10 Healthy Habits List That Will Change Your Life for Sure

healthy habits list

 Personal Healthy Habits list

We all need a personal healthy habits list. The list of habits people have will vary. However, there are some similarities in our top personal habits. Most important is to have a guide for good personal habits. These important personal habits have different aspects. Good lifestyle habits include good habits for health and work. Specific examples of good habits include good health habits for eating and exercising.  A list of good habits also includes habits to avoid such as smoking. There are also healthy habits lists for students and children.

A list of healthy lifestyle habits starts with positive personal habits. This list goes beyond a list of mannerisms and habits. Examples of personal habits include mental and physical habits that affect the individual. Personal habits that are important in life include healthy daily habits. Best healthy habits follow. We will also read a good and bad habits list and healthy lifestyle tips. Included are examples of healthy habits and ways to promote healthy habits forms. There are sets of 10 good habits to include in anyone’s healthy habits list.

A start to any healthy habits list is focused on behaviors to change.  Repeated behaviors become habits. Only good behavior should go on the healthy habits list.

How to Quit Bad Habits

The first step in developing good health habits is to quit bad habits. You should determine the types of behavior changes desired.  Health behaviors to change lead to a list of bad habits and behaviors to stop. Following is a list of bad habits and behaviors that turn into a list of common bad habits if not stopped.

Top 20 Unhealthy Habits

  1. Smoking
  2. Drinking alcohol in excess
  3. Using illegal drugs
  4. Not drinking enough water
  5. Using prescription drugs incorrectly
  6. Skipping meals
  7. Eating too many meals out
  8. Eating too many simple carbohydrates
  9. Eating too few vegetables and fruits
  10. Not using a seat belt
  11. Sitting long hours at a computer
  12. Using poor posture
  13. Carrying heavy bags
  14. Wearing poorly fitted shoes
  15. Not wearing protective sunglasses
  16. Going without sunscreen
  17. Not washing hands thoroughly when leaving a restroom
  18. Failing to brush and floss teeth daily
  19. Sleeping too few hours
  20. Not seeing a doctor regularly

How to Start Good Habits

Now it is time to start your healthy habits list.  Giving up a bad habit is often the same as starting a good habit. What are some healthy habits to put on your healthy habits list?

Healthy Habits List

In developing your list of healthy habits, first, keep track of your healthy behaviors. Repeated behaviors become habits. Your list of healthy behaviors directs your healthy habits list.

Also, keep track of your unhealthy behaviors. This becomes your list of health behavior changes. Examples of health behaviors might include choosing diet soda over regular soda. But perhaps you do not do this enough for it to be yet on the list of healthy lifestyle habits. Always drinking diet soda can be on your top 10 healthy behaviors you would like to turn into your list of healthy lifestyle habits. Types of health behaviors can cover all aspects of life.

Top 10 Healthy Behaviors to Turn into Top 10 Healthy Habits

  1. Flossing teeth
  2. Changing contacts regularly
  3. Eating a real breakfast with protein and fruit
  4. Wearing seatbelts
  5. Sitting in chairs with back support
  6. Exercising for twenty minutes daily
  7. Cooking a healthy dinner
  8. Relaxing for half an hour daily
  9. Exfoliating skin
  10. Sleeping at least six hours

This list can be expanded into a top 20 healthy habits list.

Top 20 Healthy Habits

  1. Flossing teeth
  2. Changing contacts regularly
  3. Eating a real breakfast with protein and fruit
  4. Wearing seatbelts
  5. Sitting in chairs with back support
  6. Exercising for twenty minutes
  7. Cooking a healthy dinner
  8. Relaxing for half an hour
  9. Exfoliating skin
  10. Sleeping at least six hours
  11. Avoiding toxic people who cause conflict
  12. Listening to music
  13. Reading for pleasure
  14. Doing one activity daily for enjoyment
  15. Telling loved ones they are appreciated
  16. Caring for pets
  17. Engaging in positive self-talk
  18. Taking some alone time
  19. Taking some time with friends
  20. Standing up for your rights

You can adapt this list for your personal healthy habits list.

How to Form Habits

Once you decide on your healthy habits list, you might wonder how to make something a habit. Some people say that it takes 21 days to change a habit. How to develop a habit is a matter of repetition. How to build habits first involves remembering the behavior. Then you must repeat the behavior until it becomes a healthy habit that comes automatically. Then it can go on your healthy habits list.

Daily Habits Checklist

Healthy lifestyle habits go beyond your personal healthy habits list. Healthy lifestyle habits also extend to your family. Your good and bad habits affect your family. This is especially true for good food habits. A list of healthy eating habits for families is especially important.

Healthy Eating Habits for Families

Below are 10 healthy eating habits for families that should be on your healthy habits list.

  1. Share meals.
  2. Sit down to meals.
  3. Cook meals together.
  4. Keep the refrigerator stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables.
  5. Don’t keep candy and chips in the house.
  6. Make breakfast for your children.
  7. Pack a lunch for your children.
  8. Include a protein in breakfast and lunch.
  9. Avoid fast food restaurants.
  10. Eat at home.

These 10 healthy eating tips help model healthy eating habits for your children. Expensive healthy habit “health foods” are not necessary. In addition, trips to healthy habit vitamin stores are also unnecessary. A balanced diet of protein, grain, fruits, and vegetables does not require healthy habits supplements to be on your healthy habits list.

Healthy habits for kids are as important as for adults. Good habits for children include the physical, mental, and social. Providing good health tips for kids is important. In childhood, lifelong habits form. Healthy habits for kids’ lessons should be taught at school and at home. Even healthy habits worksheets for kindergarten are helpful. Children should have their own healthy habits list.

10 Healthy Habits for Children

Good habits for kids will include habits for physical and mental health. They will also include good habits for students.

10 Good Habits for Kids

  1. Get nine or ten hours of sleep every night.
  2. Play outside or exercise every day.
  3. Eat three meals a day.
  4. Read every day.
  5. Do homework every day. Don’t fall behind.
  6. Talk with friends every day.
  7. Communicate with parents and teachers every day.
  8. Avoid bullies. Report bullying.
  9. Help with chores around the house every day.
  10. Be kind to siblings.

Even children need a healthy habits list.

Heart and Habit

Women are caregivers in their families. Women often forget to take care of themselves. Women along with men suffer from heart disease. Knowing healthy heart tips for women is important for women and the families that depend on them. Following is a healthy heart habits checklist for any woman’s healthy habits list.

Heart Healthy Habits Checklist

  1. Quit smoking
  2. Limit alcohol intake
  3. Exercise every day for thirty minutes
  4. Get annual physicals
  5. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains
  6. Avoid unhealthy animal fats
  7. Eat more fish
  8. Eat dark chocolate
  9. Avoid salt and high-sodium foods
  10. Develop a network of supportive friends

10 Good Work Habits

We spend much of our life at work. Effective work habits are critical to success on the job. Successful work habits can make the difference between professional success and failure. A list of work habits is important. Following find the list of good work habits that also belong on a healthy habits list.

10 Positive Work Habits

  1. Be on time.
  2. Come prepared to work.
  3. Don’t take excessive breaks.
  4. Communicate with peers and supervisors effectively.
  5. Ask where your supervisor most needs help
  6. Form relationships with peers. Offer to help.
  7. Control your temper and emotions.
  8. Own up to mistakes.
  9. Follow through on promises.
  10. Take on leadership roles.

10 Habits of Successful People

Finally, daily habits of highly successful people give insight into life choices. Following are the daily habits of millionaires and other highly successful people.

  1. Look for solutions to problems
  2. Seek out opportunities for success
  3. Avoid complaining
  4. Avoid blaming
  5. Keep Productive
  6. Seek out other success-oriented people
  7. Visualize what you want
  8. Keep learning
  9. Take calculated risks
  10. Keep proactive

Healthy Habits for Life

Habits affect all aspects of your life. A healthy habits list is a powerful tool. Change your habits, change your life. Everyone needs a healthy habits list.

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