8 Body Goals Women Should Set for a Strong, Confident, and Healthy You

8 Body Goals Women Should Set for a Strong, Confident, and Healthy You

Both men and women seem conscious about their body weight and physical appearance. Some work out for weight loss and some work out to put some weight to have their desired body image.

Women Do Workout

Most of them prefer to set smart fitness goals to maintain their entire body weight and a healthy lifestyle. Healthy meals and healthy eating habits is the important thing for the overall health of human beings.

A women’s body goals reveal how much she loves her body and body image. In other words, being a woman if you prefer self-love you must focus on setting realistic women’s body goals that help you achieve your fitness goals. 

The body goals women prefer should focus on the fitness of the entire body according to their body composition.

Before diving into those 8 body goals women should set for a healthy lifestyle let’s understand the process of selecting the right women’s body goals.

Women, Fitness Goals, and ID-ing the Right Ones for You

Before setting body goals women should focus on getting the utmost motivation to achieve their fitness goals at any cost. Ask yourself some important questions like

“What is my body composition? 

What can be the perfect fitness goals for my body weight? 

Should I prefer weight loss or need to gain some weight? 

Which fitness routine should I follow? 

How to change my eating habits to healthy eating? 

Workout With Dumbles

Here is the step-wise strategy to learn to set empowering women’s body goals and how to get that required motivation to achieve women’s fitness goals to attain a good form of fitness level.

  1. Determine What Women’s Body Goals Really Matter to You

It is unfortunate to say most women prefer to follow the body goals of other women which doesn’t go perfectly with their body composition. Rather than focusing on other women’s body goals set your personal fitness goals. 

Think about which body goal really matters according to your body type and your level of everyday physical activity. I know it is not an easy task to recognize which fitness goal you actually want, but you can achieve this sense if you focus on the consistent practice of knowing your body functioning. 

The most important thing to note is, to write your body fitness goals and prepare a goal chart including your everyday fitness goals. It will help to remember your fitness goals if you used to forget things.

Women Drink Healthy Drink
  1. What does achieving this specific goal Feel like? 

When we tend to achieve goals we can be happier than before. Some people love to keep going through a fitness journey while some feel satisfied at the accomplishment of their fitness goal. I agree with the factor, achieving your specific goals gives a boost to your self-esteem and motivates you to achieve another fitness milestone.

So, when you set fitness goals never forget to determine the impact of these goals in your upcoming life. And don’t be unkind to yourself while achieving your women’s fitness goals as losing 20 pounds is never gonna be a guarantee of the happiest life and it is not going to affect your job as well. 

Feel free to set your fitness goals and be easy while struggling to achieve your desired body goal outcomes.

  1. How Will Striving Toward This Specific Goal Affect My Life—And How Does it impact my self-esteem?

For women, the most important thing after ending up with setting goals is to determine the effect of a specific fitness goal on their everyday lives. 

For example, if a woman wants to lose 20 pounds in a month it will be a tough goal to achieve. Abruptly losing weight is always dangerous to health as it creates difficulty in rebonding and destroys the hormonal balance.

If women spend time in a workout and fitness exercise their family members can suffer from some domestic problems i.e looking after the kids, preparation of healthy meals, rough morning routines, etc.

So, always maintain the balance of your life with your fitness goals and think about the impacts of your fitness goals on your everyday life

  1. Is This Goal—And the Fitness Journey—in Line with My Values?

Enduring women’s body goals that are in line with your values keeps you motivated and physically active. Always prefer to set achievable fitness goals and goals that target your entire body. 

Giving value to being in nature inlines with your values i.e. hiking, climbing hills, camping, scrambling over rocks strengthens your and improves your metabolic rate.

  1. Who, in My Life Has encouraged this Women’s Body Goal? And Why?

People who love you always take care of your value and dignity. You can get a suggestion from your family member i.e. your mother or sister. 

Let me clear one thing it is not always body shaming if someone suggests you set a women’s body goal. Because everyone has his/her own perspective and there is a possibility you are ignoring the aspects that others are observing to improve your personality.

So, pay heed to the body goals and suggestions of your loved ones as they are looking forward to your self-worth. If someone is encouraging you to exercise every day keep listening to him and add daily exercise to your fitness bucket list.

Fitness Goals for Women Who Want Results

Women Check Your Fitness With The Help of Measurement Instrument

Women may get fascinated by fitness influencers on social media and suffer from setting unrealistic women’s fitness goals for weight loss and to lose body fat. The results of setting these unreal goals include frustration, demotivation, and burnout which leads to depression and anxiety.

So, it is always important to set smart fitness goals that are relevant and achievable for women and improve their fitness routine by providing them with a proper form of workout. 

Here are 8 body goals women can enjoy to get their desired body density and core strength. Let us get to the point!

  1. Build muscle and strength
Women Do Hard Workout With Dumble's

To get a toned body women need to build muscles and strength. To gain muscles the most effective exercise is push-ups and muscle contraction.  A strong movement is a crucial part of muscle gain if you lack proper contraction and movement it means you are gaining pain rather than muscles.

Most women feel difficulty in going gym but no worries at all as there exist exercises that you can perform at home to gain muscles. Here are some of the effective body strengthing and muscle gain exercises that women can perform at their homes.

  • Lifting weights
  • Push-ups
  • Chest press
  • Lunge
  • Squats
  • Triceps dips

Apart from these exercises, more rest is necessary to build body muscles. Nights of adequate sleep and rest play a vital role in muscle building and improving health.

  1. Grow Stronger Glutes
Leg Workout

Your gluteal muscles help you provide a proper posture and assist you in your workout routine. We often use our glutes just for sitting purposes rather than using them for another physical activity. Training your glutes has several benefits for your body i.e. give lower back support, helps you prevent knee injuries, and gives body support during standing and running as well.

You can train your glutes by including the following exercises in your workout regimen

  • Add glute-toning exercise to your workout regimen thrice a week
  • Use resistance bands regularly
  • Squats
  • Romanian deadlift 
  • Glute squeeze
  • Glute bridge
  1. Improve Upper Body Strength

Your upper body strength helps in lifting and carrying things, therefore, a substantial upper body strength is very important for women. It helps women in everyday tasks i.e. picking up groceries, carrying their kids, and shoveling snow become easier if you women work out to build upper body strength.

Here are the good exercises you need to incorporate into your workout regime to strengthen your upper body.

  • Practice arm-strengthing exercise thrice a week
  • Practice pushups to strengthen your arms
  • Pull up
  • Triceps dips
  • Hammer curl
  • Weight lifting
Women Do Push Up
  1. Improve cardio endurance 

Cardio endurance involves the balance of blood pressure and optimization of metabolic rate that assist in maintaining the cholesterol levels in your body. Cardiorespiratory exercises are beneficial for strengthening respiratory muscles as well as your heart.

High-intensity interval training fits best in this scenario and you can achieve your cardio endurance goals through the listed below exercises.

  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Jumping 
  • Walking
  • Dancing
  • Swimming 
  • Hiking 
  • Cross country skiing
  • Aerobics 
Women Do Exercise
  1. Build a Stronger Core

 Your stronger core is necessary for body stability and helps in performing many everyday tasks including bending for a shoe tie, picking up something from the floor, lifting a package, and standing in a queue. All these activities require a strong core.

Women Help to Other Doing Push Ups

Adding the following exercise to your fitness plan can help in building a strong core.

  • Planks 
  • Core focused exercises
  • Bridge
  • Abdominal press
  • Abdominal
  1. Increase flexibility
Women Do Yoga

The ability of body flexibility varies from person to person but a lack of flexibility can limit body motion. Stretching muscles and lengthening the muscles help to reduce the risk of muscle injuries. Regular stretching exercises help to proves an extra range of motion to your muscles.

You can achieve body flexibility with the following exercises.

  • Practice yoga
  • Practice morning stretches for 15 minutes daily
  • Have cooldown stretching sessions during your workouts
  • Contract and relax your muscles for 15 minutes every day
  1. Meditate daily
Women Do Meditation

Meditation is a proven resource to improve your both mental health and physical health. Studies prove that meditation is perfect for reducing your high blood pressure and anxiety levels. 5 minutes of daily meditation are enough for mental relaxation for the whole day.

You can practice meditation by

  • Having meditation set up in your home
  • Or getting the help of a meditation app 
  1. Lift Weights

Lifting weights can boost your body fitness as it helps in building muscles and strengthening your entire body significantly the upper body. Weight lifting is beneficial in maintaining your body density and gaining lean body mass. Liftings weights also reduce the risks of chronic diseases. 

You can achieve this fitness goal by

  • Avoiding heavyweight at the beginning and prefer lifting lightweight
  • Start with 2-3 weight training sessions in a week

What is the Difference Between Fitness Goals and Working Out for Mental Health

A sound mind lies in a sound body! But there is a clear difference between your fitness goals and mental health goals.

Your fitness goals mostly relate to the physical goals that include improvement of physical efficiency through muscle building, strengthening exercises, weight balance of the entire body, etc. 

While working out for mental health deals with the improvement of mental abilities i.e. coping with stress and anxiety, thinking positively, refraining from negativity, and feeling free to think about life and its purpose.

Mind Exercise

We can relate fitness goals and mental health in a way that many physical exercises directly affect the health of your mind positively. For example

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • walking

Diet Plan, and How To Lose Weight

You can calculate your metabolic rate and calorie intake per day according to your body type. Maintaining a healthy eating plan and regular exercising is the truth of healthy body weight. Here are some popular diet types to help you lose weight.

Healthy Diet

Chose the diet plan that fits best for your body type and fitness level.

  • The Atkins diet

This diet plan involves a few Mediterraneans aside from vegetables owning low starch. This diet plan claims that taking higher protein tends to burn weight fastly. 

  • The blood type diet

This diet plan claims eating right according to your blood type is healthy while eating wrong results in disease and physical imbalance.

  • The zone

This diet plan claims to fit your body in a metabolic zone with the help of a proper portion of 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 30 % proteins.

  • Mediterranean diet

This diet plan involves vegetables as a major portion with fruits, poultry, fish, and red wine. But it cuts many food items from your life that can be beneficial for your health as well.


Setting and following a fitness journey is helpful for women in achieving their dream body type and healthy lifestyle. Being a woman you own all the powers to change the world but you need to be fit both mentally and physically to perform extraordinary. Wish you the best for the future!


What are body goals?

A body goal is an objective to get the desired body image through fitness training and exercising. Fitness goals should be personal and according to your own body composition and needs. Most body goals revolve around losing weight.

What are examples of physical goals?

  • Eating healthy meals throughout the week
  • Shoveling snow after lunch
  • Exercise daily for this week
  • Go to the gym and lift weights to build body muscles
  • Practicing squats at home 

How do I choose my body goal?

  • Find the extent of your body fats
  • Join fitness classes 
  • Choose realistic goals according to your body composition
  • Find a workout partner
  • Determine the purpose behind your fitness goal
  • Prefer workout sets over intense workouts
  • Stay motivated and positive throughout your fitness journey

What are fitness goals for women?

  • Increase your bone density to avoid bone loss
  • Build muscles and strength
  • Lose body fat this year
  • Look forward to proper nutrition for hormonal balance
  • Take part in a resistance training 
  • Increase swimming in this bikini season

What are the 4 main goals of fitness?

The following body goals are the most common fitness goals.

  • Get a healthy physique for a healthy lifestyle
  • Lose body fat/ body weight
  • Gain muscle/gain weight
  • Lose fat and put weight on to look attractive(tone up)

What are 3 fitness goals examples?

  • I will go to the gym every day to lose my body fat for a toned body
  • I will practice cardiorespiratory exercise thrice a week to reduce my cholesterol levels and maintain my blood pressure
  • I will prefer lifting weights  in the gym to strengthen my upper body

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