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Why The Secret To Success Is Setting The Goals?

Why The Secret To Success Is Setting The Goals

Does Goal Setting Lead Us To Success In Life?

Many people may wonder why the secret to success is setting goals. Success is a very relative term. The definition of success could be different for different people.

Earl Nightingale’s definition of Success is that “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy Idea.”

He explains how deciding upon an idea and clearly defining it, taking steps in that particular direction leads you to your goal, that’s the simplest and most clear definition of success.

Secret To Success

Why is it that some people are easily led to success, while others never evolve and find success in their personal and professional life? The most successful people in the world have very clear and defined goals.
Another question is Why do so many fail? Why is there a despair in what people intend to do and what they actually accomplish in their lives?

If a person works towards a pre-determined idea or a goal and he know in which direction is he going he is said to achieve success.

Most people don’t set goals and tend to be clueless about their goals so their steps are very hasty and there is no clear picture or idea about their next step in order to achieve that success.

Roadmap For Success

The roadmap to success is the pre-defined goal and a destination, why the secret to success is setting the goals? The answer to that question is that the effect it creates on the subconscious mind to set a particular goal is drastic.

Once that goal is defined clearly you can lay out each step to reach that goal, that would be your roadmap to success. Let’s take an example of a shit that is ready to sell at the port.

The ship requires a predetermined destination to reach even before it starts sailing, similarly before even starting the journey one should have a well laid out roadmap I.e., the plans and actions that one would require to real a particular goal and well-designed structure to reach its goal.

Ingredients To Success

The most successful people in the world have certain similar traits that lead them to success.

Let’s list those traits and look at each of them one by one


Faith is the most important aspect of goal achievement. A person who has faith in the set goal is said
to have won half a battle.

To reach any goal or to be successful in life a person is required to have full faith in purpose, plan, and action. One can alter the plan and make them flexible as per our set timelines but having faith is a sure short way to achieve success in the desired area of life.

Many people give up because of a lack of faith and they never achieve the success that they were
supposed to achieve.


Imagination is a very essential key to success. This is a proven fact that imagining the end goal sets
the subconscious mind to achieve it.

This could make a difference in your success or failure. If you can’t see the end goal in your mind, you can fail to reflect the same in your reality.

Imagination plays a very important role in the life of successful people. Successful people include imagination in their preparation for success.

They allow at least some time during the day to imagine the goal already achieved. Many cricketers, sports personalities, and world leaders use this technique in their path to achieving their goals.

Setting & Writing Down Your Goals

Define your goals

Why the secret to success is setting the goal? And how can you use goal setting to achieve indefinite
success? Let’s look at the practical ways to achieve it.

Lay out the minute details of the goals that you intend to achieve. For Example, the amount of money you want to earn in the stipulated amount of time or a car that you want to buy, the model or the color of the car that you want.

Defining or setting goals helps you to take the next required step.

It gives shape to your desire and the intent that you set to give the efforts required in the process of achieving the goals.

Acquire knowledge

The next step to success is to acquire the knowledge required to achieve the goals in that particular field. It’s important to learn from our own failures and experience, another way to learn is from other people’s experiences.

In this modern-day world, we are surrounded by information there is so much content available to us that can help us in achieving our goals.

Reading books, applying for courses hiring are some practical ways to achieve our desires.

Skill Development

Skill development is an underrated method to achieve success. Skills play a very important role in practically achieving goals.

Top companies hire and prefer people who can add value to their organization. When a person develops skills, he brings a lot on the table and have much more to offer.

We live in a rather competitive world today where in people with skills will be hired and paid more.


Specializing in a particular field or area of work helps people to focus all their energy and time on a particular thing. It helps in problem solving and its proven to be the most effective way in achieving success.

Specializing give you a sense of purpose and helps you to concentrate in that area of work rather than multitasking. Take an example of a person who tries to work on ten problems on the same time while the other one only focuses on one.

Who do you think will solve the problem and perform the task better? The one that focused on one problem and gave his hundred percent to it will do it quicker and in a more effective way.

Time Management

Managing your time is very crucial when you are looking at achieving success. The most effective and successful people in the world know and understand the importance of time management.

Managing your time well will only help you in performing your task more effectively but also, it’s the differentiator in how much are you able to achieve.

Managing your personal life as well as professional life becomes easier when you know how to manage your time.

People now a days are looking at success with a new perspective where they want a work-life balance and they are able to maintain that by managing their time more effectively.

Goal setting & Sub-conscious Mind

Have you ever wondered what is it that makes someone so different that they are able to achieve ever goal they set for themselves and what makes them high achievers in life?

They use the power of thinking efficiently and they know exactly what would work for them and what could go against them.

We have our conscious mind and subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is the mind that is rational. We can control our thoughts and decide what exactly we want to think about.

Many books such as Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, the power of subconscious mind have extensively described how our subconscious mind works.

They have provided practical tools to help us control our thoughts.

Want to stay focused and achieve all the goals you’ve set? Here is our Guide to Stay Deeply Focused and achieve your Goals .


Affirmations plays a very essential part to achieving your goals. Hard work along with the affirmations could do wonders in your journey to achieving success.

Many people suffer from self-esteem issues, they underestimate themselves and could never imagine them self to achieving wonderful things in life.

First of all, we need to make ourselves believe that we deserve all the success and all the good things in Life only then we would be able to move forward and make our way towards success.

Mental block is an important reason that we fail to achieve what we desire, we believe that we do not deserve the success and results that we may achieve.

Have you ever wondered why a person who wins a lottery ends up losing all of it? He reaches exactly where he was financially, that is losing all the money again because subconsciously he believes he does not deserve all the success in life.

We can’t achieve things in our life until and unless we start to develop self-belief. Practicing Affirmations will help us develop that self-belief.

Here are some Gifts and products that help you to set goals and stay focused.

Conclusion – Why The Secret To Success Is Setting The Goals

Success comes to those who set out the right intention, have clearly defined objectives and goals, and who have full faith on themselves.

They built solid and effective habits that helped them in their success. Growth comes to those who always have their learning curve growing.

What do you think could be the secret to success?

The answer to that question is goal setting. Do many people wonder Why the secret to success is setting goals? Goals give us a proper direction, help us decide our next move, and inspire us to focus.

Goal setting can make a person successful in any given field, in whatever he aspires to achieve.

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