5 Minute Guided Meditation for Busy People

5 Minute Guided Meditation

The way of living in this modern world has labeled almost everyone “busy”. We are either juggling many tasks or racing against time. This brings about the necessity to carve out time to find peace, reset, and recharge.

“Carve out time? How do I do that when I’m in a rush?” Well, this blog post will take you through a guided meditation for busy professionals. In just five minutes, you can find your moment of peace.

Meditation Busy Professionals – Why is it a must?

Busy Professionals:-A Team leader lead your team

Do you feel overwhelmed by the endless emails and workloads? Do you feel like you have so much to do in just a little time? What if we tell you that there’s a simple, science-backed tool for busy people? Yes, we are talking about meditation.

Meditation goes beyond a religious ritual. It’s a process that involves training your mind to focus and reach a state of awareness. It can make you quiet your mind and cultivate inner peace. 

Alarming Statistics on the Impact of Stress 

According to an online poll undertaken to find out the levels of stress and its impact, it was discovered that 46% of participants ate unhealthily due to stress. Another 29% stated that stress made them to drink and smoke. 

51% of those participants reported the psychological effects it had on them. They mentioned that they felt depressed and anxious. As a matter of fact, 16% of the respondents openly expressed that they had actually self-harmed and have at times thought of killing themselves. 

Yes, even the National Institute of Mental Health warns that when stress is not addressed, it can lead to mental health disabilities. For the abovementioned reasons, you should take steps to minimize chronic stress.

How Meditation Can Help Regain Control 

  • Meditation can bring about anxiety and stress reduction. As it does this, it increases patience, compassion and emotional resilience.
  • Meditation can help you accept negative thoughts and focus on things as they happen.
  • It helps you stay grounded and present in the moment. This gives you a sense of control and makes you enjoy even the little things life has to offer.

The Ultimate Meditation Technique That Saves Time

Meditation Technique

Let us introduce you to a brief meditation for busy professionals. A session of just 5 minutes can do more than wonders for you. 

Introducing the 5-Minute Guided Meditation for Busy Professionals

Need something fast, yet tense and thorough? This 5-minute guided meditation can help break old patterns in your mind and body and make you experience peace and freedom. You can practice this anywhere and anytime. You can either do it alone or get yourself a second person. Be comfortable, both in your environment and in your dressing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started 

  • The first thing to do when you want to start is to make sure you are really in a comfortable position. Otherwise, you will not get anything from your meditative practice. 
  • Try to relax your body with your eyes closed. A few deep breaths can release body tension so do this as well. 
  • Focus on the sensations in your body including your breath.
  • Visualize the stress and tension leaving your body from your head to your toes. 
  • Focus your mind, not on whatever thoughts arise, but on the present moment. Even if it wanders, guide it back to your breath as soon as possible. 
  • Continue doing this for five minutes and you will see how refreshed you will feel and be. 

Customer Reviews & Success Stories 

“What I like about the guided meditation is the peacefulness and better I now have. I doubted my sister a bit when she said this guided meditation can help me relieve stress. Now I regret not doing it earlier because it was the best decision for me. I intend to do it often and regularly” – KKP, United States

“I practice meditation better when I’m guided and this guided meditation is just perfect. It helps me channel my focus to what is right in front me – the present. I intend to spice things up by doing a morning walk or journaling” – Lady MD

“I love this guided meditation so much. It definitely fits my schedule. The sessions are short, refreshing and a good preparation to refresh and relax me” – Mary 

Mindfulness on the Go: Best Meditation Apps for Busy People


As a busy person, you may need meditation apps to make things easy for you. For one thing, these apps can help you schedule a meditation and stick to it. You can use it to meditate anywhere and anytime. The thing is, there are an ocean of apps out there and picking the best one can be difficult. Well, problem solved. We’ve prepared a list of the best apps to aid your decision.

Top App Recommendations 

Meditation AppsPriceContent FocusBest ForFree Version
Headspace$70 per yearGuided meditation and mindfulness exercisesBeginners and those building a meditation habitGuided meditations, sleep, music, and movement
Calm$70 per yearQuick meditation (as short as 5 minutes)The basic course which includes 10 sessions with sample meditationsLimited free versions
Insight TimerFree (including premium option)Variety of guided meditationsUsers who are conscious of their budgetMany free meditations 
Smiling MindFreeMindfulness programs for people of all agesKids and teenagersAll features are free
Sattva$50 per yearMeditation and social connectionBuilding a network or community of meditationLimited free version
Simple HabitFree including premium optionBreatheThose with busy schedules5 free meditations per month
BreetheSubscription Focus and productivity Improving focusLimited free versions
Meditopia Free including premium optionDIY personalized coursesBuilding personalized and customized practiceLimited free versions

8 Simple Mindfulness Techniques Beginners Can Try

8 Simple Mindfulness Techniques Beginners Can Try
  1. Breathing: Taking deep breaths and focusing on it is not that hard. It is something you can do in any position. No app or music is required (unless of course you prefer to use them). 
  2. Body scan: Here, meditators perform a thorough scan on different parts of the body. They notice the emotions and sensations that emanate from them. This helps them relax and become aware of the moment.
  3. Sound awareness: In this practice, meditators try to engage their sense of hearing and connect it with what is happening around them. They do this without judgment or opinion. 
  4. Loving-kindness (meta): This one is used to build love, compassion, and kindness towards oneself and others. 
  5. Noting: This one requires observing and noting your thoughts as they are in the present moment. You don’t try to label or judge them, you simply note them. 
  6. Walking: This is also known as moving or movement meditation. It involves connecting with what you hear, see, and smell around you.  
  7. Mantra meditation: This practice of meditation makes you repeat certain words or sounds. They could be said silently or out loud. 
  8. Visualization: Practitioners are urged to visualize positive and calming scenes with their senses. When this positive scene comes up, they completely immerse themselves in them. 

Mindfulness for Busy People

Mindfulness for Busy People

A busy life calls for a mindful life. If you feel you can’t learn from a man called Osho and his book “Meditation for Busy People”.

Osho, an inspiring teacher, is a meditation guide. He is widely known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation. He is a contemporary mystic whose life and teachings have influenced millions of people worldwide. His often provocative and challenging teachings are of global interest. His readership and audience is dramatically expanding around the world. 

In fact, the Sunday Times of London named him as one of the 1000 makers of the 20th century. One of his works titled “Osho Active Meditations” helps individuals lower stress in the mind and body.

On Amazon.com, he has a published book titled “Meditation for busy people”. It offers simple strategies to reduce tension and put you in a relaxed state. 

The book has methods that can actually be integrated into everyday life. It can help find the stillness in a reader’s everyday routines. The idea is to be able to unwind from their hectic day. Here are the product details to get you to start reading the book:

  • Print length: 166 pages
  • Language: English
  • Item weight 1

You may need a kindle device required to access a copy. 



Intro: It is time for a brief guided meditation to help you find calm and relaxation. Welcome to this session – your journey to peace begins here. The duration of this meditation is just 5 minutes. Feel free to settle down anywhere to meditate.

Step 1: Getting Comfortable

Find yourself a comfy place to begin. If you’re lying, you can use a mat (or the bare floor). If you are sitting, you can support yourself with a cushion. 

Step 2: Relaxing and watching your breathing

Try to relax your breathing system. If you don’t know how to relax your whole body, no problem. With time, you will be a pro. Breathe in and out and observe how this process takes place. Try to make your breathing as natural as possible. 

Step 3: Visualization

Imagine something good – a good place, a good activity, a good person. Try to observe how you feel when these memories come up. Try to immerse yourself in these good memories as if you are reliving them. Think of something good you hope to achieve in the future – see yourself already achieving it.

Step 4: Conclusion

Slowly open your eyes and completely feel the wave of peace flowing through you. As you radiate this feeling, carry it on with you henceforth.

Guided Meditation Apps

Guided meditation apps are essential for you as a beginner to ease yourself into the practice. It contains a variety of meditation sessions to explore. They are also loaded with transcripts, soothing voices, and calm music to make your session enjoyable. Popular apps include Calm, Ten Percept Happier, Headspace, UCLA Mindful, and many more. 

Unlock Your Productivity Potential with Regular Meditation


Let us now delve into the surprising benefits of meditation for busy professionals. 

Improved Focus & Concentration 

Staying focused in a busy world seem impossible. Meditation is the secret weapon that can clear your mind and improve mental clarity. A study shows that workers who practice meditation stay focused on tasks for longer periods of time. Not only that, they could remember details of their tasks than those who do not meditate.

Another research was able to prove that meditating for at least 4 days can enhance one’s attention span.

Reduced Anxiety & Better Decision Making 

Meditation can also eliminate negative emotions that tend to make someone anxious. It can make you calm and serene. This in turn makes it possible for you to make reasonable decisions. For example, personal and family responsibilities can knock you out. With meditation, you can make good decisions that will help you gain control. 

Empathy & Emotional Intelligence

A fine benefit of meditation is that it can help you cultivate emotional intelligence. What this means is that you can better relate with your boss and colleagues. You are also able to develop good work relationships and maintain a work-life balance.

Pro Tips for Integrating Meditation into Your Daily Routine 

Here is a list of practical advice to help you safely and easily integrate meditation into your everyday activity.

  1. Find time to meditate when it is right for you. This may vary in person – while some prefer meditating in the morning, others may prefer evening. And others may prefer to do it in midday while they are busy about in their activities.
  2. How do you eat your meal? You take a bite first and then you take the next, right? Same thing applies to meditation. Don’t overwhelm yourself with doing the long sessions. Start small and increase the time gradually.
  3. Spice up your meditation room with elements that resonates with you. 
  4. Pair up your practice with something you do every day. For instance, you can meditate before you brush or after. You can meditate during your breaktime at work.
  5. If you think meditation will be boring, invite a partner. Or better still, subscribe to a community so you can join a group.
  6. Be patient and track your progress. It can motivate you to keep the practice going.
  7. Explore techniques that works with you. Be flexible and accept that not every day will feel the same.

Start Your Journey – Become Calmer and More Focused

Start Your Journey ΓÇô Become Calmer and More Focused

And start the journey now. Don’t bore yourself – incorporate music, practice with others, try something different – anything that will make you keep up the good work. Your holistic health should matter to you.

Follow the Author for More Mindfulness Tips 

Want more tips to get the most of your mindfulness practice? Follow the author and subscribe so you won’t miss out when a new post is uploaded. Following the instructions may earn you a healthy living.

Free Download: 5-Minute Guided Meditation MP3 

Get yourself a 5-minute guided meditation mp3 for free. This audio recording can be downloaded to your PC, Mac or Android device. 

For more info on meditation for busy professionals, sign up for our newsletter so you can be informed firsthand. 

Frequently Asked Question(FAQ’s)

I find it hard to meditate in a busy environment. What do I do?

Find a quiet place and get comfortable. You can employ guided meditation.

I want to meditate professionally. How do I do that?

The first thing is to get your posture right (it will help for longer sessions). Then you can do deep breaths and other techniques that you like. 

I want to know what transcendental meditation is all about. Can you tell me?

It is about repeating certain words till you reach the state of inner peace.

Do you know the type of meditation Tony Robbins did?

His meditation format is a 10-minute daily exercise which is partly based on yoga techniques. 

Is it possible to meditate in a crowded place?

To be honest, it is not easy. But when you focus on body language and the tone of voice, you can do it. 

I’m too overwhelmed to meditate. Any advice?

Practice deep breathing and observe the rising and falling of your belly. Mindfulness in everyday life can help too. 

How do I meditate in a stressful environment?

To help, try deep breathing and mindfulness exercises.

Please tell me, how would I know if I’m meditating right?

You’re in a deep meditative state when you feel relaxed and present.

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