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Shooting for the Stars: How to Set and Achieve Lofty Goals

Shooting for the Stars How to Set and Achieve Lofty Goals

When conducting goal setting, it is always recommended to follow a relevant and realistic pathway for your goals. This makes for a situation where you do hard work to pursue the goal and do not feel overwhelmed by the prospect of being too ambitious.

However, what if I were to tell you that the bigger the goal, the bigger the return? Applying this logic will help you prepare for a better life while setting an all-encompassing larger-than-life goal for the future. In creating such lofty goals, you can better progress towards the dream life you have envisioned, while the effort of a unified art form will help in dissolving away any worries or insecurities.

What Are Lofty Goals?

Before we begin to delve deeper into how to set a lofty goal for ourselves, let us first begin from the basics. A technical definition for a lofty goal is a team-oriented approach towards a focused path with objectives that portray a challenge for the person to accomplish.

In simple words, a lofty goal is simply a way of thinking in which an individual has team jumped. This means that you break expectations and lead change by focusing on a lofty goal strategy.

Psychology Behind Lofty Goals

But how do lofty goals work, if realistic goals are recommended to ensure an accomplished feeling? Well, the science behind lofty goals says that no matter what we do, it is being done as a goal or achievement. This means that even getting out of bed in the morning is done because of the smaller goals throughout the day.

In a normal goal-setting process, you develop a goal and then create a pathway to achieve it. There is a point to begin and a point that decides success or failure. This is a generic view of goals, but in lofty goals, you break this chain of thinking by employing motivation as a matter of life-changing measure.

This means that instead of working on a single working goal in the span of months, work on smaller goals in the span of days, and in the end, your end goal will become a lofty goal.

To prove this, let’s take an example of traveling the world. As a generic goal, you will support the plan of traveling to Japan for the summer, but as a lofty goal, you will conduct resources management and establish a list of countries to be visited per year. With which goal are you visiting more countries? Obviously the lofty goal.

10 Important Factors to Achieving Lofty Goals

So, now we know that lofty goals are a smart way of making correct decisions when goals setting, such that the benefits of the final goal are pronounced and continuously cause growth in your life without any overwhelming feeling.

However, there are certain factors that can impact lofty goals’ planning:

  1. Connect Your Goals to a Bigger Purpose

The secret behind lofty goals scores is to focus on the quality of your goals that establish themselves as essential in your life. This means that even if your goal is to improve your reading, then the bigger purpose of your life should be related to improved knowledge.

  1. Make Goals Scalable and Reachable

A lofty goal does not mean that you start dreaming about becoming an astronaut without having the background or skills to become one. Lofty goals, instead should be scalable. Even if you want to support the dream of becoming an astronaut, break it down into reachable goals.

  1. Make Plans That Will Get You There

To prepare plans, it is critical to prioritize what is more important. So get organized and explore in your planning phase what represents your vision appropriately.

  1. Think Only In Terms Of Success

Your mindset is the defining feature of either accelerating your lofty goals towards completion or decelerating towards failure. So keep a positive mindset!

  1. Even Lofty Goals can be Unrealistic

Accepting a lofty goal means that the goal has been toned to your performance levels and does not lead to disappointment. However, if your goal is beyond your own control, then the ballpark for success is unrealistic.

  1. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Listen, there is always at least one reason why you shouldn’t exercise, read, study or spend less. There is always an excuse! However, in lofty goals, you have to access success with a written plan that overrides any excuses and sets you on the course for success.

  1. Large Steps or Small Changes?

Depending on your age and positioning towards goals, you may want to take fast strides toward your lofty goals. However, remind yourself that faster you speed up your course, the chances for failure are also greater because challenges can become overwhelming.

  1. Distractions are Everywhere

When setting lofty goals, the short term can only take you to a certain amount of success. In the long term, however, distractions can delay success. So, learn to start achieving in the face of adverse reactions and outcomes by planning beforehand.

  1. Rewards are Small Motivations

Your strategy for setting lofty goals must also include small wins so that you stay motivated to make lifelong changes. The human mind is impatient and wants results in an eye blink, but when your goals fail to do so, you can lose motivation to stick to goals. So, small rewards are the way to go

  1. Resisting Change

At the basic human level, your life sentence can be going in a way that you resist any change. You are happy with your job, family, friends, and overall life, so lofty goals will feel like a nuisance. But, resisting change is only evidence that the change will bring lots of positive gains.


Larger Than Life Goals

Lofty goals are meant to act as a challenge that makes you nervous but the positive change excites you to do better

Lofty goals are important at the individual as well as community level for an organisation. If an organisation plans a lofty goal, then it is inevitable that they will embrace a competitive edge

Larger Than Life Goals is another word for lofty goals

A lofty idea is much like a loft goal, however it is much less planned. Any idea that appears to be lofty, i.e. beyond one’s own abilities and skill set is a lofty idea. A lofty idea for a student could be to make a robot as a science project

Oxford dictionary has defined lofty to be ‘of imposing height’ or ‘thick and resilient’. Both these definitions have crucial importance in setting lofty goals because they must be perceived by the individual as being imposing, and at the same time motivating them to become thick and resilient to achieve such goals

Lofty ambition appears to have professional connotations. A working individual can have lofty ambitions to become a leader in the workplace or one day sit in the board of directors. Such larger than life and seemingly unachievable goals can be termed as lofty ambitions

To dream of something that is imposing and requires major changes is a lofty dream

Principles or standards of behaviours that appear to be imposing on the person are lofty values

When an individual is being resilient and achieving for the stars then their behavior can be termed as lofty behavior.

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