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Move More, Lose More: How to Determine Your Ideal Move Goal for Weight Loss?

Move More, Lose More How to Determine Your Ideal Move Goal for Weight Loss

Most people want to maintain weight to look physically fit and representable. Are you struggling too with losing weight and thinking “What should my move goal be to lose weight?” 

Well, a workout app and fitness trackers can make your losing weight journey exciting and help you achieve your fitness goals. There is a variety of wearable devices to help you achieve your weight loss goals but a wearable Apple Watch fits best in this situation that helps people tend to ask  “what should my move goal be to lose weight?”

On Apple Watch what’s the ideal Move Goal for Weight Loss?

There is no specific answer to this question as an ideal goal varies according to the person. To set an ideal move goal for Apple Watch to lose weight follow the given guidelines below.

These are just guidelines but you can change your move goal according to your body weight and basal metabolic rate to maintain weight.

It will be a good practice to follow the defaulted setting for the first week and after checking the results you can set your customized Move goal to achieve your weight loss goals. 

What exactly does an Apple Watch Calorie Goal measure?

Apple Watch is a good fitness tracker to help you provide the right track of your calorie goal. Apple watch calculates the time spent exercising, resting calories, heart rate, and active calories burned. 

Apple Watch counts how many calories you have burned during exercise as well as the resting calories. It automatically subtracts burnt calories during exercise by using your personal information like your weight, height, age, and sex.

How to calculate your move goal?

To calculate your move goal Harris-benedict formula is a very good option. What you need to do is to find your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and after that just  multiply your BMR (basal metabolic rate) with your corresponding activity factor i.e.,

These are just random values they will be different for you according to your body information.

How can you Set Your Move Goal on Apple Watch?

The move goal is the key metric in the Apple Watch activity app to the right track of your physical activity. This workout app has defaulted to 300 calorie daily move goal but you can vary it to your ideal move goal. The process includes the following steps.

  1. The first step includes Opening of Activity app on your Apple Watch app
  2. Tap the Move ring to change the Move goal
  3. Use the digital crown to set your move goal
  4. When finished tap Done

Which are the 3 Move goals on Apple Watch?

Apple Watch facilitates with 3 rings.

  1. Move goal ring: this ring shows the move goals and tracks the number of calories burned in a whole day.  The move goal ring detects the exact numbers of calories burn during all the activities that result in any move.
  2. Exercise ring: in the exercise ring only fast-paced activities and bricks are taken into account.
  3. Stand ring:  the stand ring is good for people working by sitting as it calculates the little moves i.e., for a minute

How to Check the History of Your Check Activity on Apple Watch

It includes following very simple steps.

How many active calories burn helps to lose weight?

To lose 1-2 lbs per week reduce your calorie intake or burn the extra 500-1000 calories from your daily eating routine.

You can increase burning calories according to your body type and body weight to lose weight.
Daily most beneficial step goal 

To achieve your calorie burn goal set an effective step goal each day.

“Go for a  walk in a park of approximately 1000 steps every day”
Types of fitness trackers

  1. Basic fitness trackers
  2. Heart rate monitoring trackers 
  3. Heart rate monitoring trackers with GPS

How many active calories should I burn daily?
Roughly around 400-600 calories should be burnt per day but the number of calories burned depends upon many factors like your age, gender, weight, and height. If you weigh more you should burn more calories and reduce your calorie intake to lose weight.

What do Red active calories mean?

The red on the Move ring shows the amount of burnet active calories. And the red on activity indicates you are behind your daily fitness goals on your Apple Watch.

How many calories should a woman have per day to lose weight?

For a woman, the average calorie intake should be around 1200-1500 calories per day to lose weight. A calorie deficit can cause harm rather than benefit, so, it is necessary to intake a balanced amount of calories to maintain weight.
Which Exercise burns the most calories?
According to health experts running burns the most calories and is a good exercise to lose weight. Running burns almost 10-16 calories in a minute so running for 30 minutes results in burning nearly 500 calories.
What is the variation of calorie goal per person in Apple Watch?

The question” What should my move goal be to lose weight” itself is specific to a person that’s why the calorie goal corresponds to a person differs due to many factors.

Gender differences are the major source of variation in calorie goals. For example, men burn more calories and active energy compared to women and your BMR decreases with your age.

How Exercise move count and Move ring are different on an Apple Watch?

There is a simple difference between the Move goal and Exercise. The move goal counts the heart rate active energy and active calories burned in a day while the exercise goal counts the time spent exercising.

Which workout is most calorie-burning on Apple Watch?

Running is the most calories-burning exercise that helps enhance your active energy. Set running on top of the list of workouts to be active to achieve this calorie-burn goal.
Average move goal for Apple Watch users

The defaulted move goal on the Apple Watch is almost 300 calories burned per day but a number between 600-700 calories burned is good to achieve for your Apple Watch move goal. You can set your desired move goal on Apple Watch by minding your personal information in this health app.

How accurate are calories burned on Apple Watch?

The Apple Watch is reliable to calculate calories accurately as it provides the calculations of both active calories burned and total calories burned. But keep in mind it is necessary to keep setting accurate for accurate results.

How does Apple Watch calculate move calories?

The Apple Watch calculates move calories according to the provided information of your age, weight, height, and gender. So, make sure to update your personal information and earn the move and exercise credits.

How to achieve your Apple Watch Move Goal every day

You can meet your move goal by setting reminders on your Apple Watch. As Apple Watch notifications keep you updated about your activity and how many active calories you have burnt. So, put notifications on, it will help you meet your daily goals on Apple Watch. Use the watch’s digital crown to zoom up the screen to manage your notifications. 


Apple Watch is a good source to track your daily Move goal. It measures your active calories burn during rest and high-intensity interval training and calculates your heart rate to reduce your stress levels.

So, cheers up! Remind yourself the question “What should my move goal be to lose weight?” and download the Apple Health app to find the track of your activity.


What should be the setting of my Apple move goal?

Set your move goal to the number of calories you need to burn and set running on top of your workout list to burn extra calories fast.

Is a 1000-calorie move goal good?

It is the higher number of calories burn that is suitable only for people part of high-intensity interval training. Burning 1000 calories per day is not a suitable move target for average people.

What is a good move goal number?
Burning 400-600 calories in a day is an appropriate move goal number to start with. Or you can reduce this calorie intake from your next meal.

Is walking 30 minutes every day enough to lose weight?
you can burn 1lbs per week by walking briskly for 30 minutes to reach the 10,000 move steps in a day.

What is a good move target for weight loss?
200-300 active calories burned throughout the day on Apple Watch are good for losing weight.

How many calories is the 10,000 steps move goal?

20 steps burn 1 calorie so, 10,000 steps move goal results in burning 500 calories. 

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