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Zig Ziglar’s Goal Setting Method: The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Success

Zig Ziglar's Goal Setting

Your expectations and dreams for bigger and better things require your daily discipline and interest in setting goals. Putting efforts into setting goals makes the process of progress easy and provides direction on the way to success. 

Many approaches help to develop a goal-setting plan but Zig Ziglar goal setting is a workable philosophy that provides a solid foundation for goal-setting. Zig Ziglar is an American motivational speaker that created a seven-step formula for goal setting.

Zig Ziglar’s method involves seven steps to set goals for achieving success in your life. Let us encounter these steps to identify the benefits of Zig Ziglar goal setting.

What are the steps in the Zig Ziglar Goal setting method?

If you tend to legitimately expect success in your future you need to reflect on the seven steps of zig ziglar’s goal-setting formula. Here are the proper steps that own proven benefits to accomplishing your life goals for success.

  1. Identify the Goal

The first step in the Zig Ziglar formula is to recognize the goal you want to achieve. Identifying the purpose and benefits of every goal provides an infinitely better chance to achieve the goal within a limited time.

Make sure to create goals that are SMART and clear enough to provide a purpose to your life. So, when you tend to set goals always mind to endure with the real purpose of that goal. For example, if you are looking forward to saving money you have to write the reason why you are wanting it.

  1. Make the goal clear

One of the most important things during goal setting is to develop a clear goal plan and to recognize all the benefits of your goals. Setting a clear goal reduces the chances of failure and burnout and helps to develop a solid foundation for your goals. 

For example,  walking for 30 minutes daily can make it easy to achieve your weight loss goal.

  1. List the Obstacles to Overcome

Among these seven steps of the Zig Ziglar formula, listing the potential obstacles and hurdles helps to break the fear of failure. The obstacles always hinder you from achieving your goals. So, it is one of the important things to reflect on these blockers of success.

Write all the challenges that may block your progress they can be your fears of trying new things, self-sabotage, emotional weakness, and factors affecting your confidence.

  1. Write the benefits 

When you end up setting a specific goal write down the benefits of your goals. If a goal lacks the infinitely better success chance and doesn’t provide the required motivation, dismiss it.

List all the benefits that suit you or are out of your comfort zone, as not all your expectations are going to be fulfilled. Be realistic and think broadly.

  1. List the Skills and Knowledge Required 

The powerful combination of knowledge and skills is full of benefits. Identifying the required skills for a certain goal to achieve urges you to legitimately expect success. You can be one of the best team players if you are capable of identifying your knowledge power and learning skills.

Mostly circumstances demand to own mind full of new ideas and creative thinking. For example, if you want to have a dream home you should be good at saving money and making more money skills.

To own winning qualities some of the must-have skills include financial skills, communication skills, social skills, problem-solving skills, and personal development skills.

  1. List the People or Groups to Work with

In addition to skills and knowledge, your company also matters a lot for achieving goals. The support of helpful people and friends is beneficial to make the process easy to accomplish success in life.

Always make sure to be part of a group that is more likely to encourage you and boost your confidence. Your gathering should have a positive impact on your personality and mental growth.

  1.  Develop an action plan with a deadline

An action plan is the mandatory workable philosophy that completes the process of achievement.  When creating an action plan prepare carefully according to the level of your skills and knowledge.

After setting goals always make sure to set a timeline so may you can achieve your goal within a deadline. Researchers have proved that open-ended goals are less likely to be achieved as compared to close-ended goals.


In the end, I would like to sum up the Zig Ziglar strategy into six most important things including goals identification, benefits, hurdles, skills, and timelines.


What is a SMART goal example of zig ziglar goal setting?

I have to buy my dream home within the next two years and for this purpose, I am going to save money and make a profitable investment to double my income this year.
What did Zig Ziglar say about goals?

Zig Ziglar is an American motivational speaker who emphasizes on” what you gain through achieving your goals doesn’t matter but what matters the most is, what you become after achieving your goals.”

What are the 5 R’s of goal setting?

Following are the 5 R’s of goal-setting.

  1. Reflect on your past
  2. Be realistic 
  3. Reassess 
  4. Recognize 
  5. Review 

What are the 3 R’s of goal setting?

Here are the 3 R’s of goal setting.

What are the 4 goal-setting strategies?

The 4 goal-setting strategies are given below.

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