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Organize Your Life – 35 Ways to Organize



A life full of fulfillment only comes when you possess organizational skills. Being organized in life is the key to relieving yourself of stress, making wise decisions and taking actions that will give you desirable results. Decluttering excess materials and having a clear personal space gives most people a peace of mind. It is crucial to organize your space so that you can be effective in all that you put your hands on. Below are some of the best ways on how to organize your life.

  1. Writing things down. It is now very easy to memorize things without actually memorizing them. Thanks to modern technology, we can now note important things down in our phones and remember them. Pen and paper still do the job perfectly. Note down a groceries list, holiday gifts and other important events that you should not miss.
  2. Schedule your time and have deadlines. Organized people do not have time wastage in their vocabulary. They have timely goals that they stick to. In doing this, they will have time for everything and avoid mixing up events.
  3. Avoid procrastination. When the need to organize your home arises, you better do it immediately. This is what organized people do. There is a high probability of you not doing it even at the later date.
  4. Have a space for everything. You are in big trouble if you throw things everywhere after you are done using them. The secret of organizing your room is having a home for every item. This way, you will not have to turn your home upside down when looking for an item.
  5. Weekly clean up. Find time in your busy schedule to declutter your home at least once in a week. It is only in a magical world that your closet, for instance, will organize itself. Make it a life purpose of putting your home in order as often as you can.
  6. Get rid of what you do not need. Your life becomes easier when there is less clutter. Professional organizers will recommend that you keep the few items that you regularly use. This is especially crucial as far as office organization is concerned. It becomes easier to locate items in the office when it is decluttered.
  7. Proper waste management. It is important to declutter your space but make sure it does not disorganize another place. This is true, especially for kitchen organization. A lot of junk might come out of there, hence, proper disposal is required.
  8. Delegate duties. This is an ideal office organization idea. When you spread out responsibilities to other colleagues, chances are, your office will remain highly organized because of the reduced paper bulk. This will relieve your stress and you will function properly.
  9. Be hard working. In order to stay organized in your life, you need to abandon your lazy behaviors. Your closet, room, or kitchen will just not organize itself. You have to take some action so that you the see results.
  10. Avoid the morning rush. Morning rush only makes you leave everything messy. Decide what you want to wear the following day, in the evening and set them aside. Prepare everything you might need to take with you and place it where you can easily spot it.
  11. Wardrobe clean up. Every once in a while, go through your closet and get rid of clothes that you rarely use. Give them away and leave your wardrobe organized with fewer items.
  12. Take advantage of the technology. Another effective way of attaining an organized office is by use of technology. Scan all important documents and store them in your computer. Shred the papers to make your office neat and organized.
  13. Organized communication. Your life will be much easier when you send and receive messages that are properly packaged and understandable. For instance, you can note down agendas before making a phone call. This way, you will get a relevant feedback.
  14. Plan for meals. An organized person will know what to cook on what day. They keep a plan of the week’s meal so that they are not confused when mealtime arrives. This makes life easier.
  15. Clean up your kitchen. The kitchen is a very crucial space whose orderliness is not to be bargained. Clean up everything immediately after use and group similar utensils together. Get kitchen organization tips from professional organizers and make your way around the kitchen less messy.
  16. Do one thing at a time. People fail to be organized because they believe in multitasking. Ensure that you do one thing at a time. This way, you get to avoid the bulk of unfinished task in your diary.
  17. Say no to unplanned events. An organized person will not allow pop-up events to distract them from what they should be doing. They have learned to turn down obstacles or simply saying no to the idea of doing their stuff on another day.
  18. Change your lifestyle. It is about the time to exit all your lazy untidy behaviors. If your life is about being late, throwing things around after using them and not washing up, organize it. With organization, achieving life fulfillment becomes a piece of cake.
  19. Identify why you are unorganized. Sometimes we just lack the motivation to declutter our space. This and much more are the reasons why we fail to organize our rooms. Being aware of the forces behind this distressful behavior will help you overcome it.
  20. Start the day right. Most peoples’ mornings determine the rest of their days. Ensure that you have a properly organized morning and see yourself achieve a smooth transitory day. This will see you achieve everything you set out to do.
  21. Avoid being a perfectionist. Being a perfectionist is a good idea but it will only leave you with a lot of uncompleted tasks. The best strategy, in this case, is to leave things adequately done. Avoid wasting all your energy on a single unperfected item.
  22. Do not gather more unnecessary items. Avoid falling into the temptation of bargain shopping. What this does is, add more unnecessary items into your home. This makes it harder for you to attain a perfectly organized space.
  23. Place things back right away. It is not right at all when you get a pencil from the drawer and leave it on the kitchen counter. You will end up doing that for every other item in your home which makes it messy. Ensure you put things back immediately you are done using them.
  24. Label your items. Labeling everything makes it easier to retrieve them. Keep similar things together and label them. This way, your room or office will be tidy and all organized.
  25. Having priorities. Think of at least five things that you ought to do before everything else. Prioritize doing them in order to avoid a mixed up schedule.
  26. Set goals. Set a goal of the things you must do every day and write them down. This will make life easier when it comes to achieving them and cultivating a strong determination.
  27. Tick your achievement. Ensure that you put a tick on every item that you accomplish. This will enable you to know the stuff that is yet to be done. You can hence set time aside to do these activities.
  28. Reward yourself. Acknowledging your effort in organizing your life will help you to get motivated to complete your task. You could promise yourself ice-cream with friends later, for instance, after accomplishing a certain activity.
  29. Put aside a list of all the books you gave read in order to keep them off your desk. This will allow you to keep around only the books that you haven’t read which will also earn you a very organized desk.
  30. Landing strip at the front door. This is a table placed near the front door. It will allow you to place several items down immediately you arrive home. For instance, you could place your keys and make it easily retrievable when you are heading out the following day.
  31. Stickers on your desktop. These are meant to remind you of your goals and obligation for the day. It ensures that you are not behind your schedule and allows you to stay on track.
  32. Have backups. Everything around you should be backed up by an extra copy. Back up your files in the computer hardware. Your home keys and car keys should have a duplicate in a safe place. Copies of your ID and certificates should all be nicely kept in a safe.
  33. Money management app. Being unorganized also means spending too much money. By downloading such apps, you will be in a position to control how you spend your money. You will also not miss out on bills date since this app will help you account for each penny.
  34. Make a list of passwords in a safe retrievable place. Unorganized people will always have trouble logging in to their accounts simply because they keep forgetting their passwords. Ensure that you do not fall victim by noting down all passwords.
  35. Organize your store. Having inventory is crucial. The only problem is, buying excess goods that make your storage become messy. Ensure this does not happen by regularly cleaning your inventory room and having supplies of things that you only need.
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