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Leadership: 12 Traits of Effective Leaders

A leader of a team lead your team

Leadership is a commonly used term but not many understand the depth of its meaning. So, what is leadership? When you are in control and doing things as they should be done even under very challenging circumstances, is what being a leader means. Quotes on leadership will dictate that leaders are born, but others grasp their leadership traits through leadership training and development programs. Whether a woman leader or otherwise, the characteristics of effective leadership will remain the same. When leading a whole nation or just one staff, good leadership qualities are key. Below are some of the traits that define a good leader.


A good leader is one that does not part with the vision of his or her mission at any given point. Leadership entails maintaining a clear and absolute picture of your vision. They will fight tooth and nail to ensure that anything that obstructs them from their vision gets out of their way. They will also be the first to encourage and motivate their team to be driven toward realizing their vision. Charismatic leadership is the word that comes to mind when you come across this type of leaders. They will stop at nothing to see to it that their people are inspired, motivated and stay focused to actualize the vision.


Effective communication is the only way of coordinating your group as a team leader. Leadership will require you to know your way around passing clear messages. Whether in writing or verbal, a good leader will see to it that their means of communication conveys a message that will be understood by the people under their leadership. Their direction is required by the people in order to keep everyone on the same page. Leaders who give a lot of importance to communication practice transformational leadership. The leaders regard communication as a valuable asset and they believe in their participation in meeting goals. They not only want their voices to be heard, but also put importance in the input of others.


An effective leader is a firm believer in his or her abilities. They as well put a lot of trust in their people’s ability. There is no moment that they succumb to their weakness and show inability to handle a situation, especially when people are relying on them. When one is able to make sound and firm decisions, it means they understand what leadership is. When confidence is your specialty as a leader, you will not allow your authority to be shaken by any circumstance. Your team will respect you. In this regard, you can expect them to heed to every direction you give.


Leadership without respect is not any different from a battlefield. A good leader will respect everyone, even those in the lowest ranking. In doing this, the people under you will replicate the same. Such leaders, get this right, listen to their team’s opinions in matters that affect them. They are unlike the leaders who practice autocratic leadership. These ones will not accept any form of opinions on their style of leadership. You can count on respectful leaders to honor their purpose as people’s delegates.


An efficient leader will not fall for the bait of having favorites. Leadership will call upon your ability to be fair. It should clearly portray itself in the way you award, promote and treat your team members. This leadership skill is mandatory, especially for organizations. Any slight detection of your unfairness as an organizational leader, is most likely to earn you a workforce that is uncooperative and disrespectful. Apparently, you will be killing the morale of those you do not favor and the outcome of that is certainly an ugly one.


Transparency is a good leader’s way of asking to be trusted by his or her team. Since most people live on an “I see I do” policy, they will be honest as well once you lead by an example. They will be willing to give you their highly secured trust especially when you always do what you say.  You will receive their respect in bulk. This case is common for people who practice authentic leadership. Integrity is also highly demanded from church leaders. The fact that people want to trust that their tithes and offerings are used for all the right reasons, will require you to be transparent. It is usually a turn off for people when the leader they look up to is followed by a trail of accusation of being dishonest.

Problem solver.

Leadership puts one in control of a group of people or even a country. Due to a difference of interest among people, conflicts are inevitable. A person with traits of a leader will certainly know the words to say in order to calm any situation. They possess an ability to negotiate between the conflicting parties in order to come up with a common ground.  These type of leaders practice situational leadership. They are quick to think and come up with a solution that puts a smile on both parties. This means that they should not take sides.

Responsive to their group’s needs.

Leadership articles and books put a lot of weight in the fact that great leaders should listen to their people. In democratic leadership, for instance, your people are the ones who put in you in that position to serve them. You will be doing a massive injustice to them if you do not listen to their needs and act upon them. These type of leaders practice participative leadership. They put so much importance on the input of their people. This will not only earn you people’s respect but also a team whose morale is at its peak.


Leadership institutes and books that teach how to be a good leader emphasize on ethical behaviors. When a leader is said to practice ethical leadership, it means that their character is not questionable. They possess morals that are worth learning from. What this also implies is that they will stick to doing the right thing even when it is not popular or difficult to accomplish. This is highly required in the case of educational leadership. A strong moral base is needed in order to direct students in school since they tend to emulate what they see.


A strong leader is wise and can make good decisions on matters that affect their people. They are all ears when they come across wise counsel. The decisions they make are meant for the good of the people they are leading. Once they settle on one decision, they are firm and determined to see its realization. They are also characterized by being quick to resolute even under very pressing circumstances.

 Supportive and facilitator

Leadership entails motivating your team to work in order to achieve goals. This will inspire them to give their best and learn to tell the truth or even speaking up when they have a burning issue. Being able to provide such an environment for your team is what makes one a desirable leader. These leaders keep up with the groups’ performance and give rewards or punish when necessary. The leadership style is referred to as transactional leadership. When it comes the time to correct their team’s shortcomings, they will not hastate. The team will also not hold their problems back due to fear of being criticized or punished. This can without doubts earn you a very effective workforce and in the long run, a tremendous success.


A leader will always succeed if they remain positive at all times. Leadership quotes have emphasized how positivity in a leader is a priceless asset. Well, this is true especially because as a team leader you will need to help them through their doubts. When you spread positivity, your team will be filled with hope and hence motivated to work by you. Leadership activities such as motivational speeches, checking on your people’s welfare and promotions will help to build a very positive and enthusiastic group.

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