The navel chakra or the solar plexus is perhaps the most important of all chakras. It is located three fingers above your navel and out of the seven major chakras, the navel chakra is considered the most influential. It rules over human emotions, intelligence showcased by a person, and willpower in managing feelings from day to day.
As you wake up for the day, you can feel your emotions changing with each hour or even by minute. You might meet a person you love or fail in achieving some task at the workplace. Overall, your feelings change throughout the day, weeks, and months, and it is all connected to the navel charka.
Experts state that most of our problems begin with the imbalance of the solar plexus. Unbalance in the navel chakra causes an imbalance of other chakras as well. Signs include:
- Lower self-esteem
- Indecisiveness indicates low willpower
- Anger
- Controlling behavior over others
This is why, balancing your navel chakra is highly critical to ensure a balanced outlook to life and managing your emotions on a daily. In this article, we take you along a journey of balancing the navel chakra that will give you power, confidence, and purpose in life.
What Is The Navel Chakra?

Let’s start from the basics, the solar plexus chakra is part of the seven chakras of your body. It is the third chakra, after the crown and base of the spine to the navel. Being the third chakra, it is often referred to as the navel chakra, the solar plexus, or the Manipura charka
Also Called the Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra
The navel charka is called the Manipura chakra because the word Manipura means ‘lustrous gem of the city’. When you sit in a yoga pose, the Manipura chakra comes right at the center, making it a lustrous gem.
The Third Chakra is Located In the Navel Region
The third chakra is located in the navel region, three fingers above your navel. Proximity to the navel region gives the navel chakra associations with self-esteem and personal power or identity. However, it is also linked to digestion and metabolism. So, as you inhale and exhale in a yoga pose, a balanced navel chakra’s blockage opens and physiological effects on the digestive tract can be seen
Key Part of the 7 Chakra System in the Body

The 7 chakra system is a deeply rooted concept, with the first being mentioned in the Sanskrit language. It has roots in the rich Indian history of the sub-continent. There are 7 chakras in total:
- Crown Chakra
- Third Eye Charka
- Throat Chakra
- Heart Chakra
- Navel Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Root Chakra
All 7 of these chakras are energy centers in the body that govern everything from your emotions to kundalini i.e. your fate. If any of the 7 chakra is blocked, then your energy center is blocked and you may lose your sense of self.
The Importance of the Navel Chakra

At this point, you might wonder why I need to use a certain essential oil or chant a mantra to balance your solar plexus chakra. Well, you will do all this to balance out a very important energy center in your body. Navel chakra allows you to align health and emotions so chakra healing must be a necessary part of your daily routine
Governs Self-Esteem, Personal Power, Willpower

First off, the navel chakra is important because it is linked to your sense of self-esteem, sense of personal power, and of course willpower. These things inherently determine who you are as a person, where you are headed, and what priorities you put in your life
You may give importance to a bank balance, address in a certain part of the city, or some other surface-level thing. However, your navel chakra determines how you define yourself, so it holds intrinsic value to your survival and thriving in this life.
Centers Your Naval Chakra Energy

The chakra system is innately associated with energy center points throughout your body. You need to center your navel chakra energy because it translates to everything you need to know about yourself. Once your navel chakra is balanced through solar plexus chakra affirmations, the chakra also has an effect on gaining a deeper insight into yourself. You connect with your sense of purpose in this life and you can start investing in things that make you truly happy.
Improves Digestion and Metabolic Function

However, the navel chakra is also associated with the color yellow. In the yoga and meditation chakra system, yellow is associated with warmth, light, and clarity. In your personal life, these aspects have a direct impact on your digestive tract. Therefore, certain yellow foods can also be eaten to balance your navel chakra, like lemon or ginger.
Provides a Sense of Balance

The solar plexus chakra once balanced can give you a sense of purpose. You are most aligned with your inner self when you manage to balance your navel chakra.
This means that toxic things that cause more damage than bring any joy can be let go. Whether it is a job or a toxic person, a balanced navel charka will help you identify what is causing stress in your life. Close your eyes and navel chakra may ensure overcoming control issues.
Signs of an Imbalanced Navel Chakra

Solar plexus chakra healing can be a complicated process, given the importance of this chakra. When the solar plexus chakra imbalances, then the signs are also not hard to miss. You can feel it through your emotions and physical health. So the journey to help balance the energy of naval chakra is associated with identifying what doesn’t work and how
Low Confidence or Self-Esteem
One of the primary signs of an imbalanced navel chakra are low self-esteem or low confidence. Solar plexus chakra helps to keep your self-esteem high and maintain that internal drive, but an imbalanced chakra foremost affects your inner power.
This can considerably impact your well-being, reducing the quality of life. Negative feelings become constant and you might find self-criticizing to be too much and in persistence. Feelings of guilt and shame are also common.
Indecision or Difficulty Asserting Needs
Indecisiveness is also a sign of an imbalanced navel chakra. As you inhale through your nose during a yoga pose, you lose clarity about your inner self and emotions. This is a sign that your solar plexus chakra is imbalanced. As it is associated with this energy center of the navel, it means that energy flows freely between other chakras except the navel chakra. It can make you feel confused, depressed, and even anxious.
Sluggish Digestion or Nausea
There are many spiritual ramifications to an imbalance navel charka, but your physical body is also affected. Yoga and meditation is not just for mental health, meditation is a powerful tool that can improve your physical health as well.
An upset stomach, and sluggish digestive tract that leave you feeling nauseous and put you off from food are all signs of an imbalanced navel chakra. Sometimes, a certain food can also offset the imbalance, so you have to be careful of your diet
Feeling Stuck or Unable To Move Forward
Rooted in the wisdom transcribed by the rich Hindu history of yoga and meditation, the navel chakra balance helps you find a sense of purpose. Therefore, one suffers from low self-esteem when the navel area of the body is imbalanced. Another sign of this is the feeling of being stuck.
Indecisiveness certainly adds to this emotion, but overall you can feel stagnant as well. The sense of purpose that navel chakra gives is also taken away, leaving you in the dark and sad
Key Benefits of a Balanced Navel Chakra

Contrary to an imbalanced navel chakra, when you manage to keep it balanced and happy, the ramifications are very positive on your life and health. These are:
Boosts Self-Esteem and Personal Power
As your solar plexus chakra is balanced, the chakra is responsible for self-esteem. This means that you are generally nicer around people, you form deep-rooted friendships, you are empathetic, and maintain healthy relationships.
As long as you are confident in who you are, you treat others respectfully and with love. For your own self, however, high self-esteem means that you are open to feedback and growing yourself. You are also much better at meeting expectations.
Supports Decision Making and Willpower
The navel chakra is responsible for decision-making power within yourself and stronger willpower in doing something or avoiding something outright. Indecisiveness, on the other hand, can make you feel gloomy and confused about what to do and what not to do.
Around the navel area where the solar plexus chakra is located, when you allow energy to flow you are strengthened in decisions. If you choose a job, then you know it is for you. If you leave a relationship, then you are firm that it is for the better
Reduces Digestive Issues
When the navel chakra is blocked, you may experience an upset stomach. However, chakra is linked to the digestive tract, so a balanced chakra is also effective in managing any digestive tract issues.
Your gut health remains happy and healthy. Your digestive tract is swift in digesting food and your diet does not suffer because of it.
Creates Feelings of Balance and Stability
When a chakra is balanced or blocked, an element of the solar plexus has an impact on balance and stability in your life. When the chakra system is balanced, then you can enjoy contentment with where you are in life. The restlessness of not having enough or not doing enough finally goes away. You can feel the chakra is open to being happy, satisfied, and happy with what you have
How to Balance Your Navel Chakra

Now that we know and ins and outs of all things related to the navel chakra, it is time to understand how to balance it. Below are the most commonly used techniques
Yoga Asanas like Boat Pose and Navel Twists
The purpose of doing a yoga asana or pranayama is to ensure a balanced flow of energy throughout your body. There are specific techniques that can help you balance the navel chakra, specifically.
Specify the boat pose and navel twists for balancing the navel chakra, instead of other more common poses like plank pose. For the boat pose:
- Sit on your floor, with legs straight and palms facing downwards
- Lean back slightly
- Lift the legs and focus on the sternum
- Make sure that knees and back are straightened
- Stay in the pose for 12-20 seconds
For the navel twist:
- One of the most effective chakra meditation techniques
- Lie down with your back touching the ground
- Arms out and palms facing down
- Bend knees towards the belly but not above it
- Face in the opposite direction
- Breathe in and out 6-10 times and hold the pose
Breathing Focused On the Navel Region
- Diaphragmatic breathing is done by focusing on the belly region
- Place hand on the chest
- Draw your energies to the chest area
- Place the second hand on the stomach
- Deeply and slowly breathe in and breathe out
Navel Chakra Meditations
- Prop your back with pillows
- Focus on the navel region
- Play chakra-specific music
- OR keep saying the navel charka affirmation ‘I am empowered’
- Stay like this for 30 minutes
Wearing Yellow, Eating Yellow Foods
A common way of balancing the naval chakra is also to navigate clothing and foods around the naval chakra’s color. Eat yellow foods:
- Ginger
- Lemon
- Rosemary
You can also wear yellow clothes to get the energy flowing
Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
- I feel empowered
- I am ready to face challenges
- I forgive myself
- I am positive
- I am worthy
- I believe in myself
Using Essential Oils like Lemon or Sandalwood
Essential oils are a necessity for all navel chakra system-related balancing techniques. Rub the essential oil in your navel region and use other techniques to boost the energy center
When to Seek Additional Help
Sometimes, self-help does not work in balancing the chakras. Whether it is a stressful life event or you can’t be bothered, forgetting an imbalanced chakra can actually make the situation worse.
- Symptoms Are Severe or Persist Over Time
If you are feeling gloomy, indecisive, and low in confidence for over 2 weeks, then it is time to get some outside help.
- Working With Energy Healers, Reiki, or Therapists
If you already have somebody whom you seek help from, then let them know that you are not feeling your best self. Go through the list of signs of an imbalanced chakra and talk to a therapist, reiki or energy healer. They will definitely be able to help you
- Medical Evaluation for Ongoing Digestive Issues
However, in all of this remember that yoga asanas cannot help against chronic illnesses. Strengthened naval or spinal twists of the upper abdomen of the belly button can balance energies, but diseases require help. So, consult your doctor, if your digestive tract issue does not go away
When Solar Plexus Chakra Is Blocked
Signs to look for
- Indecisiveness
- Low self-esteem
- Low confidence
When Sacral Chakra Is Blocked
- Detachment
- Anxiety
- Isolation from others
Difference between Solar Plexus and Navel Chakra
They are the same thing. Sanskrit roots of the chakra system, alongside Western interpretation of this system, have resulted in many names. However, they refer to the same region
How to Activate Navel Chakra
- Focus on fire
- Feel energy radiating from the navel region when doing yoga
- Wear yellow
- Eat yellow foods
Where Is The Solar Plexus Chakra Located?
Three fingers above your navel
What Is The Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra)?
The solar plexus chakra is associated with the element of fire, possessing personal power. Therefore, affirmation for being called the Manipura chakra is related to its location as well as its element of fire.
What Are The Best Yoga Poses For Balancing The Sacral Chakra?
There are two main poses:
- Boat pose
- Navel twist
An imbalanced chakra can have consequences on both physical and mental health. If you are seeing signs of imbalance and blockage to the energy flow, then make sure to apply yoga poses, asanas, and breathing techniques to overcome this issue. However, if the problem still persists, then consult a therapist or a reiki healer. If physiological problems still persist, then a doctor may be of help.