Procyon Mind Machine’s description matches that of the other meditation machines.
It has a forum whereby all your questions can be answered.

It is the second mind machine produced by mindplace.
Features of Procyon Mind Machine
- It has robust design and 50 in built sessions. It is improved compared to Proteus because it has 3 colored LED that is set to enhance a person’s experience.
- There is also improvement on the goggles. This has the new ganzfeld display goggles.
- It has no internal batteries.
- The session editor is only available in windows.
Benefits of Procyon Mind Machine
- Allows a person to meditate
- It gives people a stunning visual experience
- It is energizing
- Allows relaxation
- Raises visualization and creativity
- Helps in moods shifting
- Has 50 pre- programed sessions
- Is easy to get help since it has got a user forum and online help
- It is able to alter the state of consciousness
- It accelerates learning
- Allows customization of owns sessions by the use of a free session editor.
- Gives a person freedom that improves their experience

Categories In Procyon Mind Machine
It has 6 sessions that boosts ones energy levels.
- Quick energy 10 minutes
- Quick energy 15 minutes
- Full energy 25 minutes
- Full energy 35 minutes
- Full energy 45 minutes
- Total alertness 60 minutes
Peak performance
This section has 7 programs to keep a person alert and focused
- Quick break 15 minutes
- Athletic warm up 17 minutes
- Power recharge 15 minutes
- Peak composure 30 minutes
- Performance intensive 18 minutes
- Mind sauna 25 minutes
- Quick work break 15 minutes
In this category we have 6 programs that good motivators when it comes to focusing on the future and setting goals
- Creative visualization 10 minutes
- Creative visualization 15 minutes
- Creative visualization 25 minutes
- creative visualization 35 minutes
- creative visualization 45 minutes
- creative visualization 60 minutes

This category consist 8 sessions which are geared to produce a relaxed state which aids in improvement of how a person holds new information when they receive on.
- Relaxing before exam 15 minutes
- Accelerate learning 15 minute
- Accelerates learning 35 minutes
- Accelerate learning 60 minute
- Quick alertness 10 minutes
- Concentration 15 minutes
- Attention booster 15 minutes
- Attention booster 20 minutes
This consist of 6 sessions that allows a person to shift from the world they are in to another. It assist a person in unwinding and revitalizing in a great way.
- Afternoon break 22 minutes
- Rejuvenation 15 minutes
- Rejuvenation 25 minutes
- Lunch break 35 minutes
- Lunch break 45 minutes
- Middle mind centering 60 minutes

Night Voyage
In this category we have sessions or programs that are set for purposely for a peaceful sleep.
It is the best when your day is over and you just need a sound sleep.
- Night voyage 15 minutes
- Night voyage 25 minutes
- Night voyage 35 minutes
- Night voyage 45 minutes
- Night voyage 60 minutes
Mind art
It is said to consist of explosive sessions
- Fast trip 10 minutes
- Symbol space 15 minutes
- Kaleidoscope mind 20 minutes
- Pyromania 30 minutes

Tranquility Induction
When a person is in a state that they want or they are trying to balance their lives then these sessions are the best for them.
They will help them or give them the ability to balance life.
- Regeneration 35 minutes
- Regeneration 45 minutes
- Quiet hour 60 minutes
- Deep meditation 60 minutes
- Meditative mind 60 minutes
- Deep tranquility 60 minutes
Personal Experience with Procyon Mind Machine
This device is a great choice to help clear extraneous thoughts from the mind and promote relaxation and concentration keeping away distractions.
It also helps with problems such as anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, sleeping difficulties, concentration difficulties, and many others originating from the brain.
Buyers Reviews on Procyon Mind Machine
B. Johnston – Writes that he enjoyed the machine although the glasses were fragile he had to be careful with them.
He recommends the lights and sessions and gives feedback for the manufacturer saying that he would love a Schumann frequency program and that the description of each pre-programmed session should be detailed and its effects noted.

Other Meditation Machines :
- The Kasina machine
- The Limina machine
- The Proteus machine
- The David Delight Pro
- The Laxman
- MindLighz by Mind gear
- Deepak Copra’s Dream Master machine
- Mind Spa meditating machine
- Super IQ7 Mind machine