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How to Activate Chakras in Human Body (A Comprehensive Guide)

How to Activate Chakras in Human Body

Without a doubt, achieving contentment and fulfillment enhances overall well-being. The key to reaching this lies in your body’s energy centers called chakras. Understanding how to activate chakras in the human body is essential. While the human body is made up of 7 main ones, there exist at least 114 different chakras in the body. This article offers a comprehensive guide, revealing their nature and how they can be activated.

What are the 7 Chakras?

Here is a list of the 7 chakras that are found in different parts of a human being. 

Understanding chakras in the human body

The modern world can be distracting and can fill us with activities that tend to clog our minds. This may unknowingly affect our body’s energy. We may feel stuck and do not know how to go about it. Chakra centers or energy centers may help to properly ground us. They are like blueprints that form the proper foundation of our lives. Thinking about how they work is one of the best ways to use them. 

What are Chakras and why unblock them?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. It refers to the spinning energy centers located along the spine. They play a vital role in the proper function of the human body. 

When a chakra is blocked, it leads to imbalance. Unblocking or activating these chakras fosters the energy-healing process. It thus improves the general health of a human. 

Activating your 7 Main Chakras

The first thing to know about how to activate chakras in the human body is to create alignment in your physical body. In that way, activation of these chakras will help them function at their best. Chakras can be activated by meditation, yoga poses, and breathing practices. As you continue to read, you will discover in detail how these can help.

Locations of the 7 Chakras

As earlier mentioned, the seven main chakras run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Knowing the locations is important to enable you to fully utilize them.

Benefits of Activating Chakras

Can a blocked chakra affect your health?

Yes, your chakra can get blocked and this has negative effects on your health. Let’s digest this for a moment.

When a particular chakra is blocked or imbalance, the part of the body that surrounds it is also affected. This includes the connective tissues, the organs and the joints in that area. This may lead to emotional imbalance such as anger, sadness, or fear.

Feelings of fear can affect one or more chakras. Poor diet, poor body posture and self-destructive behavior may cause a chakra to experience depletion of energy.

When this is not checked on time, it can lead to other major problems such as physical illnesses or mental illnesses like anxiety and depression.

Techniques to Unblock and Activate your Chakras

There are many ways to feel energy from your chakras. You can try out anyone that catches your attention. However, we will be focusing on the common ones that many have found effective.

Using Yoga and Meditation

Yoga postures and meditation can help open your chakras. Each of the 7 chakras has their own posture and mastering them is a key to successfully letting them be useful.

For the Root Chakra, you can try the tree pose, mountain pose or Warrior 1. Follow up with meditation by sitting quietly and imagining a white light entering the base of your spine and lightening up your whole body. 

For the Sacral Chakra, you can try camel pose, pigeon pose and lizard pose. When that is done, imagine an orange light entering the focused area and lightening up the entire part of the lower body.

For the Solar Plexus Chakra, you can do poses such as boat pose, cobra pose or chair pose. Afterwards, go into meditation and imagine a yellow light filling the focused area and then the entire upper part of the body.

For the Heart Chakra, you can try yoga poses like supported backbend, camel pose and cow face pose. Sit in meditation and imagine a green light entering the heart area and gradually filling up the entire chest.

For the Throat Chakra, you can try lion pose, plow pose and shoulder stand. Afterwards, try to meditate and think of a blue light entering the throat area and then lightening up the entire throat region.

For the Third Eye Chakra, you can try the child pose, seated forward bend pose or corpse pose. Sit still to meditate and think of a purple light entering the forehead and filling up the entire head.

For the Crown Chakra, you can try the headstand, handstand or lotus pose. Then, think of a white light entering the chakra at the top of your head and filling up your entire head area.

If you do not know how to do these, you can opt for a certified yoga teacher who had undergone a yoga teacher training course (yoga ttc) where they do up to 200 hour yoga.

Crystals, Oils and Mantras

Crystals for Root Chakra include Red Jasper or Garnet. Sacral Chakra include Amber or Aragonite. Solar Plexus Chakra include Yellow Jasper, Yellow Topaz or Pyrite. Heart Chakra is commonly associated with Jade, Amazonite and Rose Quartz. Throat Chakra uses crystals such as Aquamarine and Amethyst. Third Eye Chakra includes Pink Tourmaline and Clear Quartz. Crown Chakra makes use of White Agate and Selenite. 

When you’ve chosen a crystal that corresponds to the particular chakra, lie with your back on the floor and your eyes closed and place the crystal on the focused area. Imagine the crystal’s color lightening up the area. 

Chakras need the use of essential oils like cedar wood oil, rose oil, black pepper oil and frankincense essential oil. You can burn these oils in your home to activate them.

Chanting mantras, that is, repeating certain words can be effective. Associating these words with their chakra can give you renewed energy. All of these work to activate chakras in your body.

Additional Tips for Unblocking Chakras

Apart from the common ways explained above, other tips to help you unblock your body chakras include the following:

Signs your Chakra is blocked

If you encounter feelings of anger, anxiety, depression, or fear, it could be as a result of an unbalanced chakra. You should watch out for the warning signs that each of a blocked chakra sends out. 

A blocked Root Chakra produces feelings of sluggishness, stress and overall negativity. A blocked Sacral Chakra may give rise to feelings of hurt, toxic relationships and poor body image. A blocked Solar Plexus Chakra may result in anxiety and low self-esteem. A blocked Heart Chakra may lead to heart disease, or fear of commitment. A blocked Throat Chakra may result in difficulty in speaking or sore throat. A blocked Third Eye Chakra may result in trouble in making decisions and feelings of disconnection. A blocked Crown Chakra may be as a result of feelings of unworthiness and headaches.

Table comparing Blocked vs. Overactive Chakras

Chakra ExampleBlocked ChakraOveractive Chakra
Root ChakraFear, anxiety, financial instabilityGreedy, aggressive, materialistic
Sacral ChakraFear of intimacy, isolationManipulative, mind fixed on sex
Solar Plexus ChakraLow self-esteemDomineering, perfectionist
Heart ChakraSpite, hate, lack of empathyJealous, self-sacrificing
Throat ChakraSecretive, can’t speak or listenLoud, opinionated, harsh
Third Eye ChakraNot focused, poor judgmentHallucinations, nightmares
Crown ChakraDepression, brain fogJudgmental, dogmatic

Achieving Chakra Balancing 

Balancing your chakra helps to achieve harmony, purpose, and fulfillment. Here’s how to do so:

Reduce Stress and Exercise

When you are stressed, there could be an imbalance. Try to reduce stress and engage in exercise. You could dance, cook or work in the garden to take your mind off stress-related matters and sharpen your focus. 

Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care

This will help you to stay connected to your inner self and achieve balance. Visualizations and short guided meditations can also help to enhance awareness and make you renew with a vibrant flow of energy. Staying hydrated can also help you achieve balance.

The Power of Mantra for Each of the 7 Main Chakras

As humans, we learn things quickly when things are repeatedly shown to us. Similarly, to fill us with vibrant energy, it is helpful to recite certain words called mantras. Each disk of spinning energy each correspond to certain mantra. These words should be said aloud and in a natural voice.

How Mantra Chanting Impacts Spiritual Energy

Mantra chanting has a positive impact on one’s spirituality. It improves brain health, elevates energy and positively affects the mind and body. It gives one a sense of joy and enlightenment. It can be used to guide someone from this physical universe into the spiritual one. 

Sample Mantras for Each of the 7 Main Chakras

For Root Chakra, you can repeat LAM. For Sacral Chakra, you can repeat VAM. For Solar Plexus Chakra, you can repeat RAM. For Heart Chakra, you can repeat YAM. You can recite HAM for the Throat Chakra. For Third Eye Chakra, you can chant OM or AUM. For Crown Chakra, you can chant OM or AH.

Keeping your Seven Chakras Active

Unblocking your chakras is not enough. You should work hard at keeping them active. Here are two things that will help you do that:

Healthy Lifestyle for Chakra Activation

Adopt a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating good food, drinking enough water, managing your stress levels and showing love and concern for others. Practice yoga poses as often as you can. Make this regular and consistent. This will help you to always feel energized and be harmonized with nature.

Establishing a Daily Chakra Care Routine 

Practice self-affirmation on a regular basis. Place your hand on the particular position and allow your senses be led. Endeavor to regularly engage in breathing practices and meditation. 

Unblock your Seven Chakras in Your Body for Whole-Body Wellness

No doubt, this article has thoroughly examined how to activate chakras in the human body and the benefits of doing so. You must have come to the conclusion that this is a secret to taking care of your whole being and achieving a satisfying life. Whenever you are overwhelmed, endeavor to take the above tips into consideration and your whole being will be grateful.


The seven chakras are energy centers that impact one’s physical and emotional well-being. It is believed that they should be activated or balanced in order to give vital energy to the physical body and mind.

Yes, it can. A blocked chakra can cause emotional imbalance such as anxiety and even physical problems.

To chant mantras, do it in a natural voice. Do not use low or high pitch. It is best to say them aloud as they may give you high energy.

To activate the chakras, concentrate on the particular chakra. Inhale deeply and then pronounce the mantra sound (LAM or RAM etc.)

To activate the crown chakra, breathe deeply, connect with nature, practice yoga, and make use of essential oils.

To open this chakra, practice backend pose, and positive affirmation. Engage in loving deeds and drink heart-opening beverages such as rose tea.

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