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Setting Unrealistic Goals – Why It Can Destroy Your Dreams 

The Dangers of Unrealistic Goals

Dream big”, “Reach for the stars”. That’s what motivational speakers say. They are not wrong but at the same time, setting unrealistic goals can lead you into more loopholes than you would have ever imagined.

People set unrealistic goals for different reasons. Perhaps they want to impress others or they want to motivate themselves to do better. Well, you need to read this article to see why you shouldn’t set overambitious goals. 

The Dark Side of Unrealistic Goals

When you set unrealistic goals, you exert more pressure and force to make them come true. This pressure gives you little or no time to explore life. It can prevent you from caring for your physical and mental health. Why would this not lead to burnout and stress?

A lack of confidence and self-esteem is also evident when you set unrealistic goals. This is especially obvious when you don’t reach them. Discouragement and disappointment set in. And then, you lose faith in yourself.

When you set a goal that is unrealistic, you can make poor decisions. To cite an instance, let’s say you’ve set the goal of saving a sum of $100,000 every year. In an attempt to achieve this, you could involve yourself in risky investments that would bring you huge losses.

Let’s not forget other dark sides like making you feel overwhelmed and negatively affecting your relationships. The good news: you can avoid the consequences of unrealistic goals.

What Are Unrealistic Goals?

Let’s come down to defining unrealistic goals. These are goals that are far-fetched to the extent that it feels they can’t be accomplished.

These kinds of goals can be tricky and hard to identify because when you make proper adjustments, you can achieve them. Goals like getting into shape in a few months or earning a million dollars may be unattainable. However, when you restructure or readjust the goal, you’ll find out that you can do it.

Why Do Most People Set Unrealistic Goals (And Fail Miserably)?

Vague and undetermined goals are one of the major reasons people set unattainable goals. That is to say, they are not specific and clearly defined. Maybe people made these goals because they see others achieving them. They do not even check to see if they are clearly set up to achieve them. Someone who wants to be rich or someone who wants to be fit may not know how to go about it. He may not even have the necessary things in place to make those things come true.

When people set goals, they may become afraid to fail. They may lack the motivation they need to achieve them. When they have the negative thought that they won’t be able to succeed, they just give up and wrap things up.

It is also possible that people set unrealistic goals because of the influence of others in their lives. Maybe they’ve spent much time with goal setters or goal achievers, those who they feel are superior. They fail to realize that they are different persons and they may not have what it takes to make their goals work.

Statistics on Unattainable Goals in Life – The Results are Shocking 

Just 25% of people achieve the New Year’s resolutions they set for themselves.

92% of people don’t achieve their goals every year.

According to a reliable source, 77% of people are able to keep their New Year’s pledges for up to a week while only a few (19%) follow through for up to two years.

A report from Forbes shows that 62% of people feel pressured to set New Year’s resolutions. That is to say, they really do not want to set but they end up doing so because of others. 

Only 20% of people hold themselves accountable for the goals they set. 

The failure to accomplish New Year’s goals is so common that there have been unofficial dates to celebrate such failures. These dates are sometimes called Quitter’s Day or Ditch New Year’s resolution day.

Common Examples of Unrealistic Goals People Set

The  Power of Unrealistic Goals: An Ingredient for Success

Goal setting motivates you to do whatever you want to achieve.  But humans tend to be overconfident and overambitious. This is not bad in its entirety though. We want to feel good when it comes to our aspirations, thereby becoming excessively charitable. 

You may be thinking, “What about famous people like Oprah, Jeff, and others who achieved the unattainable?” Real-life examples of these have made many think that it’s possible to set and meet unrealistic expectations. Well, that’s not the case always.

Setting lofty goals pushes you out of your comfort zone. They make you think outside the box. You also get to be industrious – working on your goal to make it come true. These goals are also helpful in enhancing your creative and problem-solving skills. They create a sense of pride and accomplishment that you wouldn’t get if you set the right goals or realistic ones.

It is also true that setting big aspirations can eradicate the fear of failure from your mind. Even though you fail many times because these goals seem impossible to achieve, it will get to the point where you will become used to failure. It also increases your level of self-esteem and confidence. You begin to start believing in yourself – that you can accomplish anything.

Lastly, no one has all the answers. People who tell you to never set unrealistic goals are probably scared. Maybe they couldn’t achieve it themselves. But hey, big goals call for big actions. If you want to succeed, you need to set goals that defy nature, rule-breaking goals that will make you exceed your imagination.

The Science Behind Unrealistic Goals and Motivation

Your brain can modify or change its structure in response to certain experiences. So, setting unrealistic goals helps to shape your brain. It can give you the ability to achieve your goals

Unrealistic goals trigger the release of dopamine, increasing motivation.

Here is a table showing the motivation levels of realistic and unrealistic goal-setters. 

Realistic Goal SettersUnrealistic Goal Setters
They experience high and consistent motivation due to a sense of accomplishment and positive reinforcement At the initial stage, they have high motivation because they are thrilled.
They experience fading motivation as a result of frustration and lack of progress.

Are Unrealistic Goals Good?

So in a nutshell, are unrealistic goals good or are they bad? Let’s consider some facts while we leave you to decide.

When you pursue unrealistic goals, it can open the pathway to higher achievements. It will make you think that you’re capable of accomplishing anything, unlocking your full potentials. When you focus, not just on the destination but on the journey, unrealistic goals can be healthy.

On the negative side, unrealistic goals can make you feel like a failure when they are unfulfilling.  People react differently to failure. Those who spent their time and energy to make their aspiration happen may start feeling disappointed. They may get discouraged and when these negative thoughts are prolonged, it may lead to psychological problems.

The failure of unrealistic goals may cause you to have the false hope syndrome. That is to say, we may begin to attribute the cause of failure to something else other than the fact that the goal was beyond our reach. A student who sets a particular goal of getting straight A’s in every course but fails to accomplish it may blame the professor or some other distractions.

What is the Importance of Setting Realistic Goals?

Setting realistic goals increases motivation especially when you celebrate each small win. With each win, you’ll get the encouragement and momentum to reach for higher ones. Setting goals you can achieve can also open you to various things that have never crossed your mind before.

Goals that are realistic speed up the decision-making process. They are also easy and quick to reach. They also increase productivity, confidence, and self-esteem.

Realistic goals help you to measure your progress. They serve as a solid foundation for success. They can completely change your life for good.

Real-Life Examples of People Who Broke Limits

Image credit:

J.K. Rowling was a poor and single mother. She even battled depression and other obstacles before having the idea to write the book “Harry Potter”. Right now, she is a big name. She is recognized as one of the most successful female writers.

Image credit:

Oprah Winfrey is another icon who had a humble beginning. She was abused and molested by two family members. She became pregnant, ran away from home, and gave birth to a child who died shortly after. She was later awarded a scholarship and became the first woman in history to own and produce her own talk show. Her net worth is now around $2.5 billion dollars.

Image Credit: National Air and Museum 

The Wright Brothers first built aircraft but many of their prototypes failed. They didn’t give up at all. It took a while before they were acknowledged. Newspapers dismissed their invention, labeling it as not important. Photos that were even taken to prove that their aircraft could fly were labeled fake. They later got the credit they deserved.

Image credit: Britannica 

Jeff Bezos wasn’t born rich. In fact, his parents gave birth to him when they were teenagers. He did odd jobs like working at his grandparents’ ranch. But he set big and lofty goals for himself. Now, he is worth $193 billion dollars.

How Do You Set Unrealistic Goals That Work (Without Discouragement)?

You don’t have to experience the heartache of setting difficult goals. While you want to aim for the stars or even the moon, there are tips to help you successfully navigate through accomplishing what you have set.

Breaking Down Unrealistic Goals into Small Steps

Why not break down your challenging goals into manageable ones? That way, you will not be overwhelmed. In addition, it will help keep your eyes fixed on the journey. It will also help you to reassess what you have set.

Let’s do another citation. Imagine you want to write a bestselling novel. You could break that one big goal into smaller ones – in the form of milestones. You could set daily, weekly, or monthly targets for what you want to do. In other words, create a realistic action plan to help you achieve something.

Or you want to work out for an hour every day when you haven’t exercised before. You should start small, maybe 20 minutes a day and then increase it as time goes on.

The Power of Visualization and Affirmations for Unrealistic Goals

 Visualization and affirmations are powerful because they can help rule out mental barriers like fear and doubt that could prevent you from reaching your goals. They can also enhance your emotions and stimulate creative thinking.

Visualization techniques you could incorporate include meditation and imagination. You can also use a vision board, totems, and rituals. 

What about examples of affirmations? There are plenty of them depending on the goal you’re setting. If it’s a business goal, you could say, “I am committed to relating well with my clients/colleague/boss.” An affirmation for personal development could be, “I am now healthy as I sleep well every day”. 

A Sure Guide to Setting and Achieving Unrealistic Goals

Goals that are unrealistic can also give you a sense of purpose. It is possible to attain the unattainable if you pay attention to the ultimate guide that will help you do so.

Exclusive Email Course: “Unrealistic Goal Mastery”

Here is the curriculum to guide you when it comes to setting goals:

  1. Introduction
  2. Goal setting and its methodologies
  3. Taking action towards achieving your goals
  4. Planning process to actualize your goals 
  5. The right mindset to achieving your goals
  6. Conclusion
  7. Bonus video

Supercharge Your Goal-Setting with Our Website’s Resources

Don’t Let Realistic Goals Hold You Back – Aim for the Unattainable Today!

So what are you waiting for? There is no time as people are flocking in every day. You should be one of those people. Get yourself a course that will help you break limits and reach those goals you have set. Sign up and have access to the resources and materials prepared just for you.

Final Thoughts On the Dark Sides of Setting Unrealistic Goals in Life

Let’s not forget that when you set an unrealistic goal, it can strip you off the motivation and drive you need to get things done especially if you fail. It can cause discouragement and the settling of negative emotions. But you have the final say. If you feel they will not stop you from your dream, that’s ok.  Whether you’re setting high goals or not, whether or not your circumstances allow, just have the mindset that you can do it.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Are unrealistic goals really that dangerous?

They can increase the level of stress and pressure in you, leading to burnout.

Then, why do people still have unrealistic goals?

It could be they are optimistic or they are uncertain.

How do you know if your goal is unrealistic?

If no one else has ever achieved it, chances are that they are not realistic.

What is that thing that causes unrealistic goals?

Optimism or the feeling of being influenced by others can make us set unrealistic goals.

Are there any consequences of unrealistic goals? If yes, what is that?

Well, unrealistic goals can worsen productivity and not improve it. They can lead to demotivation and excessive risk-taking.

What do you probably think makes goals unrealistic?

Goals become unrealistic when they exceed our abilities and potential.

Why are unrealistic goals so bad?

They are bad because they are a setup for failure, leaving you discouraged and downhearted when you don’t meet them.

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