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How to Be a Winner – 12 Secrets

How to be a winner

How to be a winner

How to be a winner , all the time in a challenging, competitive, cut- throat world full of distractions and uncertainties is a thing of the mind. Recreating yourself and working on your character is essential in order to build a certain level of competence and discipline that would put you on a merit list, that is, a complete reformation of self.

“Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all-time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.”—Vince Lombardi

There’s been a lot of contradiction between winning and losing without understanding the essence of it all. Winning isn’t the absence of a loss or absence of a challenge, no, winning means to be victorious and this, in turn, means to overcome. Difficulties and losses and constants in life so being a winner depends on how much loss you can take as a person before achieving victory. It takes grit to be able to dust yourself up after every disappointment and set out again, on the same path. Your success could need doing the same thing differently or doing the same thing the same way over and over until something gives. A winner is someone who makes a choice to win…. Yes… you can choose to be a winner. What defines a winner is a set of qualities that you may never find in a loser unless the loss was intentional in order to secure a win. This, of course, is a war strategy or a game strategy and has to be carefully thought through before executed.  What does it really mean to be a winner? What makes a winner? What makes winners win and what makes someone a loser? You will learn all these and more from the 12 secrets.

Being a winner is a force that goes with every aspect of our lives. The consciousness of victory or defeat overwhelms us even at trivialities. We are riddled with anxiety and questions about our daily routine like how to be a winner after a break-up, how to be a winner at chess, how to be a winner in the stock market, how to be a winner in sales, how to be a winner in tennis, how to be a winner in the workplace. To be a winner by definition is to be a frontrunner, a conqueror, a victor. Now let’s learn how to become a winner with these 12 secrets.

Have a purpose- Being a winner requires having a plan, a set goal, and dreams which you aspire to achieve at a given time. This becomes your sole purpose. You begin by creating a plan and setting a time limit. Also, think about the skills needed for this purpose, the number of people or help required and above all desist from procrastination. It’s a first step on how to be a winner in everything.

Perseverance – How to be a winner and influence anybody and everybody around you are determined by your level of perseverance. “Set for life winners” go through a long period of endurance in spite of difficulties and negative feedbacks. They know what they want and they have made up their minds to get it. Every great scientist, sportsman, entrepreneur and all successful people in life went through a certain period in their lives when they couldn’t go on. The hit rock bottom and also went through depression, but when you hit rock bottom the only direction you can go is up! Being hopeful, expectant and learning to persevere when things are not going well is the most important character trait that a winner must possess in order to flourish.

Bravery – This element is needed in a winner takes all primary states. Being a winner in life is achieved by a certain degree of gallantry. Various articles on how to become a winner in life have shown that the fearless ones who readily risk it all are likely to become winners.  The risk takers are well aware of the dangers and possible losses but for them, life itself is a risk! Waking up each day to go about your activities of a hundred possible outcomes that could change the course of your day without u being aware of it means ignorance in risk. Hence we all take significant risks even without being in the know.

Knowledge – In order to win in life, it is essential to study articles, videos and books written by successful people. These include articles such as : how to think like a winner PDF, quotes on how to be a winner, How to be a Winner by  Zig Ziglar PDF, Zig Ziglar How to be a winner YouTube,  how to be a winner in Sports,  sports psychology how to be a winner, how to be a winner in business, how to be a winner in a relationship, how to be a winner at chess PDF, how to be a winner from a loser, article on how to be a winner in life PDF, how to be a winner and influence anybody including how to hire a winner.

Association – In winning the game of life you need to learn how to find a winner, how to determine a winner and ally yourself with the person. Bad association corrupts good manners so being associated with the right people is how to be a life winner. These associations often have a direct impact on our progress or retrogression in life. This mostly occurs with friends whose ideas, goals and priorities are different and opposite. So choose your friends wisely in order to make headway in life.

Attitude to life – To learn how to be a winner at everything you must develop the winning attitude, the right mindset and how to stay positive in every situation. Sometimes people say “I can’t do it, I never win anything.” This is a wrong attitude towards life because there will always be setback and hurdles but always try to win. You have to be assertive with the right mindset. That is how winners win.

Discipline –  To learn how to be a winner always, you have to be well disciplined in your way of life, follow regulations, practice self-restraint, develop mastery of whatever you set out to do, practice how to be a winner at work, school or any social environment you find yourself. This automatically will get you noticed and get you the right attention you need.

Avoid distractions – Spend time in doing the right thing. Create a plan or a schedule that would help you achieve a certain goal and dedicate your time to it, stay away from distractive conversations of activities that would set you on a different path from where you want to be. Learn how to be a winner, always believe in yourself.

Excellence – The quality and brilliance of your thoughts, ideas and your input in matters in what makes you stand out. You are a winner when you strive for excellence. To be a winner meaning that you show superiority in every agenda that arises or every piece of work you are involved in. you tend to go the extra mile to achieve perfection. You make no room for mistakes or excuses. This is how excellence is achieved.

Time management – Learn to use your time for profitable activities, stay busy, work on every aspect of your being. Learn a skill like how to write a book or article and then you can practice your vocabulary. Create a “how to be a winner book”, how to become a winner PDF, what makes a winner poem, how to be a winner lyrics.

Be optimistic – Showing enthusiasm and being positive always helps to motivate a team and also motivate you to achieve victory in your work or project. Being optimistic puts you on the right path on how to become a winner in everything you do.

Be self-aware – In order to learn how to win at anything or how to win at everything, you must know your flaws, your strength, and weaknesses, things you know that are negative about yourself. It could be your habits or it could be you passive behavior towards specific issues that are vital. You must work on improving those weaknesses in order to succeed in life and in order to master how to become a winner in everything.

In conclusion, a person who can be considered the Game of life winner is a person who is self-aware and has mastery over his abilities. Someone who is reliable and dependable, someone who is respectable and possesses moral values that are enviable and a person who stands out and strives for perfection in everything that they do, someone who has the ability to withstand the disappointments that come with failure and is able to keep going until they achieve their set goal in life without giving in to distractions. Such a person should be emulated on how to be a winner.

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