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10 Best Ways To Set Your Goals And Crush Them

10 Best Ways To Set Your Goals And Crush Them

Setting goals is one of the best ways in the world to approach life’s challenges. It gives you a realistic picture of your objectives and increases your chances of succeeding at them, ensuring you work towards a fulfilling life.

It’s unfortunate that few people know they can set goals and crush them in life.

Set Goals and Crush Them Meaning

Have you heard of the term set goals and crush them? This sentence refers to how we set objectives and work on them until we get what we want to achieve

It encourages you to repeatedly do this to create a habit of setting and succeeding at goals in your life.

5 ways to achieve your goals

There are five amazing ways you can achieve objectives in different areas of your life. These are;

Goal achievement plan

You can only be sure you will succeed at accomplishing a goal if you write a plan. 

It gets the idea of working towards an objective out of your head and sets it down on paper. That will help you to internalize it and find out what you need to make it a reality. 

A goal achievement plan is also essential for clearly identifying the tasks you should work on to succeed at your goals. 

Using such a plan will give you a clear vision of what to do when working on your goals.

That will help you to find the relevant strategies to use when dealing with your tasks, such as setting milestones.

Motivation to succeed

Motivation is why you do something. The motivation you have to work on your goals will determine whether you put some hard work into pursuing your goals and how you cope with challenges.

Self-motivated people are the best in the world when it comes to finding solutions to problems without being prompted by others.

These people also access more opportunities and have the drive to accomplish tasks.

You can improve your motivation when working on objectives by focusing on the rewards you expect from your hard work.

Some of the ways you can increase your desire to prosper when working on your goals are;

Make an action plan to reach your goals

You should have a strategy or action plan on how to achieve your goals to keep moving in the right direction. 

A systematic approach is best because it can help you set realistic goals.

Creating a systematic action plan for working on your goals is as easy as writing each step you should take to achieve it. 

Smaller steps or tasks are best because they represent manageable actions that will help you to achieve your goals. 

Make sure the goals you include in your action plan are SMART. These are goals you can quantify and realistically achieve in a timely manner.

Lastly, find the resources and tools to work on your objectives and gradually complete them until you prosper at achieving what you want.

Give yourself helpful reminders

You may find challenges that require you to change your goal plans. That should not discourage you from working on your dreams. Goals should always be flexible to fit your capabilities.

Use helpful reminders to keep you on track when working on your goals. A good option is a habit planner to help you adopt a routine that will improve your efficiency when working on your goals. 

You may also track your goals using a simple tool such as a spreadsheet and set reminders of important tasks you should work on. 

Such a setup will help you review your progress and work on your daily goals efficiently. If you surround yourself with such helpful reminders, you’ll crush your goals in record time.

Crush your goals and reward yourself

Working on your goals without appreciating yourself can reduce your morale to tackle other objectives.

Rewards keep us from suffering burnout which affects many hardworking people in the world. They also help us to persist when looking for solutions to challenges.

You may be motivated to work on a task to get remunerations, such as money to pay for your needs or start a business

Or you could work to improve your performance as a measure of your capabilities.

The feelings of satisfaction you get from completing your goals or improving how you work on tasks will motivate you to crush your goals.

Enjoy the process and focus on your progress

You may go through some failures or make mistakes when setting goals, but you will always make gradual advances if you follow the right procedure. 

This is a step-by-step outline of the things you should do to attain your objectives. 

Working with such a plan makes it easy to perform all the tasks necessary to prosper at a goal. 

If you take time to always re-evaluate your goals and re-align yourself with your values, you will stay on track with your goals.

Don’t be discouraged by any regression because it happens to everyone when pursuing goals, especially during tough times.

If you keep to the process, you will regain your balance and continue on your forward trajectory to succeeding at your long-term goals.

Here are ten ways to set your goals and crush them

1. Start with the mindset

The way you think affects how you do things in life. You should start by analyzing your mindset before setting goals if you want to prosper at them. 

Your thoughts about a goal will help you to decide the effort you put into completing tasks and how you work on them.

Always maintain a positive attitude when working on objectives, and you’ll approach them in the right way because you’ll have the confidence to work on them.

2. Reflect and identify priorities

Prioritizing your objectives will help you to meet deadlines and make progress toward achieving any new goals you set.

That will require you to reflect on how you work on your goals and find out how to organize yourself when working on them. 

You can group your goals according to how urgent or important they are in your life. The big goals or urgent tasks, such as time-bound goals, should come first.

You may find some tasks you can delegate to give yourself time to ensure you do not miss out on the most important goals.

If you find there are too many goals for you to work on, narrow them down.

The best way to do this is to measure their impact. How will achieving a goal better you? You may then prioritize the tasks that will have the most positive effect on your existence.

3. Find your motivation behind the goal

The most important factor when it comes to achieving goals is you. Although other people may try to encourage you or help you, most tasks require all your concentration.

So, you must train yourself from the beginning to keep your morale up. Find things to encourage you to work on your goals that will sustain your motivation.

Some of the ways you can do this are;

 4. Measure your motivation

Setting goals without motivation will reduce your chances of achieving them. 

You should be excited to work on the objectives you set; otherwise, you won’t pursue success

The only way to achieve this sense of urgency to work at something is by understanding your motivation. This will require you to analyze a few things.

Are the goals you’ve set going to get you something you’ve been working towards? You should go after something that is of value to you to have strong motivation

And do you have the skills and time to work on your goals? The length of time available for you to work on your goals, along with the skills you apply, can determine whether you stay motivated while tackling them.

5. Understand Your Motivations for Achieving Your Goals

You can define motivation as the drive to work on your goals. It helps you to understand your desire to work on something by looking at whether it is controlled by external or internal factors. 

Internal motivation comes from your inner passion for working on something, while external motivation is dictated by outside factors such as getting a better salary or the desire to save.

Self-motivation is most important. It comes from within you, giving you the energy and strength to work on tasks you absolutely love despite any challenges you face.

When you set smart goals, you increase your self-motivation because your desire to work on goals increases every time you succeed at completing a task. 

That creates a positive feedback loop that will continue to increase your desire to prosper at your goal achievements over time.

6. Set Goals You Can Measure

Measuring your goals helps you to determine how much energy and time it takes to make them a reality. 

It helps you to track your progress, for example, in terms of your performance and the financial remunerations you get from it, thereby eliminating guesswork. 

Measuring the resources you spend when working on a goal will also help you to know whether they are worth your time and energy.

7. Write Down Your Goals

You can improve your chances of succeeding at your goals by writing them down. This habit keeps the relevant objectives you want to work on in your mind setting them apart from numerous other things you would like to achieve.

It is important to keep the goals you write where you can see them every day to ensure they are at your fingertips at all times. 

Doing this will help you to be aware of any opportunities that come your way to ease the process of succeeding at your set goals.

Writing your goals also helps you stay motivated, which ensures you are always focused.

8. Check in on your progress

You should record the key results you expect from working on your goals to keep you on track as you tackle them. 

It’s as simple as writing down your objectives along with the indicators of progress you would like to see when goal setting. For example, would you like to increase your business profits, and by how far?

Then specify how often you will update this list with the results of your work on your objectives. 

The indicators you tick will give you an idea of how well you are performing when pursuing your goals and give you a greater sense of urgency to do well. That will help you to quantify your progress and keep yourself motivated.

You will also have a check-in history to look at, showing you how far you’ve come after you complete your goals.

9. Plan your path to success

It would be best if you planned how to work on your goals to create a path to your success. Include processes and strategies you can use to make working on each task easy.

Start by identifying your purpose, which is the end goal you are working towards. Then decide on the skills you can use to achieve it and work on them. 

You may decide to pass your exams. Then you would have to study the subjects necessary to excel in them to make it easier for you to get the best results.

Find simple step-by-step procedures and tips you can use to make working on your goals easier. A practical daily routine would be of great help.

Also, research the best strategies to work on the specific goal you are tackling and use them. Make sure they suit your personality and work methods for the best results.

Lastly, adapt the best habits to maintain a positive attitude and outlook while working on your tasks. For example, ethical behavior and discipline. 

10. Share your progress

Sharing the progress you make in your goals is an essential part of working on objectives. It gives you a chance to find out how other people view your work which can motivate you to work harder on them. 

It will also broaden your vision of the results you want to achieve when working on your goals to help you to find an accountability buddy

That often happens when others post their experiences of working on goals and what they have achieved with us. You realize that excellent results are not just a dream; you can get them too.

Sharing your progress when working on objectives also clarifies what you need to focus on for the length of time it takes to succeed at them. 

That will increase your productivity, helping you to maintain forward movement in the right direction.

Lastly, sharing what you have achieved by working on your goals ensures you are celebrated for your accomplishments and struggle.


How do you set goals and crush them?

By writing goals, making sure they are realistic, and working on them a step at a time.

What does crushing your goals mean?

It means working on your goals as efficiently and excellently as you can within a reasonable time frame.

How do you set goals and achieve them?

You set goals by deciding what achievements are important to you. Then you can commit to an action plan to work on the goals that matter most.

What are the 3 Ps of goal setting?

The 3 P’s of goal setting are personal, present, and positive. The personal aspect of setting objectives refers to working on goals that matter to you to increase your chances of succeeding at them and boost your personal growth.

Present refers to choosing realistic goals that pertain to your present-day events, which gives you the desire to work on them.

Positive goal setting refers to working on goals that inspire positive thoughts and ideas to ensure you stay motivated to work and excel in them.

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