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How to Unblock Your 7 Chakras and Restore Flow of Energy

How to Unblock Your 7 Chakras and Restore Flow of Energy

Beyond the physical structure of bones, flesh, and organs; bodies are vessels of constantly moving energy — yes, I am talking about the chakra.

Considered fundamental in many spiritual perspectives, the word chakra means “wheel” and refers to the energy flowing throughout the body. But where are the chakras located and how do they affect our body and mind?

Is said that our physical body has at least 114 different chakras running along our system, but seven major chakras are ruling our well-being and harmony. And those are the ones we’re going to discuss in today’s article.

The Seven Main Chakras in the Chakra System

As a beginner’s guide to the 7 main chakras and their meanings. Considering that each chakra has its own distinct body part, we’ll explore each one and understand how behavior may cause a chakra blocking — and its reflections in our physical existence.

Root Chakra

As the first chakra center within the human body, the root chakra is the foundation. It is meant to help you feel grounded and confident to face life’s challenges.

Also known as Muladhara, it relates to survival instincts; so the better you balance it, the more physically and mentally secure and safe you feel.

It is located at the base of your spine, and links to the red color and the earth element.

Sacral Chakra

Right below the belly button, Svadhisthana is responsible for sexual and creative energy.

Unlike you may think, the sacral chakra is associated with your and other’s emotions. It relates directly to your sense of compassion, intuitiveness, and self-worth around pleasure and creativity.

It is connected with the orange color and the water element.

Solar Plexus Chakra

As radiant as it sounds, this chakra is the main source of energy and productivity.

Its Sanskrit name, Manipura, translates to “city of jewels” and as the name suggests, it is tied to the fire element — no wonder neither its color is yellow.

Located in the upper part of the stomach, a balanced solar plexus chakra promotes self-esteem and self-confidence.

Heart Chakra

Anahata is all about love and connection — talking about it, it is the bridge between lower chakras (materiality) and upper chakras (spirituality).

It affects not only the ability to bond with other beings but also the inner peace and empathy.

As you would expect, the heart chakra is located in the heart region. It is tied to the green color and the air element.

Throat Chakra

Also quite self-explanatory, the throat chakra deals with verbal communication, truth, and self-expression.

Vishuddha is believed to give voice to the heart chakra, and it is located above it — specifically in the throat. Some say it represents the ether element, but others say that it is about sound, but it is always linked to a light-blue color.

Third-Eye Chakra

Or “brow chakra”, it links to intuition and imagination.

Meditating on Ajna cleans past karma, providing peace, insight, and self-knowledge. And, when balanced, the third-eye chakra opens your mind to the connections between you and the world and the essentials of life.

Physically, it is found in the center of the forehead, and it’s linked to the light element and indigo color.

Crown Chakra

The last and the highest chakra, Sahasrara, represents the ability to profoundly and spiritually connect with the higher self.

It unlocks your understanding of the cosmos and spirituality and brings a whole level of peace and wisdom. It becomes really handy in personal life since it keeps a good mind and body healthy.

Right on the top of the head, the crown chakra is linked to the divine consciousness element and violet color.

Signs of a Blocked 7 Major Chakras in the Physical Body

Being attentive and listening to your body’s signs is important not only from a medical perspective, it also helps you to identify spiritual struggles.

Mental discomforts, physical aches, and even specific diseases are not only just an invitation for a doctor’s appointment; they can also indicate the existence of blocked chakra.

The misalignment of the energy in the body may come from stressful situations and life problems. However, negligence over health also affects your spiritual balance.

Poor physical fit or posture, self-destructive behaviors — such as alcoholism —, even poor alimentation; all bad decisions can unbalance one or more chakras, consequently causing physical and spiritual illness.

But how can you tell which energy center is facing troubles? Let’s understand how to identify the root of the problem.

Root Chakra Location Point

The base chakra is found in the base of your spine, it is associated with the adrenal glands — producers of hormones related to the body’s survival responses.

Root Chakra is Blocked

Symptoms such as aches or pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, problems in legs and feet, or lethargy are a callign for attention to your root chakra.

When in a critical block, you may have constipation, colon or bladder complications, degenerative arthritis or even osteoporosis.

When basic survival needs are not met, you can face a disconnection from earthy values. The nongrounding feeling develops into a deep insecurity, anxiety, isolation, fear, materialism, and greed.

Sacral Chakra Location Point

The sacral chakra is physically located right below the navel in the lower abdomen; and it’s associated with the gonads — regulators of reproductive functions and sexual development.

Sacral Chakra is Blocked

Discomforts in the region of the uterus/testicles, bladder or kidney issues; back, hip, or pelvic pain or stiffness are signs that this chakra is imbalanced.

Emotionally you can feel reluctant to relate with others, struggling to express emotions or enjoying pleasures of life. It also causes a fear of impotence, jealousy, and potential bad addictions.

Solar Plexus Chakra Location Point

Located between the navel and the diaphragm; associated with the pancreas — the main producer of insulin, and major responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

Solar Plexus Chakra is Blocked

It governs the metabolism and energy balance, so symptoms such as digestive problems, muscle weakness, liver issues, high blood pressure, and chronic fatigue are signs that the solar plexus chakra is blocked. When aggravated, you can face ulcers, colon illness, or diabetes.

If you’re facing fear of rejection or criticism, a high level of perfectionism, or lack of self-esteem or self-respect; those are hints for your imbalance.

Heart Chakra Location Point

As self-explanatory as it sounds, this chakra is located in the heart. It associates with the thymus gland — important for the proper development of the immune system.

Heart Chakra is Blocked

A block in this chakra is often identified by the asthma crisis; heart or lung diseases; upper back, shoulder, arms, or wrist pain; and high blood pressure can also be indicative.

The emotional outcomes of a blocked heart chakra are just as unpleasant as the physical: poor emotional boundaries, fear of rejection or loneliness, emotional dependence, suffocating over-loving and lack of self-love.

Throat Chakra Location Point

Located in the throat, it is connected to the thyroid and parathyroid glands — responsible for regulating the metabolism and calcium levels in the body.

Throat Chakra is Blocked

Since it’s directly linked to the ability to verbally express yourself, when the throat chakra is blocked, you can have speaking or throat problems. Sore throat, stiff neck, thyroid issues, laryngitis, or even ear infections are common symptoms of imbalance.

Problems with truly expressing what’s on your mind and lack of willpower also happen; as well as gossiping, excessively lying, and no filter when speaking.

Third Eye Chakra Location Point

Located in the forehead, between the eyes, this chakra is associated with the pituitary gland (or “master gland”) — responsible for the growth, reproduction, and stress responses.

Third Eye Chakra is Blocked

The blocking of this area of the body causes migraines or headaches; besides blurred vision, dizziness, or even blindness and seizures.

Emotionally, it causes moodiness, volatility, an obnoxious attitude, and an inability to look at your fears and learn from others. It also brings lots of daydreaming and disconnection to our reality.

Crown Chakra Location Point

Located in the top of the head, the last chakra is linked with the pineal gland — responsible for melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles.

Crown Chakra is Blocked

Considering that this chakra governs our spiritual life for greatness and its link to the other energy centers; it affects all the organs, but mainly the brain and the nervous system.

The greatest of the seven main chakras that run along our bodies, its imbalance can cause poor coordination, the inability to learn, and high sensitivity to senses — vision, hearing, touch…

Emotionally, the imbalance brings a stubborn posture, a narrow mind, depression, apathy, frustration, and a skeptical position.

What do the seven chakras mean?

From Sanskrit, meaning “wheel” or “disk”, chakras are energy centers of the body that connect our physical beings to the spiritual side of life. There are 7 major chakras that run from the base area of the body to the very top of the head.

Each chakra is to create alignment in your physical body and your spiritual being. It consists of different parts of the body that correspond to specific energy centers when working together, leading to a good mind, physical, and spiritual state.

Considering they are representations of the energy present in our organs, each of them brings a unique benefit and symbolism. For example, the third chakra — solar plexus — refers to our ability to be assertive and self-confident, providing the clarity and intellect to deal with others and respect yourself.

What does it mean if a chakra is blocked or unbalanced?

Is said that when a chakra is blocked or misaligned, you may face emotional or physical negative outcomes near the affected area. For example, when you have a blocked throat chakra, you can face difficulty in expressing yourself verbally or even suffer from a sore throat.

However, the imbalance not only refers to a lack of activity in that energy point, but it also can happen to be an overdose of activity. When in a low period it causes a lack of expression; the overactive dominates one’s life, causing problems for daily life.

Methods to Unblock the 7 Main Chakras and Energy in the Body

Considering the negative outcomes of negligence over spiritual life, it’s important to know how to balance and unblock the chakras.

So if you feel the energy centers in your body misaligned, don’t despair! There are still things to do that will promote balance in a chakra — including specific yoga poses.

Unblock the Root Chakra

Activities such as dancing, doing pilates, and getting in touch with nature through gardening, walking or running outside — even hiking — will help you to reconnect with your foundation.

Focus on meditating and practicing pranayama breathing exercises. You can also rely on daily affirmations:

Unblock the Sacral Chakra

To open the sacral chakra, try some meditation and self-reflection aligned with essential oils, crystals, and stones. Breathing exercises such as svadhisthana will also supply your needs.

Some affirmations for you to try are:

Unblock the Solar Plexus Chakra

Unblocking the solar plexus involves lots of aromatherapy — go for incense such as saffron, sandalwood, ginger, and cinnamon. Since it deals a lot with the inner self, therapy comes in handy to open this one.

Surely, you can go for meditations and affirmations:

Unblock the Heart Chakra

This chakra is responsible for connecting the lower to the upper ones, so it is fundamental for you to have it wide open. For that, you can practice pranayama breathing; or you can rely on your alimentation — warm food with green elements such as kale or green tea.

If you rather, you can meditate and say some affirmations:

Unblock the Throat Chakra

The best thing you can do for your throat chakra is to express your feelings and thoughts that you usually keep to yourself — either by speaking or writing them. Slowing down and relaxing by doing things that you like are great alternatives too. If you would rather do something more creative, look forward to singing.

The affirmations for this chakra are:

Unblock the Third Eye Chakra

Considering the introspection associated with that chakra, to unblock them, you need a further dig into yourself. Pay attention to your dreams meditate, and try to understand your inner self.

You can also use some chanting or intuitive movements to release your instincts. Focus on nadi shodhana or kapalabhati pranayama breathing will also help your unblocking process. And don’t forget the affirmations:

Unblock the Crown Chakra

As this chakra rules your spiritual vision and connection, it is the most important one to have wide open.

In order to unblock it, you must understand the important things in life; and know that material attachments don’t add anything to your spirit. Not telling you to be minimalist, but reducing the clutter will bring greater benefits.

Exercises such as practicing silence, repeating mantras, breathing, or visualizing will bring the insight you’re looking for. Also, it has some affirmations that might help:

Benefits of Unblocking the 7 Chakras and Their Meanings

So far, you already know how fundamental the chakra balancing and realignment is. Now, let’s understand the benefits of each energy center, from the top to the bottom:

Besides a seamless inner peace, it attaches us to the present — avoiding the anxiety of the future or the melancholy of the past. It also enlightens our worldview and perspective, assuming a less greedy posture and becoming more fulfilled as human beings.

When this chakra is open, you feel way more focused and clearer-minded; it is easier to distinguish truth and illusions.

As you can imagine, you feel safer and honest about your feelings and the truth. The confidence to speak clearly, set boundaries, or express feelings and ideas is constant.

The emotional balance is a consequence of this chakra unblocking. As an open person, you’ll feel joy, gratitude, compassion, and love for every being or relationship you may be in.

Since it deals with willpower and self-acceptance, when properly active, you’ll most likely feel optimistic and self-confident. It brings calming and loving moments with you.

It frees your creativity and passion; and makes you find pleasure in life — not only sexual. You also tend to feel more committed to people and things. It balances and gives you full control of your emotions for a better connection with others.

Besides giving you the foundation for every other chakra development, it makes you feel supported, connected, and safe in the physical world. You won’t struggle with survival matters — such as money, work, studies, or shelter.

Why the chakras need to be balanced

Chakras are thought to be the main force in our bodies that brings physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Not only the basic, but a chakra balancing brings together a better control of your reactions over challenges. It gives you a greater mental base for you to deal with daily life, impeding you from overreacting or doubting yourself as a human or spiritual being.

You’ll feel more connected to reality and grounded, connected to nature and others — and yes, a better understanding of others as a compassionate and attentive being, and won’t have problems being transparent or setting boundaries.

So clearly, if your chakras are imbalanced, you will suffer from the consequences of it: mental and physical illness. A higher level of disconnection with your spiritual side will also occur.

Unblocking Your Chakras for Optimal Wellbeing

Chakras need to be open and balanced in order to effectively work in our day-to-day life. Each of them has its own particularity, but there are some common techniques that can help you in this long journey:

  1. Meditation
  2. Yoga
  3. Breathing exercises (pranayama)
  4. Crystals and gemstones
  5. Aromatherapy
  6. Sound healing
  7. Color therapy
  8. Mindfulness and introspection


Q. Is there scientific evidence for chakras?

A. There is no scientific evidence that supports the existence of chakras in the spiritual sense. But some scientists argue that it corresponds to determined parts of the physical body.

Q. How do I know what my Chakras are?

A. Your chakras manifest themselves through body signals. You can identify them by listening to your body. Any discomfort in some areas may refer to a blocked or imbalanced chakra. That’s why you need to be aware of your general physical and mental health.

Q. How do I tap into my Chakras?

A. Through a series of exercises and practices that connect your being with your inner self — yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, introspection, breathing, chanting mantras…

Q. Which chakra do I start with?

A. The first one: is the root chakra. It gives you grounding for accessing deeper levels of yourself, and it is the base for all the others.

Q. What does science say about chakras?

A. Although much research is done on the topic, there is no evidence of it. However, some scientists argue that “the chakras correspond to physical body parts, particularly in the nervous system.”

Q. What is the psychology behind the chakras?

A. Considering the main objective of therapy is to bring mental health to our bodies through various techniques, including exercises; yoga therapy — highly used for chakra alignment — is welcome and highly recommended.

Even meditation is sometimes recommended. Since both of the techniques are intended to relax the mind and have a better understanding of thoughts and ideas; psychologists sometimes recommend these techniques to deal with anxiety and stress.

Q. Where is the first chakra located

A. At the base of the spine.

Q. How does it feel when chakras open?

Keep in mind that any time you are moving energy around, you might feel it in your physical body as well. So, when your chakra is opening, some common symptoms might be a headache or a tingling sensation within the body.

Ideally, our chakras are open and balanced. When this is the case, the body is healthy and functioning the way it should be. You will be happy, confident, and focused, and can utilize your powers to pursue your dreams. The simple sign of open chakras is the “feel good” feeling.

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