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Be SMART: How to Set Effective Weekly Goals

Be SMART: How to Set Effective Weekly Goals

Everyone is struggling to be successful, some of them work on a random basis and the clever ones always prefer goal setting specifically SMART goals to maintain their weekly focus. They set their bigger goal maybe the yearly goals, and track them throughout the year to achieve success in life. Are you the clever one?

But! It doesn’t end with just goal setting, rather we see several cases in which after goal setting we become stuck and demotivated to our long-term goals. Have you tried to find the reason why it happens when we work for long-term goals?

There are several reasons behind not achieving long-term goals but the main reason is the long-term goals themselves as they create fear of accomplishing a bigger goal. I am not against the long-term goal but prefer the ease of a short-term goal that will lead you to achieve your long-term goal in milestones.

Let’s discuss how to set a short-term goal minding your long-term goal(bigger goal) and yearly goals, a short-term goal can be a set of goals for the week or a daily goal. Are you ready? 

All right! The rest of the article is all about what you need to know to achieve your long-term goal by setting short-term goals. Continue reading……

Set weekly goals if you really want to reach your long-term goals

Creating goals is something easy to listen to but feels hard to start on. But you can make setting goals an easy process by executing a proper strategy to achieve your life goals. I am here to facilitate you with the best plan to set your life goals and make them realistic to achieve.

There are several ways for creating goals i.e Setting yearly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily goals. But in my opinion, setting weekly goals is the best strategy to make progress to achieve your life goals gradually with a weekly focus in mind. Before setting goals for the week mind the weekly goal ideas and weekly focus to set smart goals and always prefer short-term goals.

Here is the complete strategy for setting weekly goals with good weekly goal ideas that will assist you to have a weekly focus and to set a smart goal for the week.

While setting weekly goals make sure you have a clear image of your life goals, and big yearly goals and have successfully divided them into quarterly goals or monthly goals. Weekly goals are a form of short-term goal that completes with daily goal achievements with the help of an effective weekly focus.

Before setting a weekly goal, always link the goal with your long-term goal, if it doesn’t fit, think about some effective weekly goal ideas and weekly focus ideas to make your weekly goal setting fruitful for the future.

A weekly focus is a compass for your week. Weekly focus can be a single word or phrase that inspires and motivate you for your weekly intentions. A weekly focus provides you with tips, weekly ideas, and weekly insights.

If you lack weekly focus you cannot achieve your weekly goals irrespective of the fact that you have set the SMART goals for the week, as having a good weekly focus gives activation energy to your productivity and an effective weekly focus reflects the objective and purposeful intention of your weekly goal.

What are examples of weekly focus ideas?

As discussed earlier a weekly focus is the major need to accomplish the weekly goals therefore everyone who is dealing with weekly goals needs some weekly focus ideas for the right direction. 

If you want to stick to your goals you need a weekly focus and some beneficial weekly focus ideas. Here are some examples of weekly focus ideas that can help you to reach your weekly goals in a certain direction. 

  1. Cheer Yourself
  2. Believe Yourself
  3. Be Confident
  4. Be Generous
  5. Overcome Procrastination
  6. Have Faith in God
  7. Stay Positive
  8. Stay Connected To Work
  9. Do Good And Have Good
  10. Feel Free To Learn
  11. Reset If You Fail
  12. Learn From Failure
  13. Don’t Give Up
  14. Track Your Progress
  15. Be Brave
  16. Don’t Be Shy
  17. Practice Gratitude Daily
  18. Make Your Way
  19. Keep Healthy
  20. Practice Self-Care
  21. Bloom Every Day
  22. Enjoy the Moment
  23. Grab Opportunities
  24. Be Authentic
  25. Be Honest
  26. Don’t Feel The Pain
  27. Keep Trying Till Success
  28. Stay Calm And Cool
  29. Be A Helper For Others
  30. Focus Your Capabilities

Tracking progress is the best way to be active toward your goals. It gives the evaluation of your weekly performance, you can check what you have achieved and what to do for the next week.

For this purpose buy planners, use the weekly goals template, use bulletin boards to write your weekly schedule or set weekly focus bulletin boards to accomplish your weekly focus for great progress.

My weekly goal-setting process

Here are the five key points to set your weekly goals effectively in a smart way.

  1. Write down your goals for each week 

Before writing goals for the present week recheck your past week’s activity to have check and balance in your weekly focus that helps in making progress. After that Write down your goals for the entire week on some weekly goals template or a bulletin board and make sure to set only realistic goals.

Writing goals help you to provide a complete framework of goals for the week that you have to remember throughout the week.

  1. Identify your SMART weekly goals

Identify your goals and their preference to set them according to the need of the hour. Brainstorm good weekly goal ideas to set specific weekly goals. Think about the effective SMART goals for the week ahead and identify the next step to achieve your bigger goal.

  1. Use the SMART goals framework

When you set goals make sure to follow the SMART goals framework. The SMART goals framework consists of specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound goals that are easy to achieve within a scheduled time frame.

SMART goals increase your productivity level and ensure achievement. A SMART goal has many benefits over simple goal setting. Your weekly goals will get an extra boost if you consider the SMART goal process for goal setting. 

Your weekly goal setting should follow the SMART goals framework so may you can be specific about your weekly goals. Setting SMART goals for the week will guide you to achieve your goals in a precise and certain way.

  1. Schedule your weekly goals

Everyone likes scheduled commitments and feels excited and motivated about them. When you set goals for the week schedule them according to your productivity flow.

You can prefer your important tasks and put them in the time zone when you feel more productive and energetic. This technique provides a sequence and helps to make your hectic work life easy.

  1. Set Reminders

Last but not least! Set reminders to take actionable steps toward your weekly focus to achieve your weekly goals. Although weekly goals are short-term goals and end in a short tenure, don’t mind setting reminders i.e. daily reminders for significant progress.

85+ Weekly Goals: Ideas & Examples

Weekly goal setting becomes fun when you successfully find your best weekly focus that is the best fit for weekly goal ideas. Do you want to know about the weekly goal ideas that can help you to set goals for the week, SMART goals, and short-term goals?

Hold on I have good examples of weekly goals for you! Enjoy the read!

Weekly Career goals

A list of best weekly Career goals is here. Pick from here or create career goals of your interest.

  1. Learn a Time Management Technique to Increase Productivity 
  2. Sign in to an online course to achieve career goals this week
  3. Renew my resume at the end of the week
  4. Join networking event in the upcoming week
  5. Sign in to the business training course
  6. Build your weekly focus
  7. Learn new business skills 
  8. Get expertise in business language
  9. Attend all the workshops
  10. Build contacts in the networking event
  11. Find a mentor
  12. Listen to your seniors to get business ideas
  13. Reduce the usage of the phone in the office
  14. Learn affiliate marketing
  15. Join a business club

Weekly Fitness goals

  1. Start an online course on fitness goals
  2. Take part in the training course for fitness
  3. Go to the gym 5 times a week to lose weight 
  4. Reduce sugar 
  5. Add more fruits 
  6. Have a cheat day every week
  7. Avoid smoking for the entire week
  8. Try a new vegan recipe every week
  9. Try to eat less
  10. Skipping 
  11. Set good weekly goal ideas for fitness
  12. Drink 7 glasses of water every day
  13. Manage to cook healthy 
  14. Consult a nutritionist for weekly food plans
  15. Recheck the list of fruits from last week to add more to the upcoming week

Weekly Personal goals

  1. Journal for Personal Development
  2. Buy personal goals template 
  3. Set smart weekly personal goals
  4. Set your weekly focus
  5. Join yoga class every week
  6. Do online shopping to buy new beauty products this week
  7. Meditate every week
  8. Do a manicure every week
  9. Do a pedicure every week
  10. Online shopping at the end of the month
  11. Try to lose weight for a physical balance
  12. Join a training course to lose weight
  13. Limit screen time
  14. Daily walk for 30 minutes
  15. Clean my room before bed

Self-care and mental health goals

  1. Get up early 
  2. Go to bed at 7 pm
  3. Avoid negativity for the sack of mental health
  4. Cook Healthy Meals at Home
  5. Move for 30 Minutes a Day for a Week
  6. Practice Self-Care Every Day for 7 Days
  7. Read daily for 30 minutes
  8. Overcome overthinking
  9. Take a break from technology once a week
  10. Spend mornings in nature
  11. Take cold showers every week
  12. Celebrate your progress every week
  13. Review your long-term goal at the end of the month
  14. Add a new daily goal to the planner
  15. Practice deep breathing exercises twice a week

Weekly Financial goals

Choose financial goals from given examples of weekly financial goals or set your own financial goals.

  1. Open an investment account 
  2. Invest in a side hustle 
  3. Save 100$ per week
  4. Create a weekly spending and saving budget 
  5. Build an emergency fund this week
  6. Save 20$ to the savings account twice a week
  7. Activate retirement account
  8. Avoid online shopping for a week
  9. No out-eating for this week
  10. Reduce 10% of your expenses every week
  11. Pay debt this week
  12. Sell your old clothes
  13. Do charity
  14. Try 5 dollar shop this week
  15. Save for dinner in the upcoming week

Weekly Family goals

  1. Hotling once a month with family
  2. Set a game night for kids every week
  3. Set a movie night with family every week
  4. Call my parents every week
  5. Go on the long drive with my partner 
  6. Host a dinner in the next week
  7. Stick weekly photos on the family wall 
  8. Go to church with family two times a week
  9. Host a super bowl Sunday
  10. Shoot for a family photo album this Sunday
  11. Spend quality time with kids 
  12. Watch a TV show with family once a week

7 Weekly Goal Ideas for Relationships

Are you looking for some weekly focus ideas for the relationship goals? you are in the right place! Grabe your favorite ones.

Weekly focus ideas for Relationship goals

  1. Plan a Date Night 
  2. Watch a movie on date night this week
  3. Create “We Time” with Your Partner (or Yourself)
  4. Plan a movie night with friends this week
  5. Call your old friends once a week
  6. Go to the super bowl party this Sunday
  7. Plan a trip with friends at the end of the week

Why does setting weekly goals mean small goals?

After setting your yearly goals you have to divide them into monthly goals and then weekly goals. A weekly goal is comparatively a short-term set of smart goals that provide the right direction to achieve progress and life goals.

Apart from this, a good weekly focus is the best motivator to achieve your short-term goal of the week. Having a relatable weekly focus helps to attain the balance of your weekly goals.

To refrain from unrealistic long-term goals it is necessary to set weekly short-term goals. Setting weekly goals help you to set a short-term goal that is simple to achieve and prepares you for goals for the week ahead. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Setting Short-Term Weekly Goals

Advantages of Setting Short-Term Weekly Goals

Here are some benefits of short-term goals over long-term goals.
The weekly goal helps you live intentionally

The short-term weekly goals help you to maintain your focus on your goal and overcome procrastination as it ends within a short time. You feel interested, excited, and passionate about your short-term goals rather than long-term goals as they give results within days.
It Helps You Manage Your Schedule More Effectively

The short-term goals insist you work smarter in the given time frame. Weekly short-term goals are the best set of manageable goals as they are time bound and set to be new for next week. 

These short-term goals provide the right direction and balance in your weekly goals and refrain you from setting unrealistic goals.

It Builds Self-Confidence

In my opinion, the best thing about short-term goals is their ability to show instant results at the end of the week. Seeing yourself making progress is enough to be motivated and to set new goals for the upcoming week.

The completion of a fine amount of work and significant progress per week gives a boost to your confidence and you become more energetic to work for next week.

 Disadvantages of Setting Short-Term Weekly Goals
Short-term goals have some disadvantages too.

It Can Make You Feel Like a Failure

Sometimes you can’t achieve all your weekly short-term goals due to some random factors and you feel like a total failure and start blaming yourself. To overcome such a situation reset your goals for the upcoming week and set realistic short-term weekly goals to achieve.

Don’t lose hope a week ahead is waiting for your great energy to achieve a bigger goal!

It Makes You Pressuredised

As short-term goals are time bound, they can make you pressurized if you skip any of them. You know what! there is no need to be worried, if you were unable to achieve your goals in the past week, you can fix things by setting manageable goals in the upcoming week or maybe the next month. 

It May kill Your Creativity

The hectic work life and the full day to-do list can skip your creativity time due to the shortage of time. What you need to do is, to do some necessary adjustments in your time frame to enjoy your creative control.


Have you gotten what’s written above? I hope you did!

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t waste time on thinking, track your past week, set your weekly focus, prioritize your weekly tasks, schedule them, set some weekly goals yes the short-term, write them in your weekly planner, and start working from the very first day to achieve your daily goal to make your upcoming week productive. Dream about the bigger goal of the future, and feel excited and motivated to work to accomplish your goals.

All the best! Have a productive week ahead!


What are 3 good personal goals?

  1. Join yoga class 
  2. Find a dream job
  3. Support a deserving family member

What are some good daily goals?

How do you create weekly goals?

What are the 7 smart goals?

  1. Read one chapter of a book every week
  2. Write specific goals in bullet journal every day
  3. Make a video call to friends once a week
  4. Set one movie night per week
  5. Visit church every week
  6. Visit the zoo with the kids at the end of the week
  7. Go to nearby networking events once a month

What are your top 5 goals?

  1. Start an online course about mental health
  2. Limit screen time
  3. Set an investment account
  4. Save money in an emergency fund 
  5. Make a to-do list every day

What are some weekly goals for students?

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