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How to Use a Meditation Bench for More Effective Meditation

How to Use a Meditation Bench for More Effective Meditation

Have you been doing the traditional meditation for a while? Getting a meditation bench will help you spice up your practice. But you may wonder, ‘How do I use it?’ This post is designed to take you through the techniques on how to use a meditation bench. 

What is a Meditation Bench and Why Should You Use It?

A meditation bench (also called a seiza meditation bench) is a game-changer as far as meditation is concerned. Its purpose is to enable you to find comfort during your session without causing harm to your limbs. Simply put, every meditator needs a bench to perfect their kneeling meditation.

Brief Definition of a Meditation Bench

A meditation bench is a small single-person bench that helps relieve the pressure from your hips and knees when kneeling. Meditation benches are made of wood. Meditation benches are designed with two short legs and an angled seat that is lifted above the ground.

Key Benefits of Using a Meditation Bench (Better Posture, Comfort, Stability)

A meditation bench is an ideal tool to help you to acquire better posture by sitting upright. Doing this straightens your spine and releases pressure on your lower back so you can kneel for a long period. 

A meditation bench doesn’t give you numbness. Instead, it provides comfort. Meditation benches make it easier to improve blood circulation in your leg areas. It also helps you remain balanced instead of swaying from side to side during your session.

Choosing the Right Meditation Bench for You

To make sure you are comfortable during meditation, it’s important to choose the bench that is perfect for you. With this in mind, you will need to research so that you can choose one that harmonizes with your needs and preferences.

Factors to Consider when Selecting a Meditation Bench: Size, Height, Material

A good factor to consider is the size of the bench. Something larger or smaller than your comfort zone might disrupt your meditation practice. Ensuring you choose the right size is key. 

The height of the bench is also vital. A bench that is too high may put pressure on your knees which is not good. A bench that is too low may put pressure on your ankles which is not good too. A shorter bench would be ideal for people who have a short height. A taller bench would be ideal for those who are tall. If you find that your bench is too short, you can add books at the bottom.

Select the material that also suits you. Some benches are made with soft velvet, cotton, or just wood. Each of these materials has its pros and cons and you should try them out before getting one.

Top 5 Meditation Benches on the Market in 2023

Best Meditation Bench for Beginners

There is no perfect meditation bench. However, the ideal starter bench has adjustable height and cushioning. For example, the Pebble Meditation Bench has 3 height settings and removable cushions. It is portable, comfy, and supportive.

The meditation Bench by Zazeno is made from solid wood and is curved to provide relaxation and comfort. The Nomad Meditation Bench is also adjustable. It is a folding meditation bench that can be used anywhere.

Best Meditation Bench for Experienced Meditators

Those who are experienced may prefer a simple, unpadded bench for full grounding. For example, the Soyun Japanese Tatami Zafu Meditation Bench is firm and provides a supportive base. It is available in diverse sizes. 

Kindseat Adjustable Meditation Seat is made from quality materials. Its height can also be adjusted to suit your needs.

Florensi Meditation Bench is carefully crafted from bamboo. It supports proper posture and is portable. It can be carried out on a meditation retreat or vacation.

Setting up your Meditation Bench 

You can place the bench in a separate room, a closet, or a corner of your bedroom. You can place it against the wall so that the walls will support your back. Simply place the bench behind you and get the angle of the bench adjusted until it seems right to sit.

Use optional accessories like cushions and mats. It will prevent your bench from slipping while you meditate. It will also render support to your knees and ankles.

Choosing the Right Meditation Cushion

Choosing a bench cushion is necessary to gain comfort while sitting on a meditation bench. A few things to consider before you make this decision include the meditation posture, proper alignment, and the feel of the cushion. However, make it your aim to find the right one that is best for you.

Benefits of Using a Cushion on the Meditation Bench

It helps improve posture while meditating. It elevates your hips and aligns your spine. It also straightens your back and your entire body. This in turn will enhance your comfort and focus during meditation. 

Using a cushion will foster regular meditation practice. You will be able to incorporate it easily into your lifestyle. It will also help you develop mindfulness.

Thickness, Firmness, and Common Cushion Materials

Common materials for cushions are foam cushions, fluid-filled cushions (with water or air), cotton, linen wool, or velvet. The most common one is foam. The thicker the material, the firmer it is.

Cushion materials between 1” to 6” are often considered thick and firm. While 7” and 8” are considered extremely firm. A thick and firm cushion easily absorbs your weight so do well to make use of the one that suits you.

Using a Zabuton Meditation Mat

A zabuton mat provides padding and elevates from the floor. It is filled with body-forming felt sheets of fibers and a removable cover that can be washed. It provides comfort and relieves pressure from your leg areas. If you experience pain when you sit on a hard floor, you could make good use of this mat. It is padded with soft materials to make your meditation practice more comfortable. It is known as a versatile piece of furniture. This means it can be used in a variety of positions. 

Typical dimensions are 28” x 28” or larger. It is about 3” thick. This makes it firm and portable. It is a piece of furniture that every practitioner should have.

Getting into Proper Meditation Posture with a Bench

Your spine and general body alignment play an important role in gaining the maximum benefit of meditation. You can stay longer in your practice if you know how to use a meditation bench accurately. 

Step-by-step Instructions on How to Position Yourself on a Meditation Bench

  1. Endeavor to use the bench on a flat surface. This will add comfort to your ankles and knees.
  2. Move the bench until it’s directly under your bottom at the center. 
  3. Keep your ankles flat and straight behind you. Let the soles of your feet face upwards. You can also place a towel or blanket under the ankles. This will make your position natural.
  4. Do not lean forward too much. Keep your back straight to straighten your spine.

Proper Posture Alignment for Comfort and Stability

Sit upright and pay attention to your back and spine. The seat of the meditation bench is already designed to elevate your hips using its slightly curved shape. But you mustn’t round your lower back. Doing that adds pressure to it. 

Keep your head and back straight and gazing ahead. It will aid proper posture alignment and it will help you concentrate and not sway from side to side.

5 Tips for Beginners Using a Meditation Bench

Start with a lower bench height. Then gradually adjust by adding books at the bottom or placing it on a surface. A high meditation bench may add pressure to your knees.

Use cushions for added support. A bench without a cushion can make you still feel some pressure on your knees. If you do not have access to a cushion, you can use a yoga mat. 

Keep back straight and knees below hips. Do not lean forward too much as that may put a wrong curve on your spine. Keep it straight and make it point upward, not forward. Make sure your knees are below your hips for comfort.

If you do not know what to do with your hands, rest them on your laps or thighs. 

Focus on breathing. As you sit upright, your lungs will expand. Practice deep, mindful breathing during your practice.

The Benefits of Using a Meditation Bench

Knowing how to use a meditation bench is beneficial for practitioners of all sizes, ages, and levels of expertise. Here are a few reasons:

Helps Maintain Proper Upright Posture for 20-60 minutes

If you experience pain during meditation, using a bench will keep that at bay. Then, you will be able to endure longer in your session. In addition to that, it will afford you the time to get used to sitting upright even when you are not meditating. 

Elevates Hips to Reduce Strain on Back and Knees

The seat is designed to elevate hips above the knees. This reduces strain on the back and knees, relieving you of the pressure you may have felt if you did not make use of it.

Provides a Stable Base for Comfort through the Entire Meditation Session

It has two short legs that are strongly rooted in the ground and provide a solid base throughout your practice. You are not afraid that you will fall off or the bench will miss its step while you are sitting on the bench.

Physical Benefits 

CharacteristicsMeditation Bench UsersFloor Sitters
PostureProvides stability and comfort for hips, knees, and anklesIt could be challenging for them as they need additional techniques to sit upright.
ComfortProvides stability and comfort for hips, knees and anklesThey may need additional support such as pillows or cushions for added comfort
SuitabilitySuitable for everyone no matter the height.Not suitable for all, especially those with back or hip pain.
VersatilityCan use it anywhere and anytimeRequires a dedicated space which may not be readily available.

Data shows a reduction in pain and discomfort for bench users than floor sitters.

Mental & Emotional Benefits

Studies have shown that those who use meditation benches experience increased focus, and concentration and can stay present.

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, it was observed that those who use meditation benches experienced a reduction in stress and anxiety during meditation. 

Getting the Most Out of Your Meditation Bench

Knowing how to use a meditation bench for maximum benefits comes with a few tips as discussed below:

Tips for Creating an Ideal Meditation Space Around Your Bench 

Choose your location – maybe the corner of your room, outdoors, or anywhere. Clear the space of dirt, clutter, and distraction. Then place your bench.

Guided Meditations and Resources to Enhance Your Practice

You can listen to instructions given by a trained meditation teacher. You can also add a plant, meditation timer, and sound machine.

You can also use essential meditation products such as oil, incense, or candles to enhance your practice. Opt for proper lightning if you want to get into a kneeling position.

Advice for Troubleshooting Common Issues by Using a Bench

If you discover your bench is too low for you, add books to the bottom of it to elevate it. When you sit, allow your knees to touch the floor so that they can be lower than your hips.  

Move around a little before you sit if you know you experience backache. And when you sit, please ensure your hips are higher than your knees.

Ensuring Proper Height & Alignment

When you experience discomfort during meditation, it is a sign that your bench needs to be adjusted. If your back is aching, it means it is too high. A bench that is too short will make you slouch forward too much. Either way, it needs adjustment to make you comfortable.

Whenever you experience any of this, you can add cushions or make use of the mat for added support.

Dealing with Discomfort or Pain Strategies for Reducing Pain in Knees, Hips, Back

Gentle stretching exercises like yoga and water aerobics can help relieve pain in your back and leg areas. Getting adequate rest too can also help reduce the pain you experience when you use your meditation bench.

No doubt, this post has taught me how to use a meditation bench. Get one today and have an awakening experience.


Not all are foldable. Still, you can find some that can be folded easily when not in use.

They provide comfort for your knees and ankles during meditation. 

A meditation cushion is soft, comfy and easy to use. On the other hand, meditation benches makes it easier to be firm and natural. It is also more rigid. Without a cushion, you may not get maximum comfort. 

Meditation stools are low and comfortable, helping you to easily change their meditation positions when need be.

An ideal meditation sitting posture is to sit upright. Make your head and back align with your spine. Keep your feet flat on the floor or you can sit cross-legged.

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