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Boost Your Confidence: Strategies for Improving Self-Esteem


Having self-esteem issues is something that we are all fighting at one point. You want to get something done, say something, or step up, but something just won’t let you. And while it’s perfectly normal, there are ways to fight it and become a person with high self-esteem. It all depends on what you really want to gain. Is it to become a more social person? Are you seeking a new relationship or friends? Whatever the case, coping with your skills will take time. The most important thing is to get started, then it becomes easier. So how do we start fighting our poor self-esteem? By starting from scratch, of course.

First of all, let’s look at some of the benefits of having high self-esteem and why you would consider working on it. Self-esteem means believing in yourself, so this is the first thing you will gain. You will think less about what others think of you and ask yourself what you think about something. This is self-esteem at its purest. Secondly, you will feel more stable in your life, because things will start to make more sense. You will make decisions faster, believe in your words, and trust your instincts.

People with high self-esteem make more decisions in their lives because they are not afraid of what “might” happen. Try thinking more about what “will” happen, and you will start seeing the bigger picture and why you are important. Best of all, with time, you will become more attractive. Not only in relationships but with friends and family as well. People will want to spend time with someone who has high personal values. It’s because most of us are missing some self-esteem and want to get help from someone who actually does. As you can see, there are many benefits to overcoming confidence issues. The only question now is if you are ready to become a better version of yourself. Since you are reading this article, you are ready, and it’s time to make a change.

How to build self-esteem?

Stop criticizing

You are your worst enemy when fighting your self-esteem issues. You will often come to situations when you have to make a move, and you will tell yourself you are not good enough. This is the moment when you stop doing that. Tell yourself the benefits of high self-esteem and breathe deep. Take a chance and perform challenging activities whenever you can. It will be hard at first to walk up to that girl or to ask that person for a job in person. Soon you will realize that it’s not that bad and that you are still alive after. So why not do it again and again until you are satisfied with your self-esteem progress? And when you are, do it again, because progress and self-esteem growth never stops. Just a little bit of confidence is an amazing self-esteem booster, so stand proud. You are perfect just the way you are.
After a while, people will start noticing your change. Belief in yourself will change and with it, you will be more interested in crowds. Some people are born with high self-esteem and some with poor, and this is okay. Both are capable of becoming great people if they work on themselves. Self-criticizing will get you nowhere, and only you can listen to those thoughts. You can, but you can also stop listening and start doing. Realize that you are enough, and your self-esteem will flourish. It won’t be long until you receive your first affirmations as a sign of support from people who care about you. Embrace them and keep doing what you were doing. Less criticism, more self-esteem activities.

This is a good video on Building self-esteem you must watch.

Start reflecting

By working on your confidence, you will grow each day. It is important to realize your growth and how your development activities are helping. Try standing in front of the mirror once a week or so and think about your improving self-esteem. Think about all the things you did to go from no progress to who you are today. You will realize more and more that you have done some amazing things. You’ve helped a girl out on the street. You helped the old woman in the supermarket and people gave you self-esteem affirmations. And you are okay with this. This is how self-esteem activities work, and letting the world know who you are is a perfect way to start.
Once you become aware of your high self-esteem, you will notice people who have poor soft skills. You will want to help, and you should. Maybe you worked on your own, but don’t let them fight on their own. Helping people is an amazing self-esteem booster, and the more you do it, the better it will feel. There is no point in working on your development if you are not aware of the change that is happening. Through reflection, you will be fully aware of who you were and who you have become. This is what self-esteem activities are all about.

Start planning

If you just tell yourself that you will work on your self-esteem, it may not be enough. You will want to give yourself challenges to overcome. Try writing down three activities you want to do next week. Put them somewhere where you can see them all the time. Your personal issues will begin solving themselves. Simply by looking at those three things every day, you will want to work on your development without anyone forcing you to. It’s something that you should be working on because you want to. Because high self-esteem is something you want in your life.
When you complete your plan the first time, you will feel different. You will feel more confident in your self-esteem and it will become easier to complete the next one. Try doing this for a month or so; writing down your activities for each week and trying to complete them. You will be amazed at how much planning your self-esteem growth will help. After all, all it takes is a pen and a piece of paper.

Perfect doesn’t exist

This applies to everything in life. You are never going to be perfect, and that is normal. There is no such thing as perfectionism, and the sooner you realize it, the sooner your poor self-esteem will grow. We are not supposed to be perfect, we are supposed to be good enough. Good enough means having the ability do to the things you want to do and nothing more.
Realizing that perfect doesn’t exist will make you think realistically. Realistic thinking is essential in high self-esteem because you are aware of what you are good at. When you think realistically, people will start asking you for help with their own problems. This is because they are still searching for a way to become perfect. Perfect means false, and we are not looking for false, but honest and good enough.

Learn from mistakes

Building your self-esteem will not be easy, and you will fail. At first, it will hurt a bit. But then, you will start realizing that you can learn from those mistakes. Poor self-esteem will remain poor until you realize that those mistakes are in fact, lessons. These lessons are the best and fastest way to have high self-esteem that you can get. Just because you got stood up, lost a bet or failed a job application, it doesn’t mean that the world is coming to an end. It means that your growth is about to begin. Embrace this, and make sure to remember your mistakes. No one else will do it for you, and your development is only yours to work on.

Never forget

This is the most important lesson in building your self-esteem. People tend to forget why they are doing something. Ask yourself from time to time about why you started. Is it because you had no self-esteem and wanted to become more self-confident? Is it because you wanted to impress that special person who is now in your life because you have more self-esteem? Never forget why you started doing something, because if you do, it’s easy to lose focus. Losing focus means losing its purpose, or becoming someone you will not be proud of.
Being aware of why you started and why your self-esteem is so important to you is essential. You have to know the answer to “Why?” when someone asks you why you are doing these activities so much. If you say that you don’t know, think again. You know, but maybe you forgot. Never forget your goal and what is driving you towards high self-esteem.

Remember the benefits

Remember all those benefits we listed at the beginning? Always remember what you can gain from working on yourself. Self-esteem means believing in yourself and your abilities to shape the world around you. The benefits are numerous, from being a more social person to living your life a lot easier. Self-esteem lets us forget about the little things like due dates or bills and think about them much more easily and reasonably.
People with high self-esteem don’t sabotage themselves and always say or do what they feel. When you start working on your self-esteem, you will realize that all of this is true. Whenever you need a reminder about why you would go through the trouble of working on your self-esteem, remember the benefits. They will not only keep you going but give you new will and ways to discover new activities that will make you the person you’ve always wanted to be. You can read another blog on Self Confidence vs Self Esteem

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