaline is often the most common reason why people feel a sudden burst of energy. It could also be caused by conditions affecting the nervous system and thyroids.

How can I make my energy powerful?

Learn to control stress and exercise more. Eat more healthy foods and give yourself enough sleep.

What makes individuals feel powerful?

Self-confidence and self-esteem can make one feel powerful.

Is it true that there are foods that increase energy levels?

Complex carbohydrates like whole grains can boost it. Consuming vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fatty fish can also help.

I want to boost my energy. What do you think I can do?

Take in more water. Opt for short naps during the day. Consume energy-boosting foods and exercise.

I want to increase my spiritual energy. How can I do so? 

You can perform yoga or mindfulness. You can also meditate, keep a journal, and connect with others who are like-minded. Talking to a chaplain can also work wonders.

So, how does feeling energetic impact our mental wellbeing?

It diminishes the release of stress hormones, calming your mind and body. It also sharpens our mental clarity and cognitive function.

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