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Public Speaking – 18 Tips to Be Better

If we made a list of human’s greatest fears, then the fear of public speaking would come right at the top even before death. Nervousness, sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, and a racing heart are just some of the symptoms one faces when taking part in public speaking activities. According to fear of public speaking statistics, 74% of people suffer from speech anxiety. So how to improve public speaking you may ask?

We have all been there when we wanted to just run away due to our fear of public speaking. However, public speaking anxiety can significantly impact your professional and personal life. In any field of life, it is essentially important to get your point across. Whether you are giving a presentation in front of a large audience or just talking to someone you just met – effective public speaking skills are important.

Confidently speaking in front of an audience is not as hard as you think. The art of public speaking can be learned with some effort and dedication. Even the most famous public speakers have gone through bad days in front of their audience. But the key to getting over a fear of public speaking lies within their persistent nature. Public speaking is something that most people avoid like the plague which is why you should get over your speaking anxiety and improve your presentation skills. However much you fear, the benefits of public speaking are abundant and can help you in all areas of life.  With these public speaking tips, you can get over your fear of speaking within days and learn the most valuable and sought-after skills.

Here are the top 18 tips that will help you how to be better at public speaking:

  1. Know your material: Before going to any meeting or a presentation, make sure that you know the material thoroughly. Glancing down at your notes is distracting and will waver your confidence in public speaking. Learn the material thoroughly and try to speak without any notes to deliver an effective speech.
  2. Practice public speaking: If you have an upcoming presentation planned out, then the best thing to do is practice and practice extensively. You can also practice in front of a mirror or get someone to record your practice session so you can repeatedly watch it assess your strengths and weaknesses. If you see yourself speaking with confidence, you are likely to be less spooked on the day of your actual presentation.
  3. Give your speech to another person: If you can speak in front of one person, then you can talk in front of thousand. Practice your presentation skills in front of a friend, your significant other, or your parents. You can also practice in front of your pet – anyone who will give you an honest feedback. Speaking in front of someone will help you relax and make you more prepared for your upcoming public speaking opportunities. They can also analyze your speaking techniques and give you advice on how to improve.
  4. Public Speaking coaching: If you believe that you have a phobia of public speaking, then you can seek professional help. There are various ways you can get help and overcome your public speaking fear. A public speaking coach can be hired to help train you in how to speak in public? You can also join public speaking classes where others who share the same fear as yours gather to find the answers to the one question we all are looking for – how to get over a fear of public speaking? Help can also be taken from public speaking classes online where individuals are given a chance to work with a public speaking coach and improve their skills.
  5. Join toastmaster’s public speaking club: The meetings for toastmaster’s public speaking club are conducted throughout the world where individuals like you and me can join other fellows who are trying to be good public speakers. The presentation coaching provided by the club as well as the various public speaking articles on their website can help even the most introverts to speak confidently.
  6. Get plenty of rest before the big presentation: If you are looking for ways on how to overcome the fear of public speaking, then the main thing to do is get plenty of rest before the big day. To deliver an effective presentation, you don’t only have to practice – you also need to calm your mind and body. Staying up and thinking too much about the forthcoming speech will enhance your presentation anxiety.
  7. Drink water to calm your nerves: Don’t dehydrate yourself before the speech. Make sure you drink plenty of water that will help calm your nerves.
  8. Dress to impress your audience: What makes a good public speaker? To succeed in front of your audience – whether 1 or 100, you have to dress to impress. Experts believe that when you are dressed properly for the person you are speaking to, you are bound to be more confident and deliver your views more effectively.
  9. Don’t worry when things go wrong: Things can go wrong in any situation especially on the stage. Mistakes happen, speakers forget their words, and things fall when they shouldn’t. These things have happened to even the most professionally speaking individuals. However, the most experienced public speakers disregard these and carry on where they have left off. They can even pitch in a joke here and there to cover up their mistakes.
  10. Avoid fillers: How many times have you listened to a speech and tuned out the speaker when they went “umm” and “aahs”. These sound very unprofessional. If you are looking for ways on how to improve presentation skills, then you have to let go of the fillers that distract the audience from your message. Instead of filling the voids of your speech with the “umms” and “aahs”, try to connect with your audience through a meaningful silence.
  11. Find your own unique style: You may like the way someone speaks or how they use their gestures during the presentation but copying someone will not help you be an effective public speaker. Find your own unique style.
  12. Be prepared for the worst: Be prepared for any sort of problems especially technical errors during the presentation. Keep printouts ready of your slide and keep a USB of all your material as well as a soft copy.
  13. Find your strengths and weaknesses: We each have our strengths and weakness. Is it your voice, delivering style, sense of humor, or expert knowledge – find them and look for ways to enhance it in front of your audience.
  14. Seek public speaking opportunities: If you are looking for an answer to the question – how to be a good public speaker then you have to seek the answer yourself. If you want to improve your speaking skills, then you have to watch out for opportunities to engage with an audience. It won’t do you any good to hide in the room when you have guests or shy away when someone says hi to you at the diner. Look for ways to practice your public speaking skills to improvise it.
  15. Try avoiding negative subjects: As individuals, we each have our different points of view about various things especially religion, caste, politics, and even dress codes. In public speaking groups, it is best to avoid such topics which can cause an extended debate. And if you meet someone who disagrees with you, don’t take it personally and treat it as educational.
  16. Smile: Research has proved that a smile can make people more at ease and comfortable with each other. Keep a smile on your face especially when meeting someone new. Greet them with a big grin. It is guaranteed that the other person will smile back at you as well.
  17. Manage your time: The best way to excel in presentation training is to keep your speech within the given time frame. Mastering time management skills will not only make you an effective public speaker but also help in other areas of life.
  18. Deep Breathe: Studies have shown that deep breathing can calm down anxious nerves. Before going on the stage or talking to someone who you are not comfortable with – make sure to breathe in and out to calm yourself. Just count to three and then start speaking.

How to become a public speaker depends on what works for you! These were just some of the tips that can help your oratory skills or presentation skills. Improving public speaking skills is necessary for today’s age and time. Motivate yourself. Encourage yourself. And try to enhance your public speaking skills through various speech training methods that are described in this article. The presentation skills training will help you in all areas of life especially your professional life. Public speaking for kids is also highly encouraged at most schools on the belief that the young children will grow up to be individuals without any fear of speaking in front of public.

Follow the tips that will teach you how to get better at public speaking. You never know, with the right public speaking advice, you will become so confident to land public speaking jobs.

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