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Talk Less Listen More – 9 Secret Ways

Talk Less Listen More

Do you find yourself talking away even though the other person is not listening (or not interested in listening)? How much talking do you do in an average day and how much listening? I’m sure not enough! There are only a handful of people who have the skill to do less talking and more listening. However, speaking less and learning how to be a quiet person has its own advantages.

Read below to find out the benefits of not talking and how you can learn to listen more than talk.

Benefits of Talk Less Listen More

If you stop to think about it, the person who knows how to listen more than talk benefits more in a conversation. Here are the top 6 benefits of talking less listen more:

  1. Knowledge is Power: A person who is doing all the speaking and telling the other person all about his life – a little more than is intended. The other person is following the golden rule of listening more than talking. Who gets the best deal in that communication?
  2. You are bound to say something dumb: One of the most famous quotes about listening by Abraham Lincoln clearly specifies the benefit of talking less listen more: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”. If you speak thoughtlessly, chances are that you are going to either reveal too much about yourself, say something inconsiderate, or something dumb. In any case, you will appear less intelligent in front of the other person.
  3. The other person will find you kind: One of the main reasons why people are quiet is that they wish to be listened to more. If you talk less listen more to them, and they will appreciate that you are considerate about their feelings. He or she will feel understood by you, making your relationship stronger.
  4. Less talk more work: Most people struggle with how to be quiet at work and get more done in the limited time. Being quiet at work is essential to get the challenge of the day complete. “Less talk more action”, we have all heard the famous quote. While working or studying, understand that this is the time to be silent.
  5. You’ll learn something new: When you listen more than you speak, you gain inside information about the other person and sometimes learn something new as well. You never know, the opposite person may have a plethora of knowledge and by being a quite person, you can get you share in the wealth of knowledge.
  6. When you do speak, others will listen: Would you prefer to listen to a person who keeps talking away or the one who talk less listen more in a conversation? Same example goes for you. If you constantly speak your heart out, no one will be interested in having an engaging conversation with you. But if you learn how to be more quiet during conversations and only speak when necessary – your words will have more weight encouraging others to listen more talk less.

The words that we have are valuable. Don’t just use them for the sake of using them. Use them because you have something valuable to add to the information overload. Use them to brighten someone day. Learning to talk less will help you in every aspect of life.

But how to be more silent? How to speak less listen more? How to be quiet and calm during heated conversations? To help you out, here are 9 secret techniques that can help you learn the art of talk less listen more.

How to be less talkative? 9 of the hottest tips to help you learn how to talk less listen more:

  1. Give your complete attention: Have you ever noticed that when the other person is talking, you are not actively listening but thinking about how you are going to reply to them. Nothing can be more annoying then talking but not being listened to. Take in the information that is being narrated to you. When they finish, you can take time to give back your reply but listen with complete attention when the other person is talking.
  2. Don’t interrupt: When learning to listen more, speak less – the most important thing to remember is not to interrupt. It’s rude and disturbing for the other person. Instead, use non-verbal modes of communication such as nod, smile or go “uhuh” to show them you are actively listening to the conversation. However, don’t overdo them!
  3. Ask questions: The best way to talk less listen more is to ask questions during your part of the conversation. By asking questions, the other person feels that you are interested in them which boost their confidence.
  4. Allow the other to finish: Don’t jump into the midst of conversation. When trying to listen more than you talk, always remember to let the other person finish completely before giving in your opinion. If someone started unbiased assumptions in-between your sentences – would you feel good? I’m sure not.
  5. Silence is ok: When learning to be silent, it is important to appreciate silence itself. Pauses occur in any conversation. But you don’t have to jump in to fill those voids. Sometimes, the silence also carries unknown words with it. So talk less listen more during the pauses too.
  6. Less talking more writing: If you are learning how to speak less and you still find yourself gabbing away unnecessary, try writing your words. Written words last more than spoken ones. And when you write, you will be forced to “listen” to yourself. You will get to know yourself better and understand your emotions more.
  7. Include others in your conversation: Some people naturally speak less. If they are amongst you, try to include them in your conversation rather than taking over the conversation. That way you’ll talk less listen more.
  8. Think before speaking: When you turn comes in a conversation, think before speaking. Words can’t be taken back so take at least 3-5 seconds before replying. If you think you won’t be able to talk less listen more, then be quiet. But don’t say something you will regret afterwards.
  9. Be concise and get to the point: Don’t waste your words when it comes your turn to speak. Learn how to be silent person, and always speak plainly and briefly.

Always notice that people who talk less do more. The successful ones make it a habit to talk less listen more. When you speak little listen much, you will notice that you have become a favorite amongst people. The habit to talk less listen more will help you in all areas of life including:

Friendship: Friends will appreciate that you give an ear to their life’s happiness and tragedies.

Intimate Relationship: Lack of proper communication can separate couples. By learning to talk and listen in accordance, you will likely take your relationship to the highest level.

As a parent: listening to your kids from their adolescents’ years will not only teach them to be good listeners as adults but also keep them aware that you are there for them through all. It will also give you a better understanding of what is happening in their school life, friends, and social circle.

As a boss: Listening more and talking less to your employees will show them that you care about their views. It will also keep them more motivated and productive throughout the working time.

These were just some of the ways you can implement the talk less listen more theory in your life. Once you learn how to be shy and quiet, you are bound to find your happier existence in the world. Your people equation will also increase and you will find the 21-day happiness you have always been looking for.

A famous talk less listen more quotes:

The quieter you become the more you hear”

Another being a good listener quotes:

To just listen is what most people want from you”

The internet is full of inspirational quotes on listening. Apart from following the above talk less listen more secrets, take insight from them also. There are many benefits of talk less listen more. Apply the above tips in each and every conversation and you will see that you have learned to talk less listen more in no time.

Happy listening and less talking!

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