A Dream Written Down with a Date Becomes a Goal

A Dream Written Down with a Date Becomes a Goal

Imagine for a moment that all the dreams you see are becoming a reality. Isn’t that life the best version of yourself? This is why, to get started towards the dream life, this article is to remind you that a dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

When A Dream Becomes A Goal?

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken

There are two ways to think about the future; you can either day dream or develop plans. To reach your dream, it is inevitable that you will need to turn it into a tangible goal. This is why, the first step to apply in your life is to write down your dreams and then create an action plan to achieve them.

Who Said Goals Without Deadlines Are Just Dreams?

Gals Without Deadlines Are Just Dreams

Robert Herjavec is a Canadian businessmen and is known to have said that a goal without deadline is just a dream. To support this argument, let’s assume that you want to become an astronaut in your life, but if have not broken down into steps the process of becoming an astronaut, it remains a dream.

You can be obsessed with the idea week after week, but actually making it happen and wishing it to happen are different things. When you add a plan to your dream, that’s when you take steps to turn it into a reality.

Read Also: Transform Your Life with a Well-Designed 6-Month Goal Plan

Who Said A Dream Written Down With A Date Becomes A Goal?

A Dream Written Down With A Date Becomes A Goal

In one of his books, Greg Reid wrote down the famous quote, “A dream written down with a date becomes a goal”. The quote makes perfect sense, if you look at it from the perspective of reality.

Looking at successful persons on the phone and twitter, who take the plunge and sell their assets to start a business is nice to listen, but actually making it happen can be a daunting task.

What Is A Goal Written Down With A Date?

If you seek motivation to turn your dreams into a goal and reality, get your plan backed by action. Get a professional to follow goal broken steps, then action makes sense and the final date becomes a goal.

On how to do it, follow the three steps:

  • A Dream Written Down With A Date Becomes A GOAL

Books are a men’s best friend, so read books to get motivation and finally take the step to write sold on your assets to finance your dreams. Put an end date by which you must develop a plan backed by action.

  • A Goal Broken Down Into Steps Becomes A PLAN

It is true that goals can be too ambiguous and can only be achieved when an action plan is attached with them. This is why, goal broken down into steps or milestones is the perfect strategy to have motivation for completion.

  • A Plan Backed By ACTION Makes Your Dreams Come True

By this step, you have a goal and a plan, but none of it will become reality, if you don’t take action. So, remind yourself that a dream written down with a date becomes a goal, read books on the topic and take action to reach the desired result.

With the help of this article, we hope you have realized that a dream written down with a date becomes a goal and are ready to take action!

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