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Overcoming Challenges to Reach October Goals

What Are Some Monthly Goals?

There are certain goals that needs to be set hourly, some daily, some of them weekly and some of them monthly.

Keep a tab on things that you are aiming for. Fir decides upon a goal that you are aiming for. Draw out the things that you need to do to achieve those goals.

Then start having monthly goals for yourself. Some goals can be regarding your health, career, relationships, finances etc.

For example, if you are planning to be fit write down the things you need to do to acquire the goals in the month of October under October Goals.

Then start making plans like gaining more muscles, getting in better shape, being stronger, faster etc. Plan the workout plan that you need to perform and start small.

Like for a month plan to work out at least twice a week. Keep tab of the progress you have made.

Check the monthly goals, weekly goals, daily goals and progress made.

It’s very important to evaluate the goals that you have set for self. Evaluate the progress that you have made.

If you have achieved something significant make sure to congratulate yourself and reward yourself. Self-congratulations is a sign of maturity.

Similarly, if you did not acquire the planned goal or target put it on yourself.

Leave behind the blame game, putting the blames or making excuses and understand where you made the mistake and start making amendments to that.

The Happiness Project :

What do you think happiness is? How can we describe happiness as?  happiness is a state of mind that brings out the best in you.

Some people believe that happiness is dependent on the external factors such as the way you gain approval from the people around you, the number of shares, likes on social media post, basically seeking external validation.

But it’s not completely true, happiness is a project that we should work on.

We all want to be happy. Do you know how can we attract more happiness?

Happiness is a skill that is built and learned, it’s a project that we need to work on every single day of our life. It’s a project that requires efforts.

Let’s make happiness a mission, a project. There are various ways to work on it such as there are books that teach happiness and share the practical things that could help us to build our persona.

Our life is a long-term project that needs to be understood, learned and applied to create a better and happy life for ourselves.

Wake-Up & Bedtimes

Some people often get stuck and start thinking or finding the starting point to their journey.

How can a person start to discipline himself and start pursuing the goal that he has for himself.

One should always start with the very basic step. The first basic thing a person can start from is setting the wake-up and bedtime for himself.

Set a wake- up time and bedtime, it’s important to follow this time very religiously. This way your brain knows that you have the power to make the decisions and it’s not the other way round.

Be very obedient in the set timing. Starting this process will slowly change the course of you habits and help you achieve the target more effectively.

Overcoming Challenges

YouTube is a great platform to learn, literally anyone can learn anything now a days by just click of a button.

People react, comments and like the posts and you can obtain feedbacks from them. You can gain so much hope and inspiration online and change the course of your future.

Start yourself by setting small habits. Always remember one positive habit influences all the other habits.

Start the chain to create multiple tiny, small habits and then see the significant amount of growth by being consistent in performing the set habit.

Organize, Declutter, Simplify

When you state a purpose for the goal for an entire month it’s important to organize your thoughts, make plans and set out a clear objective for the purpose while setting monthly goals.

Just get done with things that no longer serve you and then simplify the idea or a pan.

It’s important to keep things simple. The more complicated the plan the more unlikely you are to continue with the plan and the purpose set out.

For you to start with taking steps towards your goals it’s important to stay organized and make simpler plans so that it sets you in the right direction.

It’s important to choose your path and set out a clear objective and plan to get you started.

Continue To Lean Hard On My Planner

Focus on goal setting, get excited about your goals, plan your week and forget the past failures. It’s okay if you fall, everyone does but it’s important to stand up dust yourself and move ahead.

Tract your progress of last month and evaluate and set new goals for new month. Write down your goals, make them clear.

In this new journey you might fall but keep moving forward, every new year brings opportunity and new beginning. Write your goals on the paper while you set goals.

Describe an important goal in the best possible way. Plan the week ahead and work on it. It’s very important to hope for the best results.

Focus on your goal and get super excited about your goal.

When you work on desired task all week with focus, you can observe the process you have been following the entire week which will comprise a great weekend, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Set great goals for yourself and keep working on them.

Form rituals that are long lasting and planning in the future, make it your responsibility to complete the goal.

You may have noticed that when you are excited about your goals and accountable for the same. Some goals might take weeks to accomplish.

It’s important to be patient in the process and carry forward the work you have decided to complete.

September Physical Health

Sometimes people are no able to do much because they don’t feel good.

They don’t feel the energy to do things, that’s the reason they feel uninspired and are not motivated to set goals.

Taking care of your physical health is the primary thing anyone should work on.

Once you have good health and fitness goals achieved you gain an undeniable confidence to achieve other things.

I have realized little things matter a lot. When you get thoughts for your goals, at that time you are just hoping that it would turn out to be good.

But when the real process starts it requires real efforts. Let the process to acquire the goals be fun and track the number of things you have achieved.

Business are not built in weeks they take effort for months, years similarly keeping a good physical health is work and requires contribution from your side.

September Learning & Growth Goals

What would be some of the September learning growing goals that you should have? Take a moment to realize the dream you held as a child, once you do that think of the successful ways to achieve them.

When you finally realize the dreams take a moment and list down the things you need to do and spend majority of your time doing that. Break the cycle of self-doubt and go for the goals you set.

Spend majority of your time in finding things to do in a better way. Take note of the productivity and start immediately on the goals.

Use various tools available such as various websites, YouTube, blog posts.

When you see the comments of people on such blog posts you install hope in you and belief that you can be better as well. People online post their success stories.

September Family Goals

Set Family goals for the month of September, what are some of the family goals that you want to achieve collectively with the family.

What do want to achieve for them so that you lead a good prosperous life? What kind of trip are you planning for yourself?

Where do you Wanna go? What do you Wanna see and what do you Want to be. Ask yourself these questions for the month of September.

It’s very important to reflect in your inner world and uncover yourself.

This work should be done from childhood, a practice that should be taught to the children to stop seeking and asking others for their approval and have small sessions of work every day to connect with yourself.

Most of us are numb, we are totally numb to the sense of self-acceptance, we keep criticized ourselves for every little thing.

Focus On Updating Old Blog Posts

Focus on updating the old blog posts and select the thing you want to work on, research about it then go and update and provide practical tips with a lot of resourceful content.

Create blogging calendar that can help you update the relevant deadlines set for yourself.

Create business posts and publish them, business is full of opportunities and hope. Blogs are very crucial and useful content to promote business online.

Create statically posts and post the blog online for the October month.,

Be careful what you post online as it can impact goal setting of people and their view towards business and things.

Look out for comment that are feedbacks and ignore the comment that only aim to troll. Goal setting is very important when creating October goals for yourself.

Create blogging goals for yourself.

October Learning Goals

What are some of the October goals that you are aiming for? Talk about this with the people around you.

With your family, friends, your husband and discuss with them things you want and plan the future, while talking they share their thoughts and ideas with you which help you to create goals regarding money or personal or a professional objective.

Set a budge with them talk about how you can manage the money and stuff.

The key to such successful ideas and goals is making sense of all the ideas and dreams that you hold. The key is to push yourself by staying motivated.

Set some learning goals for the month of October and see how you can achieve them. Focus on one area of your life and sort that out.

Wait to set another one and put your attention to one at a time.

October Experiencing the World Goals

Before starting the month of October ask yourself what some of the world goals are that you should have? What should be your agenda for the month of October?

Ask and then plan accordingly. Make October the best month for you and the people around you.

You should let go of things and people that hold you back. You should be able to set out a clear intention for pursuing you dreams and an open heart to follow it.

Let go of any limitations of ideas and identify the power you hold within.

See yourself as a manifestation object who can attract and have anything they want when they have pure and undivided attention to something, this can make you limitless.

Ask yourself what some of the October goals are that you should have and act accordingly and think accordingly.

When the month of October arrives, you should have already be ready with the October goals. Talk about it as often as you can in your blog.

Read the already published blog to understand more. Post online content and understand the targets for the month of October.

Update My Capsule Wardrobe

It’s so important to update your mind with new thoughts and new beliefs. Ask yourself this question. How many books have you read in the past month?

How much valuable knowledge did you consume? As we update our clothes, our life it’s important to keep updating your mind.

Many people spend quarter of their life just like that without even thinking about their goals and objectives in life.

They should look for their purpose and make things simpler and look for opportunities that lie in their life.


Many a times we seek approval outside because of the insecurities we hold on to our self. We should not be concerned more about the outer world.

It’s important to look within and see yourself for who you are.

We want others to love us, respect us and approve us for who we are, we expect unconditional love for us from people around us but the important question to ask to yourself is.

Do you have that unconditional love and approval for yourself?

We criticized other way we look all we do is keep finding faults in our self and others. It’s so crucial to change that narrative. Where do you think this can take us?

How far and long will this lead you in your life where you keep criticizing people for every little thing and start blaming each other for every little inconvenience that we face.

It’s important to change the perceptive and look at the world and our self with a different eye to bring growth and prosperity in our life. 

These things must be thought to the children for their childhood. It’s important to build a character, as it will determine the kind of life that you will lead in the future.

Count Your Blessings

One practical tip that we can use in our everyday life is to count our blessing. Make a habit to start our day by writing the things you are grateful for.

See your life change by starting a source of direction of your thought. This is a very powerful tool to progress in life

When you are grateful for the things you have in your life. You create more blessings and start a chain of creating and multiplying your blessings.

Change the way you think, and things will change for you drastically. Look at the things that are working for you and then just be grateful.

Diversity creates more diversity same way blessings create more blessings in life.

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