Cross-legged Sitter’s Dream: A Pipersong Meditation Chair Review

Pipersong Meditation Chair Review

The significant rise in home office and online classes over the past few years, so far, has become a canon event in modern life. With it, most of us face the challenge of sitting still in an office desk chair for extensive hour ranges.

Being stuck in a seat can be harsh, mainly if you’re in a single position the entire time. I spend much more time than I wish figuring out how to lay my legs in a different way in the limited space of my desk chair.

But imagine my surprise when I heard about the Pipersong Meditation Chair. A unique armless office chair thought specifically to give you enough room for your limbs and motion.

So, I decided to give it a try and I just bought this chair that I’ve been using for the past month. And I have some interesting conclusions about it.

What is a Pipersong Meditation Chair?

Experience Comfort and Serenity

The pipersong meditation chair is an ergonomic office chair thought especially to support unconventional sitting positions without compromising posture’s health.

As the name suggests, this chair was invented to be suitable for meditation and mindfulness. However, it has such a high value as a home office desk chair due to its versatility and comfort.

Featuring a unique design that promotes not only a lumbar support to alleviate aches, it includes a seating outlet that promotes constant movement and stimulation of your body.

Designed for Cross-Legged Sitting

Cross-Legged Sitting

The most distinguished and standout feature of this revolutionary chair is its footstool, which easily accommodates cross-legged sitting — unlike the limited space of conventional dining chairs.

Furthermore, its 120-degree complete lumbar support aids the natural curvature of the spine, allowing for a more relaxed and centered posture.

Ergonomic Features for Lumbar Support

Lumbar Support

The main thought behind its creation was human anatomy and habits. The major reason for its adjustable lower back support is to alleviate pressure on the area normally caused by a regular sitting position.

The long period of lumbar tension of a normal chair raises the risk of pain or injuries, such as lordosis or hernia. Having a proper surface that relieves the column is a long-term investment that will spare you a headache for the elderly. 

Ideal for Home Office, Desk Work, and ADHD

Home Office, Desk Work, and ADHD

So, if you’re a fidgety sitter just like me, you’ve probably wanted an ADHD chair at some point. In this particular case, this chair has been amazing: tired of cross-legged or on knees? No worries, you can go for a squat. Want the support to be in front of you? Go on, just rotate it as you, please!

The exotic aesthetic allows sitting at a desk to not be stiff or boring; the extra thick seat cushion only adds to its advantages for working from home. The constant posture changing aligned with some stretching over time helps my muscles to not be harmed.

Why the Pipersong Meditation Chair is a Game-Changer

Pipersong Meditation Chair is a Game-Changer

For me, this chair changed all my daily work and study life. As someone with lordosis and ADHD struggles, this chair brought so much light to my days! Let me tell you.

Promotes Healthy Posture and Alignment

When working on a desk, the ideal is to have the computer the sight level height, adding this layout to your workspace will help you to avoid forcing posture, arms, and shoulders. Thankfully, this chair also has an adjustable height, fitting in a low or a high desk to avoid lumbar fatigue and bring alignment to the column.

Alleviates Back Pain and Discomfort

Equipped with a flexible seating outlet that promotes adaptation to different sitting positions, I ensure that sitting will no longer be painful for your back. And if you get tires on the backrest, you can simply rotate it and turn it into an arm support — another creative way to put it to use.

Encourages Focus and Concentration

The possibility of having a comfortable supportive nature makes the Pipersong Chair a perfect focus and concentration vessel. No wonder it is loved by meditation fanatics, the informality of it minimizes lots of distractions, prompting a sense of calm and clarity.

The Pipersong Meditation Chair in Action

Need an extra opinion to decide if you should or not buy this chair? No worries, I also needed it. And here is what I got from my research.

Testimonials from Satisfied Customers

Besides accessing the official website reviews, I also went for other suppliers’ customers. Mostly, the reviews show to be really positive, the main feature being praised is how easy it is to assemble and how nice it is to sit on it. The visual is not bad either, and is said to be elegant and modern.

The only complaint about it was the stiffness of the seat, which I quite agree with. But I also agree with the fact that the constant moving also relieves this unsettling sensation — so this doesn’t bother me that much.

Real-Life Examples of Improved Productivity

Some reviews related that the new purchase helped with focus when working sit for a long period.

Apparently, the chance of changing positions without impeding your work and compromising your comfort avoids the distraction of pain and so, making it easier to focus on your task and overall concentration for the completion of your duties.

Comparison with Traditional Office Chairs

Compared with ordinary chairs, the Pipersong Meditation Chair presents distinct advantages in its anatomy. It has 3 parts: the seat, the backrest with a lower back support, and the thick footstool, all adjustable and not fixed.

The space of those conventional office chairs is clearly smaller than the Pipersong. The thick layers of cushion on the parts, the outstanding and uncommon part is the crescent-shaped footstool designed to swivel around the seat, making it easier for you to sit cross-legged, kneel, squat, lean, or however suits you the best.

Choosing the Right Pipersong Meditation Chair

Pipersong Meditation Chair Guide

When selecting a Pipersong Chair, some factors might be considered in your order.

Chair with Wheels vs. Stool

One of the various alterations you can order with it is if you’d rather have wheels or stools on its base. Particularly, I find wheels much more practical in this case; this chair’s design versatility lies mainly in its mobility.

So, in order to preserve the main purpose of this furniture, I discarded the stool. However, if you feel like chair falls are too common in your place, you may choose something more stable. Unlikely you may think, it wouldn’t compromise that much of the original idea, it would most likely end up like a rocking knee chair posture chair — not so bad, I’d say.

Adjustable Features for Customized Comfort

Want adjustable back support? Sure. What about a bigger footstool? Just ask for it. Want a different cushion format? Of course!

No matter if you’re buying the regular or pro version of this furniture, you have the option to choose the features you’d like. When I say this chair is meant for your comfort, it is because you can absolutely choose every single feature on the purchase.

Size and Height Considerations

I must admit, this chair is a little too big for small rooms. If your office is the size of a matchbox, maybe the chair won’t be as suitable for you.

I am a 1.60 cm person, and for my height, the chair was really supportive and fitting. I’m not sure about taller people, for example, for a person of 1.90 cm, it might need some adjustments. Thankfully for this question, you can adjust all features on the purchase of it, so it won’t be a problem. Just make sure to order a measurement that will provide the proper support and stability.

The Benefits of Cross-Legged Sitting

Benefits of Cross-Legged Sitting

A classic that never dies! From our childhoods to our adult lives, sitting cross-legged is a habit, but also feels the best. But is it really that beneficial?

Improved Circulation and Flexibility

Have you ever done some stretching before exercising? At the gym, we tend to do mobility stretches, many of them involving bending our limbs. 

This position specifically not only feels good to be in, but it also improves the flexibility of your hips and knees. Having good mobility is essential for our overall health. Many problems in the elderly age are the facility of injuring yourself due to weak joints and mobility.

Enriching your mobility so soon in life will prevent a poor senior life. Besides, having your leg in constant movement through the change of positions will keep your circulation active, reducing the stiffness of your legs. 

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Considering that this position is related to a relaxing and uninhibited moment, bringing it to your studies or workplace can provide you a less stressful feeling. Reducing anxiety while doing your chores is fundamental to having your head in place, so you can make better decisions and enhance the focus on your activities.

It may seem a small change of pace, but adding the crisscross applesauce position to your routine adds up much more than a good posture in your life quality.

Enhanced Mindfulness and Meditation Practice

Considering that this is a position originally used in yoga and meditation practices, a chair that allows you to sit cross legged could possibly bring you a certain level of focus and mindfulness.

Its comfortability ensures further relaxation and back pain alleviation — which, for me, could easily be a synonym of inner peace.

Investing in Your Well-Being

Investing in Your Well-Being

When we see such high prices, it scares us mainly when we think about how we can regret our decisions — after all, we don’t want to spend high amounts on poor decisions.

However, instead of facing it only on the money you’re spending, let’s take a look at the health you’re investing in.

Cost Breakdown and Value for Money

The initial investment is quite scary, I must admit. However, thinking about it in the long term, it all pays off through my improved productivity and complete lumbar support. I know it may sound sketchy to buy a product with a price so outstanding, however, the chair reviews convinced me and now I cannot imagine my life without it.

Long-Term Health Benefits and Cost Savings

In order to live a longer life, you must prioritize your well-being today. Understanding that good posture provides not only back pain relief, but also avoids bigger problems such as lordosis or even hernia is the first step to investing in yourself.

And if it is not reason enough, remember that medical expenses are not the cheapest ones — being healthy can save you a lot of money and future headaches.

Pipersong Meditation Chair as a Worthwhile Investment

Honestly, is there any better investment than yourself? A better focus, a great posture, comfort, and adaptability… no matter for workspace or meditation, this chair was the ultimate choice for my productivity and well-being.

Where to Buy and Setup Guidance

Authorized Retailers and Online Availability

To buy it, you can choose either from the official Pipersong website or even look through Amazon, Ikea and other retailers. The Online platforms may also offer competitive pricing and convenient delivery options depending on where you live.

Simple Assembly and Setup Instructions

When I first saw the package, I thought it would be a true nightmare to put together. To my surprise, it was way simpler than it seemed.

The instructions were easy to follow, illustrated and quite intuitive. All things I needed were included in the packaging and it took me about fifteen minutes to put everything together — and, as a not so handy person, it was fast and entertaining.

Customization Options and Accessories

On the official Pipersong Chair website, you can find plenty of options that are just right for you. From color to lumbar support and adjustable stool, even the weight capacity, you can change anything as you please to perfectly meet your expectations.

Besides, you can get other features to make sure you’ll preserve the chair, enhancing its lifespan — such as a slipcover.

Is sitting crossed-legged at the desk good for you? 

Well, the big truth is that if it’s good or not, it depends on yourself.

Not only this position is more comfortable than a regular one; but it can also help with posture, since it obligates you to sit in a more upright position, alleviating the back pressure — mainly in the lumbar.

Besides, sitting crossed legs can improve your hips and knees flexibility. This positive impact on your overall mobility is beneficial since better day-to-day movement can also prevent injuries, mainly when you become older.

Another advantage already discussed here is the focus it brings. This is a posture borrowed from yoga and meditation practices, so it is mainly related to mindfulness and relaxation. Being allowed to work like this can bring another level of focus to your day.

Despite all its benefits, sitting with crossed legs can bring some complications for people who already have some articulation problems. Staying for long periods sitting still like this can cause nerve compression and poor circulation, they can also become quite stiff, achy, and, in worse cases, swollen.

The ideal, then, would be to move positions from time to time. But this chair is interesting because you can move as much as you need so that you won’t have the problem of comfort.

Is the Pipersong chair worth its hefty price point?

At first sight, it looked like a bad idea, the chair looked flimsy and cheap in the pictures. However, on a second glaze, I started thinking it was kinda cute and pretty handy for my needs. And by the end of my trial, I was absolutely in love with the pipersong chair!

The material is so easy to clean, the color blends so well with the atmosphere of my room, and the best part: I can sit however I want with it, no need to stay still — which I usually struggle with in gaming chairs, for example.

The back support sometimes gets me a little unsettled in some positions, but I just need to change again so it does not bother me anymore.

Since I spend many hours of my day sitting in front of my computer, for me it’s important to invest in my back health and long-term comfort. Even though I was hesitant at first to pay the high price of this chair, I have no regrets about investing in it. Definitely is one of my best purchases of the year!

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Expert Advice and Tips for Optimal Use

If you find yourself struggling with arm and shoulder pain even with the chair, try to use a file and file inside the leg tube, it will enhance your experience.

Pipersong Meditation Chair Community and Support

You can find a huge community on TikTok and Amazon for you to get rid of any further doubts and find testimonials.

How much is the Pipersong chair? 

On the official website, the regular price is US$349.00.

How do you sit in a Pipersong meditation chair?

You have many sitting options besides the classic crossed-legs. Here are some illustrative tips for you:

Are you a cross-legged sitter, too?

A better alternative than sitting in bed to work is to get a chair that fits your sitting needs.

Do you feel bored sitting in a fixed position and always try to squeeze your legs into the limited space of those conventional office chairs? 

I used to do so! But not anymore with the pipersong meditation chair, my legs have room to crisscross applesauce and much more!

Is the Pipersong chair worth its hefty price point?

If you spend long hours on a desk and suffer from lower back pain, struggle with staying still in the same position or are looking for a more comfortable and ergonomic chair option for you, surely it is worth the money.

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