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155 SMART Monthly Goals That Will Change Your Life [+Free Goal Setting Template]

Setting monthly goals is the best way to break your long-term goals into achievable short-term goal ideas.

Your monthly goals will provide you with a collection of productive tasks that will change your life to a better life.

You can achieve your big dreams by setting goals and working on them passionately. Here are some of the actionable steps and best goal ideas that will make your year better than the past year.

How to Set Monthly Goals in 5 Steps

The potential goals that can change your life are always bigger and time taking.

You can never achieve a big goal in one mile stone rather you need to break down the goal into monthly or weekly goals to achieve it gradually.

Here is the way out to set your monthly goals in 5 steps.

1) Start With Big Year Goals

Starting with setting big yearly goals is the best step to initiate in goal setting.

Firstly think about what you are going to achieve in the present year and set 2-3 big yearly goals. Setting professional big-year goals is one of the best ideas to start.

2) Understand SMART Goals

Understand the framework of SMART goals during Goal setting and set specific, measurable, realistic, achievable, and time-bounded goals that the SMART goal formula requires.

3) Break Down Big Goals

Once you have set big-year goals the next step is to break them down into small quarterly goals that are 4 (3 months each) for one year to evaluate your goal progress and think about the necessary actionable steps to achieve your goals.

4) Breakdown Quarterly Goals into Monthly Goals

After setting quarterly goals the next thing is to break them into monthly goals to make your journey of achievement active.

These monthly goals for sure will help you to accomplish your big dream in smaller steps.

5) Plan out Action Steps for Your Monthly Goals

The final and important step in goal setting is to think about the required action steps to achieve your goals.

These action steps can take weeks, days, or hours to complete the task but the foremost thing is to stick to your goal and work for it regularly.

Ideas for Monthly Goals

If you are on the way to monthly goal setting here are some great ideas for you to help you set in monthly goals. Pick up some of these ideas to make your goal achievements easy.   

Complete Your Daily To-Do List Every Day For A Month

If you lack productivity then it is the best goal for you to challenge yourself to completion of each task written on your to-do list each day.

Do this practice at least for a month to be habitual for the completion of your daily routine.

Make Your Bed Every Day

When you wake up, make your bed instantly before getting into anything else.

This morning routine will give you a feeling of the first thing done to you at the start of the day within no time and will make to active.

Go To Bed One Hour Earlier

Every day go to your bed one hour earlier before sleeping and in that time evaluate your day and check out your to-do list and write some goals for the next day.

It will help you to have a sound sleep with a feeling of accomplishment.

Don’t Check Your Phone In The Morning

The first thing you do in the morning selects your day so, avoid the usage of your phone in the morning instead do something better i.e. yoga or watering the plants.

Do something that scares you every day

Every day enlist a challenging new task in your work list to make you confident and to work against your comfort zone.

Run 5 times a week

Make it your habit to run at least five times a week, don’t worry make it simple, you can run only 300 meters every day. It can be one of the good personal goals in goal setting.

Read 10 books

Read 10 smaller books in a month and Set it as a monthly goal as Reading books is the best source of a social media break.

Start a new productive habit every week

Select a new beneficial task or a new skill for your personal growth and self-awareness to complete at the end of every week. This is one of the best monthly goals for productive time passage.

Reach out to a new person every day

Reaching out to someone new helps improve your public speaking skill and it is a good goal idea for socialization.

Listen to educational podcasts every time you’re cooking

Learning during cooking can be a good goal for the day. Listen to some productive educational podcasts or select any course of your interest.

Establish Accountability

Manage your time in productive activities to establish accountability that will help you achieve your goals timely.

Start journaling

Journaling can be a habit tracker and it can create a reflection of the growth of your mindset. You can write in a gratitude journal to feel peaceful.

Give up your bad habit for 30 days

Select one of your bad habits and set it as your goal of the month to give up this bad habit till the end of the month. If you get success in giving up one bad habit each month what do you think about your progress?

Do one good deed

Doing one good deed every day will gradually increase your self-esteem and purity of soul. You can be a helper for someone who is passing through bad times.

150 Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Goals Ideas That Will Change Your Life

If you are moving forward to set goals for a day, week, or month here are the best goal ideas for you.

Monthly Goals for Cleaning

  1. Clean your entire house

  2. Organize your closet

  3. Deep clean the kitchen cabinets

  4. Wash all the dishes to set the empty sink

  5. Clean the dinner table before bed

  6. Put an air purifier plant in the kitchen

  7. Clean the cabins of the fridge

  8. Do laundry two times a week

  9. Start a capsule wardrobe

  10. Clean and organize the capsule wardrobe

  11. Wash the car on the weekend

  12. Press your work clothes before bed

  13. Fold the clothes after laundry

  14. Make a cleaning schedule

  15. Keep dusting every day

Monthly Goals For Self-Care

  1. Every day meditate for 10 minutes

  2. Write in a gratitude journal every day

  3. Practice skincare at night before bed

  4. Go for a bath every day after work

  5. Trim nails at the end of the week

  6. Create a morning routine

  7. Do manicures and pedicures on weekend

  8. Add a new beauty product to your vanity every month

  9. Spend some time in nature every day

  10. Watch your favorite TV show

  11. Spend more money on self-pampering

  12. Create a sleep schedule of 7 hours a day

  13. Take cold showers

  14. Add fruits to your daily meal

  15. Set a “you” day

Monthly Goal Ideas for Work

  1. Learn to stay organized at work

  2. Limit the screen time and use of social media at work

  3. Enhance your public speaking skills to be confident at work

  4. Organize your computer files at the start of the office

  5. Remove extra computer files

  6. Make a habit tracker to evaluate your progress

  7. Attend workshops for the entire month

  8. Listen to seniors

  9. Improve self-awareness

  10. Make a folder of career goals

  11. Keep updating your resume

  12. Attend  all the networking events for the entire month

  13. Learn professional language

  14. Learn courses to help your profession

  15. Joint business groups

Monthly Goal Ideas for Physical Health

  1. Start walking every day

  2. Do daily exercise

  3. Go to the gym 5 times a week

  4. Eat healthy food to lose weight

  5. Drink more water

  6. Practice weight lifting

  7. Take cold showers once a week

  8. Make a nutrient meal plan for each day

  9. Set daily goals for physical health to lose weight

  10. Gradually Increase exercising

  11. Avoid sugars for a month

  12. Replace junk food with fruits

  13. Eat breakfast on time

  14. Give up alcohol

  15. Avoid smoking

Monthly Goals for Personal Development

  1. Learn a new skill

  2. Avoid practicing your bad habit every day

  3. Subscribe to a Youtube channel for personal growth ideas

  4. Create a daily routine for reading

  5. Sign up for a development course

  6. Try a new recipe

  7. Read the newspaper every day

  8. Make meal plan

  9. Stay focused while doing something

  10. Practice a better new habit every week

  11. Read blogs on self-awareness

  12. Write 500 words every day

  13. Practice deep breathing exercises

  14. Get out of your comfort zone

  15. Try a new game

Monthly Family Goals

  1. Make a gratitude jar for kids and fill the gratitude jar together

  2. Prepare a new recipe for your kids

  3. Spend some quality time with family after dinner

  4. Watch a show with family

  5. Make a meal Plan for the family

  6. Try a new dessert with kids

  7. Set investment accounts for kids

  8. Start morning walking routine with family

  9. Take breakfast with kids every day

  10. Set a gossip day

  11. Create a family wall

  12. Set a game night

  13. Call your parents once a week

  14. Create a picnic plan with family

  15. Plan a day for photography with family

Monthly Goals for Mental Health

  1. Meditate each day

  2. Plan for a social media break for this month

  3. Limit usage of social media

  4. Avoid the negativity of social media

  5. Reduce screen time

  6. Remove negative persons in your life

  7. Go to sleep one hour earlier

  8. Take a sound sleep of 7-8 hrs

  9. Spend the morning in the company of nature

  10. Take deep breaths

  11. Create mental health planner

  12. Stay organized

  13. Listen to inspiring people, and avoid negative people

  14. Heal your mind with great quotes everyday

  15. Go for a morning walk every day

Monthly Goals for Social Life

  1. Call your old friend once a week

  2. Set up get-to-gathers once a month

  3. Create a WhatsApp group of friends

  4. Say hi to a new person every day

  5. Give compliments to others

  6. Discuss current issues with a local group in the park

  7. Host a game night

  8. Join a local group

  9. Help someone every day

  10. Do charity

  11. Set a trip with friends

  12. Host a dinner

  13. Make a new friend once a week on social media

  14. Do good deeds every day for the entire month

  15. Explore a new city with friends

Monthly Financial Goals

  1. Learn ways to make more money

  2. Stop eating out for a month

  3. Look after your budget

  4. Save 10$ per day

  5. Do extra time in the office for a month

  6. Make an investment account

  7. Clean your closet by selling old stuff

  8. Start a side business

  9. Buy only from sales this month

  10. Give up the bad habit of overeating to save health and money

  11. Read blogs on making easy money

  12. Create a plan to pay debut

  13. Download a coupon app

  14. Avoid unnecessary gatherings to save money

  15. Invest money in a beneficial side hustle

Monthly Relationship Goals

  1. Set a date night every week

  2. Plan a candlelight dinner on date night

  3. Spend quality time with your partner every day

  4. Say good morning to your partner every day

  5. Give a flower to your love

  6. Try a good habit together

  7. Cook together while getting time

  8. Buy a little present for your partner once a month

  9. Go for a walk

  10. Go for a long drive

  11. Compliment your partner

  12. Go for a coffee outing

  13. Set goals together for personal development

  14. Play Q&As together to know each other

  15. Set goals together for self-awareness

Goal Ideas for Each Month

Here is the list of monthly goals that can make your goal-setting process easy as you can select a specific goal from each section to improve your life.

Monthly Goals for January

Monthly Goals for February

Monthly Goals for March

Monthly Goals for April

Monthly goals for May

Monthly Goals for June

Monthly Goals for July

Monthly Goals for August

Monthly Goals for September

Monthly Goals for October

Monthly Goals for November

Monthly goals for December

Goal-Setting Helps You See the Bigger Picture

Goal setting is beneficial to think big and embracing challenges. How many goals you should set in a month depends on your strength and mindset they can be 10,12 or many.

Monthly goals help achieve big goals gradually.

Goal-Setting Allows You to Track Your Progress

You can use goal-setting planners or templates to make a framework. Your goals can be a tracker of your progress as they provide a complete setup of the struggle for achievement.

Free Editable Monthly Goals Planner Template

Are you looking for free monthly goals template?

Canva is providing the access to free monthly goals templates you can check out and edit them according to your need.


Monthly goals provide you the track to stick to your yearly goals. They are the best way to achieve your big goals in a sequence.

Above discussed monthly goal ideas can be helpful for the creation of responsible behavior toward your yearly goals.

I hope I have provided you with a complete guide to setting monthly goals and monthly goal ideas that will help you to make your goal-setting process easy and actionable.

Have a good day ahead!


How do you write a monthly goal?

  1. Set yearly goals

  2. Set them as smart goals

  3. Break yearly goals into quarterly goals

  4. Break quarterly goals into monthly goals

  5. Work on monthly goals daily

What are some 3-month goals?

  1. Lose 20lbs in three months

  2. Learn a new course

  3. Save 300$ each month  

  4. Build a new habit

  5. Learn a new sport

What are some ideas for goals?

  1. Get up early

  2. Complete your to-do list every day

  3. Sleep for 7 hours each night

  4. Do a good deed every day

  5. Overcome your bad habits

What are 3 good smart goals?

  1. Listen to self-care podcasts every day after lunch

  2. Eat healthy food for the entire month

  3. Go to the gym every day

What are the 5 smart goals?

  1. Practice self-control the entire day

  2. Say no to every bad habit for the entire month

  3. Read 5 books in a month

  4. Visit park every day

  5. Only eat healthy for a month

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